Teacher: Today we`ll learn to build negative and interrogative sentences in the Present Continuous Tense.
First of all let`s revise how we build the Present Continuous Tense.
To build the Present Continuous tense we need to use an auxiliary verb TO BE in its present form.Для того, чтобы нам построить Настоящее Продолженное время нам необходимо использовать вспомогательные глагол TO BE в форме настоящего времени. It means depending on the subject of the sentence we use am, is, are. Это значит, что в зависимости от подлежащего в предложении мы используем AM, IS или ARE. And we add –ing to the main verb in its first form. А к начальной форме основного глагола мы добавляем окончание ING.
Now, let`s revise the present forms of the auxiliary verb TO BE.
I am, the short form is I`m.
You are, the short form is you`re.
He is, the short form is he`s.
She is, the short form is she`s.
We are, the short form is we`re.
And finally they are, the short form is they`re.
Look at the example:
Mary is painting now. Мери сейчас рисует. IS PAINTING – Вспомогательный глагол TO BE в форме IS, а у основного глагола есть окончание ING.
Look! Nick is sleeping! Посмотрите! Ник спит! IS SLEEPING –auxiliary verb to be in the form IS and ending –ing is added to the main verb. Вспомогательный глагол TO BE в форме IS, а к основному глаголу добавлено окончание ING.
So, our formula: am, is are plus the main verb with –ing.
But look at the following pictures:
Mary isn’t painting. She is presenting her project.
Nick isn`t sleeping. He is thinking.
Look at the sentences and think what we should do to make a sentence negative. Right you are. We have to put a particle ‘not’ after the auxiliary verb ‘to be’: Mary isn`t painting. ‘Not’ after the auxiliary verb ‘IS’.
Nick isn`t sleeping. Our negative particle NOT is standing after the auxiliary verb ‘to be’ in the form IS.
Look and revise:
Am not – we don`t have a short form.
Is not – the short form is isn`t
Are not – the short form is aren`t and we can`t forget about the main verb plus –ing.
Look at the pictures and use am, is, are or am not, isn`t, aren`t.
Denis … washing his hands. What sentence should we build: negative or affirmative? Какое предложение нам нужно построить: отрицательное или утвердительное? Look at the picture: Denis isn`t washing his hands. He is drinking.
The next picture: Masha … jumping. Choose the correct variant. Masha is jumping. Маша прыгает – an affirmative sentence. Утвердительное предложение.
One more situation:
Danik … reading. What variant is needed here? Isn`t: Danik isn`t reading. He is listening. Даник не читает. Он слушает.
And the last situation:
I … doing my homework. Choose the correct variant. I am not doing my homework. I am playing computer games.
And one more point we have to discuss: interrogative sentences. И еще один пункт, который нам необходимо обсудить: вопросительные предложения.
Look at the examples and think of what we should do to build them correctly. Посмотрите на примеры и подумайте о том, что нам следует сделать, чтобы правильно их построить.
Look at Olya. Is she smiling? Оля улыбается?
And what about the boys: “Are they playing?” Как на счет мальчиков: “Они играют?”
So, can you tell me what we do to build interrogative sentences? Можете мне сказать, глядя на примеры, что мы делаем для того, чтобы построить вопросительные предложения с нашим настоящим продолженным временем? We have to put the auxiliary verb before the subject. Мы должны поставить вспомогательный глагол перед подлежащим.
Look: ‘is’ before the subject ‘she’; ‘are’ before the subject ‘they’.
How would we answer them? Look: Is she smiling? – Yes, she is.
Are they playing? – No, they aren’t.
Посмотрите, в кратких ответах на вопросы в настоящем продолженном времени мы также используем вспомогательный глагол с или без частицы ‘not’ в зависимости от варианта ответа.
Look at the pictures and give short answers.
Is she answering her homework? Give a short answer please. Yes, she is.
One more question: Is Kirill eating? Give a short answer, please. No, he isn`t.
And the next question: Where is he running? Куда он бежит? Can we answer Yes or No to this question? Можем ответить да или нет на этот вопрос? We can`t. We have to name the place the boy is running to. Нам нужно назвать место, куда бежит мальчик. Look at this question. Can you name its type? Можете назвать тип вопроса? It`s a special question. What is different in these questions?
In the first place we have a Wh–word, but look at the place of the auxiliary verb. It`s unchangeable. The auxiliary verb is standing before the subject: is before the subject he. На первом месте в специальных вопросах стоит вопросительное слово. Но посмотрите на место вспомогательного глагола – оно не изменилось. Наш вспомогательный глагол остался перед подлежащим: is перед подлежащим he. Не забудьте об этом.
So, let`s summarize all the information.
To build a negative sentence in the Present Continuous Tense we put not after the auxiliary verb. Для того, чтобы построить отрицательное предложение, мы ставим частицу not после вспомогательного глагола. To build interrogative sentences in the Present Continuous tense we have to put the auxiliary verb to be before the subject. А для того, чтобы построить вопросительное предложение, мы выносим вспомогательный глагол перед подлежащим.
Первичное закрепление нового материала.
Teacher: Order the words to get sentences
Sentence number one
Look at the words and build the sentence according to the picture.
It`s a negative sentence because we`ve got isn`t here. So, in the first place is the subject: Pasha, then the auxiliary verb with not: isn`t. What isn`t he doing? – Writing. So, put it in the third place. Pasha isn`t writing.
And one more sentence.
Look at the words and build a sentence. Pay attention, we`ve got a question mark here. Обратите внимание, у нас здесь вопросительный знак.
So as it`s a question we should put the auxiliary verb before the subject, and only after is the main verb: is he doing. And we`ve got a Wh–word here. So, we put it in the first place. What is he doing now? Что он сейчас делает?
Teacher: Now, I give you the cards with your last task for today. You have to order the words to build sentences. Be attentive because you`ll meet affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in it.
1) doing/are/an/we/now/exercise/. ____________________________________________________________ |
2) at/the moment/are/what/doing/you/? ____________________________________________________________ |
3) playing/not/we/now/are/. ____________________________________________________________ |
The keys: 1) we are doing an exercise now. 2) What are you doing at the moment? 3) We are not playing at the moment.
Thank you very much for your work.