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Анализ русскоязычной литературы на английском языке для коррекционной школы VII вида.


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O. A. Miloserdova

teacher of Russian language and literature

GBOU school 5

Saint Petersburg, Russia

This article discusses the biblical symbol of the well, which means the purification of the soul and the path to God. This Christian symbolism manifests itself in different literary contexts and shows a different degree of readiness of the hero to get rid of his sins.

Keywords: religious symbol, well symbol, Christianity, Annunciation, gospel of Luke, neo-romanticism, life Of St. John.

A religious symbol is a coded thought of God that allows a person to see the sacred signs and follow them. The Lord speaks to people in a human, straightforward, and simple language that they understand. But the voice of God is not given to everyone to hear, since only a true believer was granted by God to hear it. But nonverbal Bible symbols are everywhere. Everyone can see them if they want. God is kind to man, so in the world he created, he left a part of himself. Moreover, the world itself, created by God, can also serve as a divine symbol.

In literature, many writers turn to biblical symbolism, showing either a certain stage in the moral and psychological development of the hero, or referring to a certain cultural and historical period in which the author himself lives.

Edmond Rostand in the poetic drama "the Samaritan woman" builds the entire storyline around the sacred well. Jesus approaches him, and then a sinful Samaritan woman. He asks her for a drink of water. But water is not to quench your thirst, but to touch the source of life:

Jesus. "When would you know God's gift,

And who asked you to: "let me get drunk»,

You'd have asked him yourself.

And he would have given you living water.

And that water in it will become

A source of water that flows forever.»

Being spiritually distant from God, the Samaritan woman does not see any symbol, does not hear in the words of Jesus His willingness to help her to be cleansed from sins, to wash her mouth for correct gospel speeches, and finally, to baptize her and tie a strong knot with God. Symbols are far away for her, for her sins have nailed the Samaritan woman to the ground, not allowing her to raise her head to the sky. But the knowledge that she leads the wrong life allows you to believe in Jesus right next to the well:

Fotina. "You, you are the Christ... the Messiah… Jesus christ

I accepted your words with love

I am at your feet, I listen to you.»

After the revelation, she quenched her thirst without touching the water of life with her lips. Words about the salvation of the soul - turned arid, desert Sands, dotted with deep cracks, into a blooming garden with fertile land. Jesus, as a gardener, watered the soil that is considered dead and abandoned. And how the great Doctor cured the roots of dry trees and shrubs. After that, the Samaritan woman left the ground and, as if floating in the air, enlightened strangers and those who condemned her in the teachings of Christ. The knowledge of the Bible of the one who can't read surprised everyone. Therefore, the meeting of Jesus Christ and the Samaritan woman near the well should be attributed to a high, religious symbolism. In the poetic drama, Rostand shows the purification of the heroine, which originates near the well.

It is also interesting to note the significance of the well that Jacob dug for the Jews. After the Savior's request to drink living water, Fotina began to mock him, as she took the words about living water literally:

"You have nothing to draw from, and the well is deep. Where did you get the living water? Are you greater than our father, James, who gave us this well, and drank from it himself, and his children, and his cattle" (John 4:12).

the well where Jesus stood was filled with ordinary water, and not with running water that was replenished from the river. But the Savior wanted to give water that would quench their thirst and make them "a fountain of water flowing into eternal life." All you had to do was taste it in your heart. It is noteworthy that Jesus feels tired and remains at the well:

Jesus. "My fatigue is a sign of that,

that something beautiful will happen here"

This fatigue is a sense of the weight of sins on earth. And Rostand accurately conveys this feeling described in the gospel. And the desire to drink water from someone who has carved water out of stone and knows more about it than others only provides a simple example of how asking for help generates trust. It teaches how to reach the heart of another person.

Fotina. "Oh, My God! I'm not thirsty anymore»

Sergey Averintsev also refers to the religious symbolism of the well in the poem "Annunciation". Like Edmond Rostand, Averintsev takes the gospel story as a basis. But if Rostand uses the principle of retelling, putting the biblical story in a poetic, romanticized form, then Averintsev modifies the story.

