Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  10 класс  /  Canada (разработка урока)

Canada (разработка урока)

Урок познакомит с Канадой.

Описание разработки

Objectives: To talk about Canada, to complete dialogical and monologue statements on theme, to accentuate the main information from the text, to analyze, to estimate their activity, pupils can describe Canada, they know more information about Canada.

Canada (разработка урока)

Exercise 3.Talk to your partner. What new facts about Canada and its people have you learned?

What do you imagine when you think of your country?

Grammar revision

Zero Conditional

Exercise 4. Change the sentences using Zero Conditional

Test “Canada”



creative processing,

Interpretation of learning material.

Answer the questions:

To write what they had known about new theme and ask one question that they hadn’t got answer.

Полную информацию смотрите в файле. 

Содержимое разработки

Lesson plan

Grade: 10

Subject: English

Date of the lesson:

Theme of lesson: Canada

Objectives: To talk about Canada, to complete dialogical and monologue statements on theme, to accentuate the main information from the text, to analyze, to estimate their activity, pupils can describe Canada, they know more information about Canada.

Type of the lesson: presentation new material


Stages of the lesson


Teacher’s activity

Pupil’s activity

Using the models


Organization moment


Psychological attitude on the lesson.

To make a good psychological climate

Teacher offers pupil to wish each other good mood, good luck.

Pupils wish each other good mood, good luck.

Assessment for learning


Stage of invitation

Getting new information.

Put the aims of studying by pupil.

Show a video about Canada. They should tell what is the video

Answer the questions.

What do you imagine when you think of Canada?

Where is Canada situated?

What languages are spoken in Canada?

What is the capital of Canada?

What are the popular cities?

Who is the head of the country?

Watching a video

Answer the questions

Assessment for learning;

Dialogic teaching and learning


Осмысление of content

Getting new information Disscussing the results of works of the groups.

Exercise 1.Pupils divide into two groups. Make a list of things.



Talk to your partner. What do you think about Canada?


Exercise 2.Read what some people think of Canada and Canadian and find out if there are any of the things you mentioned in exercise2. What other things are mentioned?


Exercise 3.Talk to your partner. What new facts about Canada and its people have you learned?

What do you imagine when you think of your country?

Grammar revision

Zero Conditional

Exercise 4. Change the sentences using Zero Conditional

Test “Canada”

Pupils work in groups

Pupils read the text and check if their predictions were correct.

Work in pairs

Work individually

Critical thinking

New approaches to teaching and learning: dialogic teaching and learning

Using new technology (ICT) Teaching talented and gifted children

assessment for learning




creative processing,

Interpretation of learning material.

Answer the questions:

To write what they had known about new theme and ask one question that they hadn’t got answer.

Critical thinking

assessment for learning


Home work

To supply of understanding

aims, contents and methods of doing the home work. Checking up

Page 155 exercise 7 search the Internet and find more information about Canada. Share what you discovered with your partners in the next lesson.

Pupils write home task in their dairies.

Teaching talented and gifted children

Critical thinking

(an essay)

Name___________________________ Grade__________________ Date______________

Test “Canada “

  1. What is the capital of Canada?

  1. Toronto

  2. Ottawa

  3. Montreal

  1. Two official languages are…. …

  1. English and French

  2. English and Italian

  3. French and Spanish

  1. Canada is situated….

  1. on the North American continent

  2. on the South American continent

  3. on the North Africa continent

  1. Its area is almost ….square kilometers

  1. 10million

  2. 12 million

  3. 9 million

  1. Canada is an independent….

  1. federative state

  2. republic

  3. monarchy

  1. Population of Canada is ……

  1. 29 million people

  2. 30 million people

  3. 25 million people

  1. Совместное предприятие

  1. distribution

  2. community

  3. joint venture

  1. export, import, commodity

  1. экспорт, импорт, товар потребления

  2. экспорт, импорт, доля потребления

  3. экспорт, импорт, предмет потребления

  1. Diplomatic relation -

  1. Дипломатические отношения

  2. Дипломатическое сотрудничество

  3. Дипломатичекское доверие

  1. Все участники пришли к заключению.

  1. All participants came to declare.

  2. All participants came to the conclusion.

  3. All participants came to the confidence.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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