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Годовая контрольная работа по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса

Годовая контрольная работа для учащихся 9 класса.


Содержимое разработки



Специфика иностранного языка как школьного предмета состоит в том, что его изучение в значительной степени строится на формировании коммуникативной компетенции, т. е. способности и готовности осуществлять иноязычное межличностное и межкультурное общение с носителями языка. Являясь существенным элементом культуры народа – носителя данного языка и средством передачи ее другим, иностранный язык способствует формированию у школьников целостной картины мира. Владение иностранным языком повышает уровень гуманитарного образования школьников, способствует формированию личности и ее социальной адаптации к условиям постоянно меняющегося поликультурного, полиязычного мира. Иностранный язык расширяет лингвистический кругозор учащихся, способствует формированию культуры общения, содействует общему речевому развитию учащихся. В этом проявляется взаимодействие всех языковых учебных предметов, способствующих формированию основ филологического образования школьников.

Итоговая контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий, направленные на изучение сформированности языковых знаний и навыков в 9 классе.

Задание 1 ориентировано на проверку навыка поискового чтения, в процессе которого ученик начинает лучше ориентироваться в структуре и содержании текста, понимает часть информации, не прибегая к словарю. Тем самым полное понимание текстовой информации достигается быстрее и более эффективным способом – самостоятельно. Ученику необходимо прочитать текст и выбрать к вопросам 1-5 правильные варианты ответов.

В задании 2 проверяется знание лексических единиц языка по одной из тем, изучаемых в текущем учебном году. Для его выполнения необходимо прочитать письмо и дополнить предложения словами из таблицы. Лексика является одним из основных компонентов речевого общения и выступает в речи в тесной взаимосвязи с фонетикой и грамматикой.

При выполнении задания 3 учащиеся также должны продемонстрировать свои грамматические навыки (условные предложения; модальные, фразовые глаголы; страдательный залог). Школьникам предлагается 10 предложений с выбором ответов, которые они должны занести в таблицу.

Задание 4 содержит текст, в котором даны пропуски и учащиеся должны вставить слова, изменив их по смыслу. В упражнении раскрывается основной способ словообразования – аффиксация.

Для оценивания результатов выполнения работ учащимися наряду с традиционной отметкой «2», «3», «4» и «5» применяется и ещё один количественный показатель – общий балл, который формируется путём подсчета общего количества баллов, полученных учащимися за выполнение каждой части работы. Каждое задание промежуточной аттестации оценивается в 1 балл. Таким образом, за работу обучающийся может набрать максимальное количество баллов – 27. С помощью общего балла, расширяющего традиционную шкалу оценивания, во-первых, проводится более тонкая дифференциация подготовки по иностранному языку, во-вторых, отметка несёт больше информации, Общий балл нагляден, легко интерпретирует учителем, учеником, родителями. Итак, шкала перевода набранных баллов в отметку:

0-7 балла – «2»;

8-14 баллов – «3»;

15-22 баллов – «4»;

23-27 баллов – «5».

На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 40 минут.

Использованные материалы:

Примерные программы по учебным предметам. Иностранный язык. 5-9 классы.- 2-е изд.- М.: Просвещение, 2010.- 144 с.- (Стандарты второго поколения).

Авторская программа (Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.) курса английского языка к УМК «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2-11х классов общеобразовательных учреждений. - Обнинск: Титул, 2008. – 56с.

Биболетова, М.З., Трубанева, Н.Н. Enjoy English: Учебник английского языка для 9 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. - Обнинск: Титул, 2010. – 240с, ил.

Контрольно-измерительные материалы. Английский язык. 9 класса / Сост. Е.В.Сахаров.-М.: ВАКО, 2013.- 64с.

Гудкова, Л.М. Тематические тесты по английскому языку.- М.: АСТ: Астрель; Владимир: ВКТ, 2011.- 142 с. (новый учебно-методический комплект).

Голицинский, Ю.Б. Грамматика. Английский язык.- СПб.: КАРО, 2008.- 544 с.

Логинов, В.В. Тесты по английскому языку. 5 – 11 кл.- М.: «Изд-во «Олимп», «Изд-во АСТ», 2001.- 336 с.

Образовательные электронные ресурсы:



http://ege.edu.ru Портал информационной поддержки ЕГЭ

http://www.9151394.ru/ - Информационные и коммуникационные технологии в обучении

http://som.fio.ru/ - сетевое объединение методистов

http://www.ug.ru/ -«Учительская газета»

http://www.school.edu.ru/ -Российский образовательный портал

http://schools.techno.ru/ - образовательный сервер «Школы в Интернет»

http://www.1september.ru/ru/ - газета «Первое сентября»

Аттестационная работа по английскому языку ученика(цы)_9_класса

Фамилия ___________________________Имя _________________ Time: 40 minutes

Вариант 1.

Task 1 Read the text. For questions 1 -5 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Прочитайте текст и выберите к вопросам 1-5 правильные варианты ответов. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

The best picture

When Sebastian was a boy at school, his favourite lesson was art, and he won several prizes for it. Once he left school, he got a position as a clerk in a bank, but three times a week he went to evening classes in art, and whenever he had time at the weekends, he painted.

