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Британские сленговые выражения

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British slang words & phrases   Исследовательская работа            калининград  2022    ВыполнилА преподаватель Английского языка Сущенко А.А. МАОУ СОШ№ 44 Г. Калининграда

British slang words & phrases Исследовательская работа калининград 2022

ВыполнилА преподаватель

Английского языка

Сущенко А.А.


Г. Калининграда

The aims of my research project are: 1 To learn something fresh and unusual 2 To compare Russian and British slangs ЦЕЛЯМИ МОЕЙ ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИИ ЯВЛЯЮТСЯ: 1 Узнать что-то новое и необычное 2 Сравнить русский и английский сленг

The aims of my research project are:

  • 1 To learn something fresh and unusual
  • 2 To compare Russian and British slangs


  • 1 Узнать что-то новое и необычное
  • 2 Сравнить русский и английский сленг
Definition Slang- words and phrases that are used by certain age and social groups, more often by young people


  • Slang- words and phrases that are used by certain age and social groups, more often by young people
history According to the generally accepted opinion, the primary form of slang is the English criminal cant, which was used as a new type of speech by criminals in salons and gambling houses. Since the 19th century terms appeared in the Russian language borrowed from the French sociological school -


According to the generally accepted opinion, the primary form of slang is the English criminal cant, which was used as a new type of speech by criminals in salons and gambling houses.

Since the 19th century terms appeared in the Russian language borrowed from the French sociological school - "jargon" and "argo". The concept of "slang" entered to the Russian language in the 1960s.

Examples Of the phrases that mean the same, but write differently Russian British Поезд ушел Гвоздь программы Точить лясы Кот наплакал  Чилить Флексить  GOAT Squad Bird was flown (птичка выскользнула из клетки) Top banana (кто-то с верхушки) Chew the fat (болтать) Chicken feed (гроши)  Chill (отдыхать) Flex (танцевать) Greatest of all time Team for group of people with common interests


Of the phrases that mean the same, but write differently



  • Поезд ушел
  • Гвоздь программы
  • Точить лясы
  • Кот наплакал

  • Чилить
  • Флексить

  • GOAT
  • Squad
  • Bird was flown (птичка выскользнула из клетки)
  • Top banana (кто-то с верхушки)
  • Chew the fat (болтать)
  • Chicken feed (гроши)

  • Chill (отдыхать)
  • Flex (танцевать)
  • Greatest of all time
  • Team for group of people with common interests
 WHERE CAN YOU HEAR SLANG? CoMPUTER GAMES ARE ALLOWED TO BE PLACE WITH THE MOST WIDE QUANTITY OF Russian SLAnG WORDS that were made from English words. For example:  Хилить (heal-лечить) Лагать (lag- отставать,в значание скорости подключения) Афкашить (away from keyboard- отошел от клавиатуры) Фармить (farm-в значение собирать) Залутать (loot-добыча)


CoMPUTER GAMES ARE ALLOWED TO BE PLACE WITH THE MOST WIDE QUANTITY OF Russian SLAnG WORDS that were made from English words. For example:

Хилить (heal-лечить)

Лагать (lag- отставать,в значание скорости подключения)

Афкашить (away from keyboard- отошел от клавиатуры)

Фармить (farm-в значение собирать)

Залутать (loot-добыча)

 TEENage Slang Teenage slang words exist because they need their own language. In 2015, the BBC did a test on a group of teenagers to study the differences of how teenagers speak in different parts of the UK. They gave a simple phrase to all the teenagers and told them to convert it into their own slang. Why they use? get a message across quickly  by using abbreviations talking quickly in public. in face-to-face situations texting and on the net

TEENage Slang

  • Teenage slang words exist because they need their own language.
  • In 2015, the BBC did a test on a group of teenagers to study the differences of how teenagers speak in different parts of the UK.
  • They gave a simple phrase to all the teenagers and told them to convert it into their own slang.
  • Why they use?
  • get a message across quickly
  • by using abbreviations
  • talking quickly in public.
  • in face-to-face situations
  • texting and on the net

Communication British Slang changes in different parts of England, each County has it’s own unique accent and expression for slang. The downside to British slang is it is very hard to understand for anyone away from that particular area where the slang is spoken. For example, Londoners say certain phrases such as “I’m going out for ruby Murray” (which means going out for a curry), whereas other areas would say “I’m going out for a chinky” (which means Chinese) • Accent’s and pronunciation affect communication dramatically, certain towns and areas drop and add certain letters, like “innit” which means “isn’t it”, but they dropped the ‘s’ and ‘t’ and added a ‘n’.


  • British Slang changes in different parts of England, each County has it’s own unique accent and expression for slang.
  • The downside to British slang is it is very hard to understand for anyone away from that particular area where the slang is spoken. For example, Londoners say certain phrases such as “I’m going out for ruby Murray” (which means going out for a curry), whereas other areas would say “I’m going out for a chinky” (which means Chinese) • Accent’s and pronunciation affect communication dramatically, certain towns and areas drop and add certain letters, like “innit” which means “isn’t it”, but they dropped the ‘s’ and ‘t’ and added a ‘n’.
How does it affect our life? Slang makes our speech more emotional and faster. If we use it, we can just express our feelings

How does it affect our life?

Slang makes our speech more emotional and faster. If we use it, we can just express our feelings

My opinion Over the course of researching British slang, I have come to learn more words and phrases than I knew before, and, common words like ‘chav, bangers and dosh’ I had heard plenty of times before. • It has also showed me how different British slang has become overtime, and how as the slang is passed through different generations, the words are swapped, shortened and muddled up to produce something new for everyone to start saying. • Cockney Rhyming slang surprised me the most because of how unfamiliar it was to me and how peculiar it was.

My opinion

Over the course of researching British slang, I have come to learn more words and phrases than I knew before, and, common words like ‘chav, bangers and dosh’ I had heard plenty of times before. • It has also showed me how different British slang has become overtime, and how as the slang is passed through different generations, the words are swapped, shortened and muddled up to produce something new for everyone to start saying. • Cockney Rhyming slang surprised me the most because of how unfamiliar it was to me and how peculiar it was.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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