Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Разное  /  4 класс  /  Грамматические упражнения для 4 класса по теме "Past Simple"

Грамматические упражнения для 4 класса по теме "Past Simple"

Данные упражнения направлены на отработку правила Past Simple

Содержимое разработки

Упражнения по теме Past Simple.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple.

1. They (go) to the park yesterday.

2. I (work) in the garden last summer.

3. He (come) home late yesterday.

4. She (visit) her grandmother last Sunday.

5. We (have) two cats.

6. They (play) computer games.

Упражнение 2. К каждому предложению подберите подходящий по смыслу глагол из рамки и запишите его в Past Simple.

Buy do make play read swim

1. He __________ a new computer yesterday.

2. Mary _________ in the river last summer.

3. My sister _______ her homework.

4. We _______ a snowman last winter.

5. The boy _________ a book.

6. My friend and I ______ football.

Упражнение 3. Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме.

1. He liked the present.

2. They met her at school.

3. My brother cleaned his room.

4. She skated in the park last winter.

5. We had lunch at school.

6. My friend watched TV yesterday.

Упражнение 4. Перепишите текст в прошедшем времени.

When Ann and Kate (be) in London, they (visit) a lot of wonderful places. They (see) the British Museum. They (go) to the London Museum and London Zoo. They (walk) in Hyde Park. Then they (take) the famous London Underground and (get) to Trafalgar Square. Ann and Kate (buy) some souvenirs for their family and friends. They (make) a tour of London on a red double-decker bus. The children (love) London very much. They (take) a lot of pictures and (show) them to their parents.

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.

1. I (like) ice cream very much.

2. Last summer Bob (travel) a lot.

3. Ben (visit) his granny 2 days ago.

4. I usually (have) sandwiches and a cup of tea for breakfast.

5. My holidays were interesting. In June I (go) to the sea side.

6. Our new teacher (speak) English very well.

7. I (clean) my room every day.

8. Mike often (watch) TV in the evenings.

9. I always (do) my homework in the evening, but yesterday I (do) my homework in the afternoon.

10. Last year we (go) to Kazan.

11. They usually (meet) him in the park.

12. I usually (have) 5 lessons, but yesterday I (have) 4 lessons.


Упражнение 1.

1. They went to the park yesterday.

2. I worked in the garden last summer.

3. He came home late yesterday.

4. She visited her grandmother last Sunday.

5. We had two cats.

6. They played computer games.

Упражнение 2.

1. He played a new computer yesterday.

2. Mary swam in the river last summer.

3. My sister did her homework.

4. We made a snowman last winter.

5. The boy read a book.

6. My friend and I play football.

Упражнение 3.

1. He didn’t like the present.

2. They didn’t meet her at school.

3. My brother didn’t clean his room.

4. She didn’t skate in the park last winter.

5. We didn’t have lunch at school.

6. My friend didn’t watch TV yesterday.

Упражнение 4.

When Ann and Kate were in London, they visited a lot of wonderful places. They saw the British Museum. They went to the London Museum and London Zoo. They walked in Hyde Park. Then they took the famous London Underground and got to Trafalgar Square. Ann and Kate bought some souvenirs for their family and friends. They made a tour of London on a red double-decker bus. The children loved London very much. They took a lot of pictures and showed them to their parents.

Упражнение 5.

1. I like ice cream very much.

2. Last summer Bob travelled a lot.

3. Ben visited his granny 2 days ago.

4. I usually have sandwiches and a cup of tea for breakfast.

5. My holidays were interesting. In June I went to the sea side.

6. Our new teacher speaks English very well.

7. I clean my room every day.

8. Mike often watches TV in the evenings.

9. I always do my homework in the evening, but yesterday I did my homework in the afternoon.

10. Last year we went to Kazan.

11. They usually meet him in the park.

12. I usually have 5 lessons, but yesterday I had 4 lessons.

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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