He painted in a very modern manner – mysterious objects and shapes, women with three pink eyes, large blank areas, and so on.

After a few months he thought, “Perhaps I call sell some of my pictures and get enough money to afford to leave the bank and became a real artist. Then I can travel around as much as I like, and go to foreign museums, and see other artists ‘paintings, and study in other countries when I feel like it. Though I try to make the best of the job and I don’t regard the work as difficult – at least not at present – I don’t like life in a bank. I only enjoy painting”.

In the bank, Sebastian sometimes had to deal with a man who owned a picture shop, and after he had had a few conversations with him, Sebastian invited him to his home one evening to see some of his works. “Then perhaps you could tell me whether I can really be a good artist and get some money from my painting,” Sebastian said hopefully.

The man said he was prepared to come and see what he thought of Sebastian’ work, so he arrived one evening at Sebastian’s home. Sebastian took the man to his studio and started to show him some of his pictures, with some pride and hope.

The man looked at them one after the other while Sebastian watched his face, but to Sebastian’s disappointment the man did not say anything, and his expression did not change at any of them either.

Then, when he had finished, he looked around, and his glance fell on something else. A happy look came over his face for the first time, and he said, “Now I like this one very much! It’s so full of deep feeling! I’m sure I could sell this one for you.

“That,”said Sebastian, “is the place where I clean the paint off my brushes”.

1. After leaving school Sebastian

a) won several prizes.

b) went to bank three times a week.

c) tried to earn as much money as he could.

d) tried to spend as much time as he could painting.

2. Sebastian’s dream was to

a) live the life he wanted.

b) visit museums.

c) earn a lot of money.

d) work in the bank.

3. Sebastian decided to invite the owner of the picture shop because

a) he wanted to own a picture shop too.

b) he wanted to have a conversation with him.

c) he wanted to sell him some pictures.

d) he wanted to see some of his pictures.

4. Sebastian was disappointed because

a) the man was too proud to speak.

b) the man didn’t seem to like the pictures.

c) the man didn’t want to buy his pictures.

d) the man didn’t want to sell his pictures.

5. The thing the man liked most of all was

a) a picture which someone else had sold to Sebastian.

b) the place where he was happy.

c) the place where Sebastian kept his brushes.

d)the place where Sebastian cleaned his brushes.






Task 2 Read the letter. Complete the sentences with the following linking words.

Прочитайте письмо. Дополните предложения словами из таблицы. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Argue resolve share fair argument get on

18 May 2015

Dear Editor,

My son Tom, 7, and Chris, 15, often have fights. They don’t (1)_______ with each other. They often (2)__________ about things because they refuse to share them. For example, we have only one TV set, and they can never (3)_______ it. The day before yesterday, Tom’s favourite film was on TV, but Chris wanted to see the World Cup. So they had a fight again. My husband and I had an (4)_______ about this conflict. I said that Tom had the right to watch TV because he was younger than Chris. But my husband said it was not (5)__________ . Which of us is right? We want our sons to be good friends and to (6)_________ their conflict peacefully.


Ann Smith







Task 3 Choose the right option and fill in the gaps.

Выберите правильный вариант и заполните пропуски.

1If I am not too busy, I … to the concert. a) go b) will go c) to go

2. If we were in America, we … to see Washington. a) will go b) go c) would go

3. If they … his address, they would write him a letter. a) knew b) know c) would know

4. If he …………. hard, he would have achieved great progress. a) works b) worked c) had worked

5. If I …………. a princess, I would live in a palace. a) be b) was c) were

6. Weather in England ……………. very quickly. a) cans change b) can change c) can to change
7. They don’t get ……..with each other. a) along b) down c) off

8. She is still trying to get ……. her cold. a) away b) together c) over

9. The girl put ……. her black velvet dress. a) up b) on c) dawn

10. English is an easy language to study, it ……….. by more than 450 million people all over the

world. a) was spoken b) speaks c) is spoken











Task 4 Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct form of the words.

Заполните пропуски, изменяя слова по смыслу.

We live in the era of 1________________ advances in “self-care”.


What you need is new information. There is so much you can learn to have a 2________________ life. Then you can fulfill your needs in health easily and routinely as part of your normal way of life.


It is more and more obvious that 3________________ kinds of treatment and cures in the world cannot bring lasting health if you are not willing to live an existence without diseases.


Years of physical damage – smoking, drinking, overeating, the wrong food, lack of rest or exercise – can only interfere with good health. Emotional instability is also incompatible with good health. And when the result is ill health, drugs are only 4________________ aids.


To repair the damage of disease, or more to the point, to prevent it, you must live more 5________________


It is possible that you know this already. But you must also know how to use that instinctive 6________________






































Аттестационная работа по английскому языку ученика(цы)_9_класса

Фамилия ____________________________Имя ____________________ Time: 40 minutes

Вариант 2.

Task 1 Read the conversation and choose the correct sentence A, B or C.

Прочитайте разговор и выберите правильные предложения. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

- Allan! Here you are at last. I’ve been worried. Why are you so late? Was the flight delayed? Did you have to wait at Heathrow Airport for the next flight?

