
Describing people. Describing yourself

Урок 5. Английский язык 7 класс ФГОС

В этом уроке ребята получают письмо от их русского друга Павла, который просит помочь ему выполнить задание для конкурса сочинений на английском языке «Someone I admire». Ребята знакомят нас со словами, которые помогают нам описать характер человека. Далее следуют упражнения на соотнесение противоположностей, а также поиск подходящего к описанию слова. Кристи берет интервью у ребят, которые рассказывают о своих друзьях. После и во время прослушивания учащиеся выполняют задания на поиск необходимой информации.
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Конспект урока "Describing people. Describing yourself"

Maddie: Hi, Tommy. How are you doing?

Tommy: I’m fine. I’ve got an email from Pavel, my friend from Russia here. Look!

Hello friends,

How are you there? I hope you are all fine there.

I enjoy watching your videos and never miss new lessons.

There is a new English teacher in our school. I like her very much.

She gave us the task to write a composition about someone we admire.

10 lucky students from our school will have a chance to visit London then.

I’d like to write about my elder brother Max. But I don’t know some words in English to describe his character.

I’ve attached my composition to this letter.

Can you help me?

Looking forward to your new videos.

Best wishes,


Let’s look at Pavel’s composition.

Someone I admire is my brother Max. He is seven years older than me, so he is 22 now. He has recently moved to Moscow for his new job.

He is very ____________ and likes to meet new people. He is also very _______ and ready to help other people. He is tall and has short blond hair.

Max has loved computer games since he was a child. Now he designs new computer games so he is very _____________. He can also speak Chinese very well and his dream is to work in China in the future.

Max is also very _______ because he loves to play sports, especially football.

When I visit him in Moscow he often takes me to watch live football! He is very __________ and like to make presents to other people.

Max doesn’t have a lot of free time these days because he works so hard. I really admire how __________ he is. I always look forward to visiting him but I will be sad if he moves to China.

Tommy: Oh, I see Pavel’s problem.

Maddie: We’ll be very happy to help him.

Tommy: So, in today’s lesson we’ll learn how to describe character.

First, look at the pictures and match them with the words.

1. intelligent

2. generous

3. outgoing

4. friendly

5. funny

6. selfish

7. lazy

8. creative

9. fit

Look at these words and match them with the opposites in the pictures:

stupid, greedy, kind, hardworking, serious, quiet, unfriendly, unfit, boring.

Now check yourselves.

stupid - intelligent

greedy - generous

kind - selfish

hardworking - lazy

serious - funny

quiet - outgoing

unfriendly - friendly

unfit - fit

boring - creative

Now read the following sentences, complete them and choose that are true for you.

1. I like giving people money and presents. I am …. generous.

2. It’s difficult for me to talk to new people. I am … quiet.

3. I don’t like working and I watch TV all day. I am … lazy.

4. I like doing things to help other people. I am … kind.

5. I make people laugh a lot. I am … funny.

6. I usually think about myself, not other people. I am … selfish.

7. I’m friendly and I like meeting new people. I am … outgoing.

8. I always produce new and original ideas. I am … creative.

9. I love to play sports. I am very …. fit.

10. I like solving puzzles and doing crosswords. I am …. intelligent.

Kristie is interviewing the people in the street, asking them about their friends.

Listen and answer the questions.

1. Are the two boys very close friends?

2. Are the two girls very close friends?

A boy:

I don’t like talkative people. And my friend Steve is usually very quiet. People think he is not very friendly because he’s quiet and often serious. But in fact he’s really friendly and sometimes very funny, not all the time but sometimes. We don’t like doing the same things and we hardly ever doing things together. Maybe two or three times a year. For example, he likes computer games and staying at home and I am an outgoing person. But it’s not a problem.

When we meet he always asks me how I am and he always listens to me. And when he phones me with a problem I always listen to him. He is a good friend and we usually understand each other well.

A girl:

My friend Emma is usually very funny. She makes jokes and we laugh a lot. We like the same things. We are always together. We often go out to clubs two or three times a week and a parties. She talks a lot and she’s friendly. But… are we really close friends? I don’t know. I think I’m a good friend to her but she… When I have a problem, she hardly ever listens to me. She is not very kind. She is an intelligent person and I sometimes feel stupid around her. We don’t always understand each other but ... You know, she’s a good friend. I think…

Listen again and tick the adjectives in your worksheets that describe Steve and Emma.

Check yourselves.

Describe Emma and Steve using the words from the table.

Emma is ….

Steve is ….

I guess now you are ready to fill in the gaps in Pavel’s composition with the new words.

Someone I admire is my brother Max. He is seven years older than me, so he is 22 now. He has recently moved to Moscow for his new job.

He is very outgoing and likes to meet new people. He is also very kind and ready to help other people. He is tall and has short blond hair.

Max has loved computer games since he was a child. Now he designs new computer games so he is very creative. He can also speak Chinese very well and his dream is to work in China in the future.

Max is also very fit because he loves to play sports, especially football.

When I visit him in Moscow he often takes me to watch live football! He is very generous and like to make presents to other people.

Max doesn’t have a lot of free time these days because he works so hard. I really admire how hardworking he is. I always look forward to visiting him but I will be sad if he moves to China.

Good job, guys! Let’s send an email to Pavel.

Hey, guys! Look! Here is a postcard from Pavel…from London! Wow, he’s won the competition and went to London with other nine winners from his school.



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