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Презентация к проекту "Greatest Belarusian Writers"

Презентация к проекту "Greatest Belarusian Writers" (U. Karatkevich)

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Vladimir Semyonovich Korotkevich Belarusian Soviet writer, poet, playwright, screenwriter and publicist, classic of Belarusian literature. He is one of the most prominent figures in the Belarusian literature of the 20th century. He became the first Belarusian writer who turned to the genre of historical detective. Belarusian Soviet writer, poet, playwright, screenwriter and publicist, classic of Belarusian literature. He is one of the most prominent figures in the Belarusian literature of the 20th century. He became the first Belarusian writer who turned to the genre of historical detective . His works combine high artistic culture, patriotism and romanticism, and a humanistic orientation.

Vladimir Semyonovich Korotkevich

Belarusian Soviet writer, poet, playwright, screenwriter and publicist, classic of Belarusian literature. He is one of the most prominent figures in the Belarusian literature of the 20th century. He became the first Belarusian writer who turned to the genre of historical detective. Belarusian Soviet writer, poet, playwright, screenwriter and publicist, classic of Belarusian literature. He is one of the most prominent figures in the Belarusian literature of the 20th century. He became the first Belarusian writer who turned to the genre of historical detective .

His works combine high artistic culture, patriotism and romanticism, and a humanistic orientation.

 He was born on November 26, 1930 in Orsha, Vitebsk region, into an intelligent family. During the Great Patriotic War, he and his family were evacuated to the Perm region, and later to Orenburg. In 1944, Vladimir Korotkevich returned to Orsha, where he received secondary education. In 1949-1954 he studied at the Philological Faculty of Kiev State University. Then he graduated from graduate school there. He worked as a teacher in a rural school in the Kiev region of Ukraine, and then in his hometown, Orsha. Later he studied at the Higher Literary Courses (1960) and the Institute of Cinematography (now the Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov in Moscow) and became a professional writer.

He was born on November 26, 1930 in Orsha, Vitebsk region, into an intelligent family. During the Great Patriotic War, he and his family were evacuated to the Perm region, and later to Orenburg. In 1944, Vladimir Korotkevich returned to Orsha, where he received secondary education. In 1949-1954 he studied at the Philological Faculty of Kiev State University. Then he graduated from graduate school there. He worked as a teacher in a rural school in the Kiev region of Ukraine, and then in his hometown, Orsha. Later he studied at the Higher Literary Courses (1960) and the Institute of Cinematography (now the Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov in Moscow) and became a professional writer.

His first publication, a 1951 poem, was followed by three books of poetry. Later he became a novelist, at first several collections of short stories were published. Among his most popular works are the Novel

His first publication, a 1951 poem, was followed by three books of poetry. Later he became a novelist, at first several collections of short stories were published. Among his most popular works are the Novel "Ears of Corn under your sickle" (1965) and the novel written in the genre of historical detective, "The Wild Hunt of King Stach" (1964). Korotkevich has also written a number of plays and scripts for feature films. Korotkevich's work is distinguished by vivid imagery, historical accuracy, and the writer has been awarded several state literary prizes.

Vladimir Korotkevich's work is distinguished by its romantic orientation, high artistic culture, patriotic pathos and humanistic sound. The writer significantly enriched Belarusian literature in thematic and genre relations, filled it with intellectual and philosophical content. The most famous works of the author are the novella

Vladimir Korotkevich's work is distinguished by its romantic orientation, high artistic culture, patriotic pathos and humanistic sound. The writer significantly enriched Belarusian literature in thematic and genre relations, filled it with intellectual and philosophical content. The most famous works of the author are the novella "The Gray Legend", the novels "Christ landed in Grodno" "The Black Castle of Olshansky", the essay "the land under the white wings".

Film adaptations Feature films:Christ Landed in Grodno (1967) The Wild Hunt of King Stach (1979) The Black Castle of Olshansky (1984)Documentaries: Witnesses of Eternity (1964) Memory (1966) Red Agate (1973)

Film adaptations

Feature films:Christ Landed in Grodno (1967) The Wild Hunt of King Stach (1979) The Black Castle of Olshansky (1984)Documentaries: Witnesses of Eternity (1964) Memory (1966) Red Agate (1973)

His poetry was characterized by patriotic pathos, soulful lyricism and philosophy. He showed his fascination with his native land in the poem

His poetry was characterized by patriotic pathos, soulful lyricism and philosophy. He showed his fascination with his native land in the poem "Fatherland". In the "Belarusian song", the creation of a large-scale, holistic and poetic image of Belarus brought her a kind of oath of devotion. Korotkevich's poetry is characterized by increased expressiveness, emotionality, intensity of action, contrast and brightness of images. His lyrical poems, filled with joy and light, are at the same time full of drama and even tragedy, like the poem "Trostenets" (about the death camp of the same name organized by the Nazi invaders near Minsk).

- Do the unexpected, do as it does not happen, do as no one does-and then you will win.

- Do the unexpected, do as it does not happen, do as no one does-and then you will win.

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Thanks for your attention!

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