Научный проект на тему:
«Fast food is harmful to our health»
Королевская И.В., учитель английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ №5 Надеждинского района»
Цель проекта : Обоснование вреда, наносимого фаст фудом здоровью человека. Пропаганда здорового питания.
1. Собрать материал по теме.
2. Освоить навыки поиска интересующих сведений через Интернет.
3. Взять интервью у врача и учащихся и узнать их отношение к употреблению фаст фуда.
4. Провести тестирование учащихся.
5. Проанализировать собранную информацию.
6. Оформить материал.
7. Представить результаты исследования.
What does the term “Fast Food” mean to you?
- Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. The term "fast food" was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam–Webster in 1951.
Fast food history
The history of fast food begins in Ancient Rome. In every
Roman city there were unique snack bazaars selling all sorts
of dishes. Hot bread, meat, peas, pastries, cakes of beef,
mixed with nuts, which were eaten with bread - the
prototype of the current hamburgers- were suggested there
Ancient fast food institution
Choice justification .
I chose this subject because a lot of my friends quite often buy potato chips, French fries, fish burgers, hamburgers, hotdogs and other products in stalls fast to satisfy hunger. But from parents and teachers we constantly hear that it is harmful. A healthy diet can reduce the risk of major chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and some cancers. I decided to understand the following questions:
- 1.What is really fast food?
- 2.Why do people like fast food?
- 3.Is it bad for our health?
- 4.How does influence of fast food on health of the person?
- 5.What is Food with Healthy Calories?
- 6. How can we calculate daily calories?
To eat or not to eat?
- Typical Fast Food meal includes hamburgers, French fries, hot dogs, sandwiches, noodles of fast preparation, chips, corn flakes, donuts, pizza, pop corn and Coca-Cola.
To drink or not to drink?
We visited Coca-Cola factory in Vladivostok, tasted this
popular drink, met Kilina Helen, a specialist of this factory. She told us about the history of Coca-Cola.
«The world famous fresh drink Coca-Cola first was an all-purpose medicine, made in 1886 by a druggist from Atlanta, who made a brown syrup by mixing coca leaves and cola nuts. The syrup wasn’t a success and then another druggist, Jacobs, had an idea of selling Coca-Cola as a soda fountain drink. He mixed the syrup with soda water. Soon everyone was going to soda fountains and asking for Coca-Cola. An immigrant from Ireland, Candler bought the recipe of the drink and having registered the company, became its father in 1892. In 1899 the first bottling factory was opened. The exact ingredients and the quantities are not known – the Coca-Cola Company keeps its recipe a secret»
Advantages of Fast Food
Zaitseva Catherine
«The most evident advantage of fast food is that it saves time.
If one lives alone, then it is cheaper to buy a meal at the
supermarket instead of cooking it at home. Also certain fast
foods like fries and burgers come pretty cheap»
Zhavoronkova Lera
«You can get fast food almost everywhere you go.
Also certain fast foods like fries and burgers come pretty cheap»
Look at the results.
Disadvantages of Fast Food
Ostanina Olesya
Such type of food is an important contributor to obesity»
«Usually, fast food is higher in soya, fat, sugar, oil, fried meat,
salt, cheese, mayonnaise and obviously calories.
«It is a fact that fast food is unhealthier than home-cooked meals, as it contains higher amounts of unwanted nutrients like salt and chemicals»
Panchuk Nastia
Temperance is the best physic. ≈ Умеренность - лучшее лекарство .
The results of our research showed that the respondents (43%) like and use Fast Food.
Health is not valued till sickness comes. Здоровье не ценится, пока болезнь не придет .
«Eating Fast Food is not a healthy habit. You should eat less Fast Food as it's not good for your health. If you continue eating Fast Food you could get fatter. Eating fatty and sugary foods causes brain chemical changes. This explains both the depression and the negative behavior cycle. By replacing fresh wholesome food with Fast Food, you do the following things to your body:
raise your blood pressure;
Baranova Helina, physician retard your metabolic rate;
weaken your immune system;
your blood sugar levels;
increase your fat storage;
weaken your immune system;
increase your chances of contracting arthritiс
and heart disease, cancer, a headache»
Calculating Daily Calorie Needs. Nutritionists offer a formula
Мen: 66 + (13.7 х weight) + (5 х height) – (6.8 х age);
Women: 655,1 + (9,6 *weight) + (1,85 * height) – (4,68 *age).
Foods with Healthy Calories
Food Item Number of Calories per Portion
- Apricots 17 (1 Apricot)
- Figs 38-46 (1 fig)
- Broccoli 25 (1 cup-chopped)
- Chinese Cabbage 20 (1 cup-chopped)
- Wheat germ 27 (1 tbsp.)
- Lentils 115 (½ cup-cooked)
- Salmon 127 (3 ounce portion-cooked)
- Crab 84 (3 ounce portion)
If you want to be healthy use the nutritionists’ recommendations:
- Cut back on the convenience foods - fast foods, microwave meals, and so on.
- Drink at least 2-3 liters of water in a day is recommended for everyone.
- Limit consumption of caffeine and drink decaffeinated or herbal teas instead.
- A combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fibers is necessary in the correct proportion.
- Minerals and vitamins should come from vegetables, fruits, legumes, pulses, grains, cereals and nuts.
- Saturated fatty acids should be replaced with unsaturated fatty acids.
- Calculate your daily calories using this formula.
- Use food with healthy calories.
Personally, I think that every man must think about his life,
make right decisions. The health of a person is the main
value in the life. There is no price for it. Being sick, you
cannot realize all your dreams and be successful in the
modern world.
- I say No to Fast Food!
- I say Yes to Healthy Food!
- I have calculated my daily calories.
- I drink 2 liters of water in a day.