- Oh, no. I got to the airport on time – actually, an hour and a half before the flight. I got my boarding pass, got through customs and we took off on time. It was a little bit windy and snowy when we were approaching the airport, but we were in Moscow at 5p.m., just according to the timetable.

- What went wrong then? Why are you two hours late? It took you two hours more than usual to get from the airport.

- Yes, because after I collected my luggage from the baggage reclaim, I realized on my way here, …

- That you had forgotten something at the airport?

- No, I realized my suitcase seemed too light.

- Well?

- So, I asked the driver to stop, got the suitcase and opened it.

- And what?

- It wasn't mine. It had somebody else's things in it. But the suitcase itself looked absolutely like mine – the same model, color and size.

- Hadn’t you labeled your suitcase before the flight?

- No, I never put any labels on my things. ... So, I rushed back to the airport, and fortunately, the person who had taken my suitcase had opened it on his way home, too.

- How did you manage to find him?

- I was clever enough to go to the information desk and ask the person there to make an announcement. – The man came to the desk in a couple of minutes and we exchanged suitcase.

- How do you feel about labeling your luggage now?

- Well, I confess that I was wrong, and next time I'll stick a label with my contacts to every tiny piece of luggage.

a) Allan was at Heathrow Airport on time and the plane took off on time. 
b) Allan was at Heathrow Airport on time but the flight was delayed. 
c) Allan was at Heathrow Airport on time, but he had some problems getting through customs and had to wait for the next flight. 

a) Allan forgot his suitcase somewhere in the airport in Moscow. 
b) Allan was late because it took him two hours to collect his luggage from the baggage reclaim. 
c) Allan took someone else's suitcase and had to go back to the airport. 

a) The suitcases were confused because they were very much alike and didn't have any labels. 
b) The suitcases were confused despite the fact that they were different colours. 
c) The suitcases were confused despite the fact that they had labels with their owners' contact information. 

a) Allan didn't manage to find his suitcase because he didn't know how to contact the person who had taken it. 
b) Allan was lucky to get his suitcase back since the person who had taken it returned to the airport. 
c) Allan returned to the airport and managed to find his suitcase at the baggage reclaim. 

a) Allan had forgotten to label his suitcase before going to the airport. 
b) Allan said that he had never stuck any labels on his luggage and was not going to. 
c) Allan had never labeled his luggage before but promised to do it in the future.






Task 2 Read the letter. Complete the sentences with the following linking words.

Прочитайте письмо. Дополните предложения словами из таблицы. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Argue resolve share fair argument get on

18 May 2015

Dear Editor,

My son Tom, 7, and Chris, 15, often have fights. They don’t (1)_______ with each other. They often (2)__________ about things because they refuse to share them. For example, we have only one TV set, and they can never (3)_______ it. The day before yesterday, Tom’s favourite film was on TV, but Chris wanted to see the World Cup. So they had a fight again. My husband and I had an (4)_______ about this conflict. I said that Tom had the right to watch TV because he was younger than Chris. But my husband said it was not (5)__________ . Which of us is right? We want our sons to be good friends and to (6)_________ their conflict peacefully.


Ann Smith







Task 3 Choose the right option and fill in the gaps.

Выберите правильный вариант и заполните пропуски.

1If we … his address, we would write him a letter. a) knew b) know c) would know

2. If they were in America, they … to see Washington. a) will go b) go c) would go

3. If I am not too busy, I … to the concert. a) go b) will go c) to go

4. If she …………. hard, she would have achieved great progress. a) works b) worked c) had worked

5. If I …………. a princess, I would live in a palace. a) be b) was c) were

6. They …………… to finish this work next week. a) will can b) will be able to c) can

7. English is an easy language to study, it ……….. by more than 450 million people all over the

world. a) was spoken b) speaks c) is spoken

8. He is still trying to get ……. his cold. a) away b) together c) over

9. The girl put ……. her black velvet dress. a) up b) on c) dawn

10. They don’t get ……..with each other. a) along b) down c) off











Task 4 Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct form of the words.

Заполните пропуски, изменяя слова по смыслу.

Jessie sat down in front of the TV, took the remote

control and started switching from channel to channel. No, she

didn’t want to watch the talk show about boys and

girls’ 1_______________.


She skipped the musical show for teenagers too – she

didn’t find it 2_______________ at all.


For a few minutes she watched the news programme

about a strike in Italy – a young bus 3 _______________ was

speaking about the Trade Union demands.


Then she switched to the Discovery Channel. Some

scientists were talking about 4_______________ disasters there.


Jessie fell asleep in her 5_______________ armchair

somewhere between the Fashion Channel and the Educational



She can already speak Italian 6__________________.



Вариант 1


1d 2a 3c 4b 5d


1 get on

2 argue

3 share

4 argument

5 fair

6 resolve


1b 2c 3a 4c 5c 6b 7a 8c 9b 10c


1. important

2. healthy

3. different

4. additional

5. careful

6. knowledge

Вариант 2.



1 get on

2 argue

3 share

4 argument

5 fair

6 resolve


1a 2c 3b 4c 5c 6b 7c 8c 9b 10a








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Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

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