Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Разное  /  6 класс  /  Do you know about the UK?

Do you know about the UK?

6 7 сыныптарға арналған сыныптан тыс жұмыс. оқушылардың білімін тесеруге арналғантапсырмалар


Содержимое разработки

"Do you know about the UK? "

The aims:

1. To check the knowledge of pupils of English language. To develop the abilities to speak English, creative abilities of pupils. To teach the pupils to be able to discuss, to find expression in any situation.

2. To teach the pupils to read the poems expressively, to be able to play the scenes with the emotions and also with good pronunciation.

3. To develop children’s memory, native country, love of arts, music and working.

4. To teach children to be attentive, kind and polite, to bring up feelings of friendship and respect for the English speaker countries.

5. To develop pupils’ interest for learning English language, to improve pronunciation skills and abilities;

The objectives of the lesson:

o Summarize the received knowledge about UK

o Broaden the horizons of the students, develop memory, attention.

o Development of creative abilities.

o Ability to work in a team (in groups).

o Development of all kinds of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking, writing).

The type: intellectual game

The equipments: computer, interactive board, illustrated pictures, video material, songs.

Greeting of the teams

- Good morning, children. At this competition lesson we are going to repeat everything we have learnt about UK and their culture and customs, work with words, grammar, and do different activities that you have prepared in groups for us.

Dear children!

Attention, please. If you want to take part in an exciting competition, show us your talents, be ready! Be ready to recite English poems (the more poems you know, the more points your team will get).

Tour of the competition

1. “Introduction”

2. “Who is the fastest and cleverest?”

3. “Do you know that?”

4. “Listen and colour ”

5. “Who is the best grammar learner?”

6. “Puzzle time ”

I tour. Introduction

II tour . “Who is the fastest and cleverest?”

«Young stars» тобына сұрақтар.

Ағылшын тіліндегі сұрақтар:

1. The capital of Great Britain.

2. What is the symbol of Astana?

3. What is the name of your English teacher at school?

4. Name four seasons of the year.

5. What is PE?

6. What is the name of the British Queen?

Орыс тіліндегі сұрақтар:

1. Какое растение является символом англичан? (Роза).

2. На какой реке стоит столица С.К. Лондон? (Темза)

3. Из каких палат состоит Парламент? (Палата Лордов и палата Общин)

4. Где располагается официальная резиденция королевской семьи? (Букингемский дворец).

«Smart girls and boys» тобына сұрақтар

1. How many letters are there in English Alphabet and in Kazakh Alphabet?

2. Which is the shortest month of the year?

3. When do you celebrate Teacher’s Day?

4. What can you do with a book?

5. When is the Independence Day of KZ?

Орыс тілінде берілетін сұрақтар:

1. Какой самый любимый праздник английской детворы? (Рождество).

2. Изображение какого животного можно увидеть на гербе Англии? (Лев).

3. Воды какого океана омывают Великобританию? (Атлантического).

4. Какие цвета имеет английский флаг? (Синий, белый, красный).

5. Когда Англичане празднуют день Президента?

III tour. “Do you know that?”

IV tour. “Listen and colour ”

This is a garden. There is a small house in the garden.The house has 6 windows and one door. There are three green trees in the garden. There is a bench under a tree. The bench is blue. There is a red ball on the bench. There is a brown dog under the bench

Y tour. “Who is the best grammar learner?”

YI. “Puzzle time”

YII. Conclusion

Курсы повышения квалификации

Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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