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"A very funny monster"

Данная работа показывает понимание детей английской речи, выполнения различных заданий, а также развивает навыки чтения и слушания. В данной работе представлен материал по теме чтение "A very funny monster". Также в ключены в работу все виды деятельности, работа в парах и группе.


Содержимое разработки

International College of Continuous Education

open lesson

Theme: Reading “A very funny monster!”

Form: 2 a

Teacher: Bektassova E. I.

Almaty, 2017

Unit number and Title Unit 8. Look at the animals!

Lesson # 1 Class 2 a Date 22.02.17

Title of the lesson Reading: “A very funny monster!”

Type of the lesson Formation of reading skills

Lesson targets Learn new vocabulary items; listen to and follow a story; understand the story; read with good pronunciation; correct statements from the story

Lesson aim Reading

Student Profile Inquirers, thinkers

Attitudes to be developed Cooperation, curiosity

Skills to be emphasized Practise reading and thinking skills

Content Key structure: Past Simple: John was asleep. Key words: monster, head, tail, ugly, friendly, sleepy, asleep, scared

Materials PB p 88; CD 2 track 17; WB p 76; flashcards 73-76, 101-105


Org. moment Good morning, my dear students! How are you? Who is absent today? What was your home task?

Warm up Use flashcards 73-76 to revise parts of the body

Teacher activity Student activity

Activity 1

Teach the new words using flashcards 101-105. Give the class time to look at the whole page.

Children open their books.

Ask children about their parts of body. Which parts of body have you got?

I have got …

Game: put your left hand up, put your right hand up, step your leg, step your right leg.

Ask volunteers to name the labels for the small pictures. Point out the title. Play CD 2 track 17.

Children listen and follow.

Read the first paragraph:

Ask: Where was John yesterday? In bed

What time was it? Nine o’clock

Where was John’s book? On the bed

Was it a sad book? No, it was a funny book

Who was in John’s bed? A monster

Was John scared? No

What colour was its hair? Black

What colour were its eyes? Green

Was it ugly? Yes

Was it funny? Yes

Read the other lines and ask questions.

Read the whole text.

Children join in and read with you.

Repeat if the class is not confident. Ask the class to read on their own; or, ask groups of children to read lines; or, ask individuals to read lines. (Check that children understand the tasks before they begin)

Exercise 1


Children look at the picture and read the description.

Colour the monster.

They colour the parts of the monster as described in the text.

Write the words.

Children read the sentences and decided which party of the monster they describe. They write the words.

Assessment According to the criterias

Home assignment PB p 88 read the text, learn words

Reflection Did you like this lesson? Would you like to see such lesson still? What have you learned to at a lesson?

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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