План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 «А» классе
по теме
«Один дома»
«Home alone »
To develop Ss' speaking skills;
To revise new words;
To develop Ss' socio-cultural awareness;
To develop Ss' attention;
To teach home safety.
Lesson brief
Good afternoon boys and girls! I am glad to see you!
1) Who is on duty today?
2) Who is absent today?
3) What date is it today?
Our topic for today is «Home alone». Do you know this boy? Where did you see him? Why is he famous?
Ok. We will speak about different situations which can help you if you have an accident. Now I want you to watch an episode. And tell me what information we must know in different situations (video episode).
There are 3 things you must know:
The police number.
Your address and home number.
Where your parents are and how to contact them.
Slide № 2
Have you got your own ideas?
2. Vocabulary
From the episode we learnt that some household things could help us in difficult situations. What household things and duties do you know? (slides 3-28)
Look at the slide № 29. Let's pronounce these worlds. Now work in 2 groups. 1 group choose safe things, 2 – dangerous things (slide 30). Apposition № 1
3.A rest
Ex. 3b, p 128. Look at the pictures and answer girl's and boy's questions.
Now listen. Are your ideas correct? Apposition № 2
Your home task was to make up your own stories. Have you ever had an accident at home? What happened?
Apposition № 3
H/t Ex. 4a, p 123, ex. 3a,b, p 125.
Apposition № 1
Is it safe or dangerous to do these things?
to stay at school after lessons
to go out alone when it‘s dark
to do homework
to open the door to people you don‘t know
to talk on the phone
to give a sweet to your friends
to take sweets from people in the street
to help your mum do the washing up
to use a machine that you don‘t know how to use
Is it safe or dangerous to do these things?
to stay at school after lessons
to go out alone when it‘s dark
to do homework
to open the door to people you don‘t know
to talk on the phone
to give a sweet to your friends
to take sweets from people in the street
to help your mum do the washing up
to use a machine that you don‘t know how to use
Apposition № 2
Tapescript for ex. 3b
Never tell anyone you are home alone, even if your parents will be right back. Always say your parents are busy and can't come to the phone right now. This is not a lie. Never give a stranger information over the phone. Tell them you will take a message and have your parents call them back when they are free. You should always answer the phone because it may be your parents calling to see that everything is all right.
Tapescript for ex. 3c
Do not answer the door to anybody if you are alone. If somebody tries to break into your house or flat call the police. Ask the policemen for a document before you open the door. Always keep the door locked even when you are not alone. If it is somebody you don't know, let your parents open the door.
Apposition № 3
To know the police phone number.
To tell a stranger all information about you.
To know your address and phone number.
To take sweets from people in the street.
To open the door to people you don't know.
To give a book to your friend.
To know your parents phone number.