
Large numerals. Dates

Урок 6. Английский язык 7 класс ФГОС

Урок начинается с повторения количественных числительных и способов их образования. Далее учащиеся знакомятся с правилами чтения и написания больших чисел и дат. Практическая часть урока содержит увлекательное задание «числа-перевёртыши», а также небольшой текст о редких диких животных, где необходимо указать цифрами их количество в мире.

Конспект урока "Large numerals. Dates"

Hello, guys! Welcome to our grammar lessons!

My best friends Maddy, Kristie and Martin will help me make our lessons useful and enjoyable.

Today we`ll revise cardinal Numerals. We will show you the way how to remember numerals easier.

Then you will learn how to read and write large numbers and dates.

Cardinal numerals are just like people: They are small till they are twelve: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve.

Do you see, they are small, just one word with no suffixes?

And then they become ‘teens’ from 13 to 19. “Teen” is a short form of “teenager” – подросток.

It means that to build ‘teen numerals (from 13 to 19)’ we use suffix teen which is added to their small brothers and sisters.

Look: three + teen = thirteen

four + teen = fourteen

five + teen = fifteen

six + teen = sixteen

seven + teen = seventeen

eight + teen = eighteen

and nine + teen = nineteen.

What about adult numerals?

As soon as a numeral is 20, it joins the Adult Party. That is why we have to add suffix TY to a ‘small’ numeral to make it an ‘adult’ one.

Look: two + ty = twenty

three + ty = thirty

four + ty = forty

five + ty = fifty

six + ty = sixty

seven + ty = seventy

eight + ty = eighty

nine + ty = ninety.

And don`t forget, that with years people are changing. The same happens with some numerals.

Look: two – twenty; three – thirteen (not threeteen) – thirty (not threety)

four – forty (no u in forty!)

five – fifteen – fifty (no v is used)

Look at these ones:

eight – eighteen – eighty

Remember the order of large numbers:

100 – a(one) hundered

1,000 – a(one) thousand

1,000,000 – a(one) million

1,000,000,000 – a(one) billion

We can say a hundred or one hundred, a thousand or one thousand.

My grandmother lived for a hundred years. OR My grandmother lived for one hundred years.

Can you lend me a thousand dollars? OR Can you lend me one thousand dollars.

Note that the forms with one are more formal.

Don`t forget that we use ‘and’ before pronouncing tens or ones.

Look at the following examples: 455 – four hundred fifty-five. Do we have tens in this numeral? Of course, we do. Fifty. So, we use ‘and’ before fifty: four hundred and fifty-five.

One more example: 107. How to pronounce this numeral correctly? Do we have tens in it? No, there are no tens in it. But we`ve got ones in this very numeral. In this case we use ‘and’ before ones - one hundred and seven.

When we write large numbers, we separate them into groups of three figures with commas. Note that full stops are not used.

Group 1






one thousand and eleven


Group 2



one million, two hundred and fifty-six thousand, seven hundred and twenty-one.


Group 3



one billion, four hundred and ninety-two million,

six hundred and thirty thirty-eight thousand,

five hundred and twenty-six.

·                   Round numbers between 1,100 and 1,900 are often expressed in hundreds. This is common in an informal style.

E.g. They are asking eleven hundred dollars for that laptop.


They are asking one thousand, one hundred dollars for that laptop.

·                   Hundred, thousand, million, billion, trillion, etc don’t take plural -s.

E.g. twenty thousand_ dollars; five million_ people

It`s interesting to know: how to read dates and years correctly.


In English, we can say dates either with the day before the month, or the month before the day:

"The first of January" or "January the first".

Remember to use ordinal numbers for dates in English.

(The first, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the twenty-second, the thirty-first etc.)


For years up until 2000, divide the four numbers into two pairs of two:

1965 = "nineteen sixty-five"

1871 = "eighteen seventy-one"

1999 = "nineteen ninety-nine"

1600 = sixteen hundred

1605 = sixteen hundred and five or sixteen oh five

For the decade 2001 – 2010, you say "two thousand and …", when speaking British English:

2001 = "two thousand and one"

2009 = "two thousand and nine"

However, from 2010 onwards you have a choice.

For example, 2012 can be either "two thousand and twelve" or "twenty twelve".

Look at this number: three hundred and thirty-five. If you put it on a calculator … and then turn the calculator upside down, you find an English verb – see.

1. Nine hundred and eighteen. – The opposite of small.

2. Seven thousand, seven hundred and thirty-eight. – Big Ben is a famous one.

3. Fifty-three thousand and forty-five. – For my feet.

4. Five hundred and seven thousand, seven hundred and thirty-four. – Greetings.

5. Three hundred and seventy-nine thousand, and nine. – An Internet search engine.

6. Five million three hundred and eighteen thousand, eight hundred and four. – Pleasant activities.

Wild animals in Danger.

How many of these animals are there in the wild today? Look at the pictures. Read the information and write the number of animals under each picture.

There are only one thousand six hundred giant pandas in the wild today, twenty-five thousand blue whales, seven thousand five hundred cheetahs, four thousand eight hundred and forty-eight black rhinos, five hundred thousand elephants left in Africa, one hundred thousand koalas, eight hundred and eighty mountain gorillas, three thousand two hundred tigers and twenty-five thousand polar bears!

That`s all for today.

Join us at our grammar lessons at videouroki.net and you’ll realize that grammar is interesting.


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