
Genres of movies

Revision lesson about movies includes some grammar material.


Содержимое разработки

Lesson: Revision Theme of the lesson: Revision Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 7.C3 respect different points of view 7.L2 understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics 7.S5 keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organize priorities and plans for

Lesson: Revision

Theme of the lesson: Revision

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.C3 respect different points of view

7.L2 understand with little support most specific information in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction with peers to negotiate, agree and organize priorities and plans for

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to: Understand information about the films paying attention to the specific details with support; Speak about the favourite films using the topical vocabulary with support. Most learners will be able to: Understand information about the films paying attention to the specific details with minimal support; Speak about the favourite films using the topical vocabulary with minimal support. Some learners will be able to: Understand information about the films paying attention to the specific details without support; Speak about the favorite films using the topical vocabulary without support.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand information about the films paying attention to the specific details with support;

Speak about the favourite films using the topical vocabulary with support.

Most learners will be able to:

Understand information about the films paying attention to the specific details with minimal support;

Speak about the favourite films using the topical vocabulary with minimal support.

Some learners will be able to:

Understand information about the films paying attention to the specific details without support;

Speak about the favorite films using the topical vocabulary without support.

Complete the dialogue:  - Hello!  - _____! How are you?  - ______. What a nice day, isn’t it?  -_______. What can you say about weather? It’s warm, sunny! By the way, What ____ today?  Today is the___________  - Ok, Let’s start our lesson.  - Ok, ___________. Good-luck!

Complete the dialogue:

- Hello!

- _____! How are you?

- ______. What a nice day, isn’t it?

-_______. What can you say about weather?

  • It’s warm, sunny! By the way, What ____ today?
  • Today is the___________

- Ok, Let’s start our lesson.

- Ok, ___________. Good-luck!

The boy whose name is Bolat is very interested in animals. He likes watching the animals. And there is a list of some unusual facts about animals, which he found. You must do the tasks with adjectives  (multiple choice)

The boy whose name is Bolat is very interested in animals. He likes watching the animals. And there is a list of some unusual facts about animals, which he found.

You must do the tasks with adjectives

(multiple choice)

 Scene:1 Ex:3 p 51 workbook Cat\light\lions Humans \intelligent\gorillas Blue whales\big\animals in the world Monkeys\heavy\spiders Tigers\dangerous\zebras Pandas\rare\animals


Ex:3 p 51 workbook

  • Cat\light\lions
  • Humans \intelligent\gorillas
  • Blue whales\big\animals in the world
  • Monkeys\heavy\spiders
  • Tigers\dangerous\zebras
  • Pandas\rare\animals
Bolat’s father knew about his interests. And he wanted to know his abilities: can,could To give him advise: should, shouldn’t To explain him his obligations: must You must do the tasks with modal verbs  ( translation)

Bolat’s father knew about his interests. And he wanted to know his abilities: can,could

To give him advise: should, shouldn’t

To explain him his obligations: must

You must do the tasks with modal verbs

( translation)

Scene: 2 Жануарларды қорғау керек. Көшеге қоқыс тастамауымыз тиіс  Жоғалу қаупіндегі жануарларды сақтауымыз керек. Әлемдегі ақылды ит 340 сөз түсіне алады екен 5. Құстарға ұя жасағанымыз дұрыс 6. Табиғатымызды бағалағанымыз дұрыс.

Scene: 2

  • Жануарларды қорғау керек.
  • Көшеге қоқыс тастамауымыз тиіс
  • Жоғалу қаупіндегі жануарларды сақтауымыз керек.
  • Әлемдегі ақылды ит 340 сөз түсіне алады екен

5. Құстарға ұя жасағанымыз дұрыс

6. Табиғатымызды бағалағанымыз дұрыс.

Then, one day Bolat got an opportunity to take part in competition, where he must describe the animals. And if he won he would get money, which he wants to give to the people who works with animals which are in danger. Match the antonyms, and describe the picture

Then, one day Bolat got an opportunity to take part in competition, where he must describe the animals. And if he won he would get money, which he wants to give to the people who works with animals which are in danger.

Match the antonyms, and describe the picture

 Scene: 3 Slow peaceful Domesticated intelligent Stupid wild Light rare Common heavy Aggressive fast

Scene: 3

Slow peaceful

Domesticated intelligent

Stupid wild

Light rare

Common heavy

Aggressive fast

Bolat won the competition and his father proud of him and decided to give him a present. Of course he gave him a pet.  (Listening, ex 6, p 76 sb)
  • Bolat won the competition and his father proud of him and decided to give him a present. Of course he gave him a pet.

(Listening, ex 6, p 76 sb)

Now we have shot the movie. Very good! Well done Now let’s make posters to our film in order to invite people to see our movie Work in groups, make posters, present it)
  • Now we have shot the movie.
  • Very good!
  • Well done
  • Now let’s make posters to our film in order to invite people to see our movie
  • Work in groups, make posters, present it)
Курсы повышения квалификации

Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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