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Benefits using of a mobile phone at school

В этой статье обсуждается роль телефона в жизни ученика и преимущества мобильного телефона в школе.Было определено, с какой целью и по каким предметам используется мобильный телефон во время урока.С помощью анкеты изучаются ответы студентов и представляются результаты анализа.

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Бұл мақалада оқушының өміріндегі телефонның рөлі және мектептегі ұялы телефонның артықшылықтары талқыланады.Сабақ барысында ұялы телефон қандай мақсатта және қандай пәндер бойынша қолданылатыны анықталды.Сауалнама арқылы оқушылардың жауаптары зерттеліп, талдау нәтижелері ұсынылады.


В этой статье обсуждается роль телефона в жизни ученика и преимущества мобильного телефона в школе.Было определено, с какой целью и по каким предметам используется мобильный телефон во время урока.С помощью анкеты изучаются ответы студентов и представляются результаты анализа.


This article discusses the role of the phone in a student's life and the benefits of a cell phone at school.It was determined for what purpose and in what subjects the mobile phone is used during the lesson.Through the questionnaire, students ' answers are studied ,and the results of the analysis are presented.

Түйінді сөздер:оқушылар,ұялы телефондардың тигізер пайдалары, оқу мақсатында пайдалану, тыйым салмау.

Ключевые слова: ученики, преимущества мобильных телефонов, использование в образовательных целях, не запрещать.

Key words: students, advantages of mobile phones, using the phone for educational purposes, do not prohibit.

Over the past few decades, the development of digital technologies has led to a cellular epidemic that has affected the whole world. Mobile communication has confidently entered our life and has become an integral part of them. Millions of people use cell phones every day. Today, a mobile phone is not just a means of communication, it is generally quite a multifunctional device. The problem of using mobile communication devices in educational organizations is actively and widely discussed in society.

Now mobile devices are used not only to connect people but also to provide many other opportunities that are so appreciated by schoolchildren. Mobile communication devices (hereinafter referred to as mobile devices) are understood as mobile phones, tablets with mobile data transmission functions, smartwatches, and other devices with mobile data transmission functions.

One of the prohibitions related to mobile phones is their availability and use in schools. We believe that the topic of the study is relevant, as it affects the problems of a modern school. Schoolchildren abuse the available opportunities, and the role of a mobile phone in a student's life becomes something more than just a way to stay in touch with their parents. These young people cannot imagine their existence without phones, they practically do not part with the phone. They carry them with them under any circumstances. And as a result, many contradictory studies have emerged. This study will help to find out how a mobile phone affects a student's life

Therefore, we set ourselves such a research purpose: To study the role of the phone in the student's life. Find out how often children use a cell phone, how much time a day they spend on it, and what phone functions they use most often.

And we want to find answers to the following questions:

1) What problems do students face when using the phone during the lesson?

2) What are the positive and negative aspects of the influence of the mobile phone during the lesson?

While studying them, we read several academic papers by other authors. Many of them mainly wrote about mobile phones at school as a risk factor for health disorders in the modern educational environment. And only a few wrote about the benefits of the smartphone. One of them is Alexander Vladimirovich's article "Mobile phone in the classroom: good or evil?" The article states that the responsibility for violating discipline lies with both the student and the teacher. Teachers should make sure lessons are interesting. And discipline is very important. For example, not taking out the phone unless it is specifically required during class. At the same time, using the phone, calling or texting, and being able to play interactive games can be an added incentive for students. We agree with this opinion.

However, the author only used a quantitative approach to the study. And that's why we decided to investigate our topic from a qualitative approach because it allows us to learn the opinion of a focus group.

To determine the benefits of a mobile phone in school, we surveyed an online platform. More than 30 secondary school students from one of the regional centers took part. They were asked the following questions:

1. How do you feel about banning a mobile phone at school?

2. Do you think it is necessary to take a mobile phone to school

3. What are the disadvantages of using mobile phones in the lesson

4. What are the advantages of using mobile phones in the lesson

5. Do they collect your phone at the beginning of the lesson and give it back at the end of the lesson? How do you feel about this?

