Unit 1. Greetings.
1. 1. Hello! Hi! I am.....
2. 2. What is your name? Numbers 1-5.
3. 3. I am 7. Numbers 6-10.
4. 4. Meet my friend. How old are you.
Unit 2. My family.
5. 1. My family. This is my......
6. 2. My family. Her,his.
7. 3. My friend' s family.
8. 4. My friend's family.Polite words.
9. 5. Revision. Test.Verb to be.
Unit 3. School things.
10. 1. School things.What is this?
11. 2. School things. N.L.U.
12. 3. Our classroom.
13. 4. At school.Orders.
Unit 4. Colours.
14. 1. Colours. It is my favourite colour.
15. 2. Shapes.
16. 3. Revision. Test.
Unit 5. Toys.
17. 1. Toys. Letter Aa..
18. 2. Toys.Letters Bb.Cc.
19. 3. My favourite toy.Letters Dd.Ee.
20. 4. Let us play. Letters Ff.Gg.
Unit 6. Animals.
21. 1. My pet.Letters Hh.Ii.
22. 2. I don t have a pet. Letters Jj.Kk.
23. 3. Farm and wild animals. Letter Ll.
24. 4. At the Zoo.Modal verb''can''.Letter Mm.
25. 5. Revision.Test.
Unit 7. Things around us.
26. 1. Furniture.Letters Nn.Oo.
27. 2. In.On.Under.Letters Pp.Qq.
28. 3. Where is the box?Letters Rr.Ss.
29. 4. Eleven plates.Twelve spoons.Letters Tt.Uu.
Unit 8.Clothers.
30. 1. My clothes.Letters Vv.Ww.
31. 2. Clothes.Letters Xx.Yy.Zz.
32. 3. Kazakh clothes.
33. 4. Hello summer! Progress test.Songs.
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