Portraying the virgin Mary, the writer emphasizes her choice and inner, unshakeable Holiness:

"the Thought is nailed, and the earthly mind is crucified;

and this is the cross - attention»

The gospel of Luke describes with dry directness the meeting of the Archangel Gabriel and the virgin Mary, who received the good news from him:

"the angel came to Her and said: rejoice, Gracious! The Lord is with You… Fear not, Mary, for you have found grace with God; and behold, you will conceive in your womb, and bear a Son, and you will call his name Jesus.» (Luke 1:26-27)

Averintsev depicts Mary in a wooden house, in the process of prayer. And thus indicates the power of thought and concentration during prayer:

"The virgin stands motionless, veiled

A drooping staring face,

Hiding from the world - the view, and the world - from the view;

All the power of life is gathered in the mind,

And the whole mind is collected in a single word


Unlike Rostan, Sergey Averintsev departs from the romantic concept and asks rhetorical, philosophical questions, equating his text with the seriousness of Holy Scripture. And the rhythm of the prose poem is similar to the elements of the Liturgy. The author himself conducts a dialogue with the reader and asks eternal questions about how a person can approach God. By depicting the mother of God during concentrated prayer, which reached its apogee, Averintsev explains the choice of Mary in this way:

"He was saying. He was talking to her.

O gracious one, the Lord is with You -

Between wives You are blessed

Don't be afraid, Mariam; You mustn't

Fear, for mercy is great

To you from God."

Averintsev compares her pure thoughts to a well. He associates the well with the mirror-clear soul of the virgin Mary, whose sins and evil thoughts settled to the bottom of the well, leaving the clear blue of pure water. This purity of water is Holiness.

"The Well Of God. The jet is restrained,

And the waters settled.

Initial purity: the depth is transparent to the bottom»

It is also worth mentioning the life Of St. John, who at the age of thirteen went into the desert, choosing an ascetic lifestyle. And when he saw a dry and deep well, he decided to go down there, before making the sign of the cross. The angels jumped into it, picked it up, and lowered it to the bottom. There John, like the virgin Mary in Averintsev's poem, indulged in prayer. He prayed day and night, ignoring Satan, who tempted him in the form of a weeping mother and sister. This superhuman torment lasted for 10 years. Concentrated prayer in the well - made John truly a Saint. And when the time came to die, John told the ascetic Hrisey. After John's death, lay people came to this well. He gave them the strength to overcome adversity and heal their illnesses. After a while, a palm tree grew near this well.

In Orthodox culture, it is also customary to build a fenced well near the entrance to the temple. Such a well is usually empty and not deep. It symbolizes the soul of a person cleansed of sins. On top of the well, a lid is placed with a large cross, which symbolizes the presence of God next to man and the help of the Lord in cleansing sins. A dry, empty well in Orthodox culture means the evaporation of water, as a deliverance from sins. The remaining dry walls of the well indicate a pure soul, protected by God.

Thus, the religious symbol of the well occupies an important place in Christian culture. In different historical epochs and literary directions, the well does not cease to bear the divine symbol, which is associated with a pure soul, living water and the Virgin Mary.


1. Averintsev S. S. Annunciation / S. S. Averintsev. – Moscow: Eksmo, 2013. -32 p.

2. Andreev, L. G. History of French literature / L. G. Andreev. – Moscow: Nauka, 1987. – 307 p

3. the Bible encyclopedia [Text]– Moscow: Russian Bible Society, 1996. – 634 p

4. Mikhailov, A. dramaturgiya Edmon rostana / A. Mikhailov. – M.: Nauka, 1975. – 98 p.

5. Rostan, E. The Samaritan Woman / By E. Rostan. – ST. Petersburg: Bely Gorod, 1914. – 115 p.

6. Tarasenko, A. A. Jesus and the fullness of time / A. A. Tarasenko. – St. Petersburg: Bible for all, 2000. – 266 p.

7. Harcla, P. S. interpretation of the four Gospels and the acts of the Apostles / S. P. Harcla. – Connecticut: Slavic Evangelical Society, 1992. – 282 p.

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