6. Do they take your phone away from you during the lesson? Why?

7. How do you use your phone for educational purposes? What exactly are you doing?

8. How long do you use your mobile phone during classes?

9. In what subjects are you allowed to use your phone for educational purposes during the lesson

10. Is it possible to do without a mobile phone at school? Your opinion?

After conducting the survey, we decided that the inductive method of research is better suited for processing these results. Because it is a kind of conclusion, which begins with a specific concept and proceeds to broad generalizations and theories. After analyzing the results, six themes were identified, each of which had its codes. These codes allowed us to explore students' opinions regarding the use of mobile phones at school.

Based on the results, we found that students use mobile phones at school. Very often used in classes like geography, English, computer science, and Russian for 10-15 minutes each. Some are used in class to search or view information, some are used as a calculator or app, which of course is for studying. For most, many cell phones are needed to keep in touch with parents. Only a small fraction of students indicated that they use their smartphones to spend time on social media and online games. Based on the survey results, we found that students use mobile phones during class.

Some believe that the use of mobile phones in the classroom is prohibited by law. Because, in their opinion, smartphones distract students during lessons. At recess, children stop communicating with each other, and most of the students spend more time on smartphones. As a result, during the break, which is intended for the children to recover and rest, the students "sit out" on their phones.

However, based on the above, today's children are different in their development than the generations of yesteryear. Gadgets have become an integral part of our daily lives and this is not to say that using cell phones in school is a bad thing. Mobile phones at school are not only fashionable and modern but also convenient and useful. With the help of a mobile phone, there is an opportunity to incorporate ICT elements into the structure of the lesson. Today more and more innovative methods of teaching are applied, which allow students to search for material independently, select it, and be responsible for their activity, to conclude, it is required by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, at this stage of development, modern schools cannot provide every student with a gadget that they would use in class. However, almost any student has a mobile device that can be used for educational purposes.

In some schools, the time of using smartphones on school grounds is regulated. The advanced Hellerup School in Denmark successfully practices this approach, even though in the educational process the Internet is used very actively — access to the Internet is free, and many types of work are aimed at using computers and smartphones.

Dmitry Zisser, director of the Institute of Non—formal Education INO, shared his opinion in his interview with the 360 channel: "A smartphone is a part of life. Now we need to talk about how to teach teachers to use the fact that children are constantly with phones. A smartphone should be made a faithful assistant, and not turned into an enemy. Teachers need to make lessons not boring, interesting, you can connect phones." And that's why we think that mobile phones should not be strictly prohibited during the lesson. And we recommend that children at school should be informed about the culture of using mobile phones and warn each class. A smartphone at school will not pose a danger to the child and will not harm the learning process if such simple rules as:

• Use mobile phones during the lesson with the permission of teachers

• Use during the lesson preferably 10-15 minutes

• Do not use during the test work

• You only need to talk to your smartphone at recess

• Use headphones and other devices for listening to calls and music only outside of school hours.

• In order not to distract classmates and not interfere with the teacher, the mobile phone at school should always be in silent mode (or vibration mode).

In conclusion, mobile devices will continue to penetrate all areas of our lives, and mobility will become one of the key requirements for students. Schools often prohibit the use of mobile phones and other similar devices, but this approach is unlikely to last for a long time. About the mobile phone, even UNESCO itself spoke as follows: "mobile devices expand educational opportunities, help support the learning process, the work of the administration and the professional development of teachers," Therefore, in our opinion, smartphones should not be banned, but competently integrated into the educational process. If the teacher builds the lesson correctly, the gadget becomes an additional way to involve students in the learning process.

List of literature:

  1. Alexander Vladimirovich Mogilev(2014), "Mobile phone in the classroom:good or evil? "

  2. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/mobilnyy-telefon-v-klasse-dobro-ili-zlo/viewer [cited November 30, 2022]; (In English)

  3. Ekaterina Semenova (2019), "How to reconcile phones and school: Teacher Tips".Available at: https://rosuchebnik.ru/material/kak-primirit-telefony-i-shkolu-sovety-uchiteley/?utm_source=yandex.kz&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=yandex.kz&utm_referrer=yandex.kz [cited November 30, 2022]; (In English)

  4. https://newtonew.com/app/UNESCO-Mobile-Learning [cited November 30, 2022]; (In English)

  5. https://kids.usafe.ru/blog/mobilnye-telefony-v-shkole-rol-a-takzhe-preimushchestva-i-nedostatki-ispolzovaniya-gadzhetov/ [cited November 30, 2022]; (In English)

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