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Презентация по английскому языку "The Olympic games in Sochi 2014"

В презентации показаны символы Зимней Олимпиады 2014, виды спорта, а так же награды олимпиады.

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В презентации показаны символы Зимней Олимпиады 2014, виды спорта, а так же награды олимпиады.

Ведь Зимняя Олимпиада 2014 - это особенная Олимпиада. Это происходит в эти февральские дни у нас в России.

Презентация The Olympic games in Sochi 2014

New images of different sport competitions (snowboard, Curling and bobsleigh etc), which will be present on all the signposts, tickets and goods of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Just until you can see 22 pictures.

Содержимое разработки

 “ The Olympic games in Sochi 2014 »   Презентацию составила учительница английского языка Акбуринской СОШ  Валиуллина Рамиля Раисовна

The Olympic games in Sochi 2014 » Презентацию составила учительница английского языка Акбуринской СОШ Валиуллина Рамиля Раисовна

Symbols of the Olympic games 2014  A White Dear A white Leopard A white Hare

Symbols of the Olympic games 2014

A White Dear A white Leopard A white Hare

New images of different sport competitions (snowboard, Curling and bobsleigh etc), which will be present on all the signposts, tickets and goods of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Just until you can see 22 pictures.

New images of different sport competitions (snowboard, Curling and bobsleigh etc), which will be present on all the signposts, tickets and goods of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Just until you can see 22 pictures.

Luge is a winter Olympic sport in which participants compete in downhill on a sled on special tracks. The first organized meeting of athletes happened in 1883 in Switzerland .

Luge is a winter Olympic sport in which participants compete in downhill on a sled on special tracks. The first organized meeting of athletes happened in 1883 in Switzerland .

Curling is a team sport played on ice site. The two teams compete allowed on the ice special heavy granite shells .

Curling is a team sport played on ice site. The two teams compete allowed on the ice special heavy granite shells .

H ockey is a sport in which two teams try to hit hard, round ball, or hockey goal - the goal of the enemy, using sticks. Each team has one goal  Keeper, which protects the goal of his team.

H ockey is a sport in which two teams try to hit hard, round ball, or hockey goal - the goal of the enemy, using sticks. Each team has one goal Keeper, which protects the goal of his team.

Figure skating-skating sport, refers to the difficult coordination sports. The main idea lies in the movement of the athlete or athlete skating on ice with changes to the sliding direction and execution...

Figure skating-skating sport, refers to the difficult coordination sports. The main idea lies in the movement of the athlete or athlete skating on ice with changes to the sliding direction and execution...

Skating and speed skating is a sport in which you want as quickly as possible skating overcome a certain distance on an ice rink. Is divided into classic and short track.

Skating and speed skating is a sport in which you want as quickly as possible skating overcome a certain distance on an ice rink. Is divided into classic and short track.

Skiing - ski race on a certain distance on a specially prepared track among the persons of certain categories (age, gender and so on). Refer to the cyclic sports. It is an Olympic sport since 1924

Skiing - ski race on a certain distance on a specially prepared track among the persons of certain categories (age, gender and so on). Refer to the cyclic sports. It is an Olympic sport since 1924

Alpine skiing - a special type of storage used for the descent from the mountain slopes and ski sports. The history of modern skiing begins with the end of the 18th century, when Norway appeared durable wooden skis... sport activities

Alpine skiing - a special type of storage used for the descent from the mountain slopes and ski sports. The history of modern skiing begins with the end of the 18th century, when Norway appeared durable wooden skis... sport activities

Short track (eng. short track short track)view, speed skating, which consists in maximum fast overcoming of competitive distance inside the ice hockey rink (the circumference of the rink 111,12 m). Originated short track in Canada in the early 20th century.

Short track (eng. short track short track)view, speed skating, which consists in maximum fast overcoming of competitive distance inside the ice hockey rink (the circumference of the rink 111,12 m). Originated short track in Canada in the early 20th century.

Short track speed skating was first presented at the winter Olympics in 1988 in calgary as a demonstration of the species. As an official sport competitions were held at the Olympic games of 1992 in Albertville.

Short track speed skating was first presented at the winter Olympics in 1988 in calgary as a demonstration of the species. As an official sport competitions were held at the Olympic games of 1992 in Albertville.

Olympic medals-a mark of distinction for personal or team sports achievements in competitions at the Olympic games, is  also considered to be attributes...

Olympic medals-a mark of distinction for personal or team sports achievements in competitions at the Olympic games, is also considered to be attributes...

Thanks for attention!!!

Thanks for attention!!!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Ramis, 29.01.2016 09:43
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