
Words related to weather

Урок 49. Английский язык 11 класс ФГОС

Погода в Великобритании — это тема для ежедневных шуток и обсуждений. У иностранцев вообще сложилось устойчивое мнение, что страна постоянно окутана туманом. Но это не так. С тех пор как британцы перестали топить печи в домах углём и перешли на газ, смог над городами рассеялся. Тем не менее, погода в Великобритании очень переменчива: дождь и солнце могут сменять друг друга в считанные минуты, так что, выходя на прогулку, не забудьте прихватить зонт. В этом уроке учащиеся повторяют лексику по теме.

Конспект урока "Words related to weather"

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Wash your face, have breakfast? Or check out your social media sites? Or maybe you turn the music on?

As for me, firstly I look out of my window to see what the weather is like today.

Why? – You may ask me. The answer is very simple: the weather always tells me what clothes to put on and what places to visit with my friends today.  It’s extremely important for me.

And what about you?

When you think of the word “weather”, what words come to your mind?

Let’s listen to three weather forecasts and complete the information for 3 cities about the temperature, adjectives to describe the temperature and weather vocabulary.

And now let’s look at the weather around the world.

In New York it’s a very cold day with a temperature of minus 2 degrees. There is some ice on the roads so be careful.

And it’s a good time for the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, which is very warm and sunny at the moment. The temperature is a comfortable 27 degrees, but there is the possibility of some rain.

And finally, Krakow in Poland is very cloudy today, with some fog that is causing a few problems at the airport. The temperature is around 5 degrees at the moment. This evening it could be cool so don’t forget to keep warm. And that’s all from us until …

New York: cold, –2 degrees, ice/icy

Rio de Janeiro: warm, sunny, 27 degrees, rain

Krakow: cloudy, fog/foggy, 5 degrees, cool

But there many more weather words that can be useful to you.

Now listen to the sentences and choose the correct word.

1. The boat got caught at sea in a furious/violent storm.

violent – жестокий, furious – разъяренный

2. Strong/Heavy winds are forecast for tomorrow.

Strong – сильный, heavy – тяжёлый

3. There was just a light breeze/gale blowing that day.

breeze – легкий ветерок, gale – ураган, штормовой ветер

4. It was a hazy/misty afternoon.

hazy – туманный, мглистый (о погоде), misty – туманный

5. We got soaking wet in that heavy downpour/drizzle.

downpour – ливень, проливной дождь, drizzle – мелкий моросящий дождь

6. Sunshine and showers/blizzards are expected again today.

showers – кратковременные ливни, blizzards – метели, бури

7. Listen to the wind howling/pouring through the trees!

howling – воющий (о ветре), pouring – льющий (о дожде)

Fill in: stone, gust, drop, ray, bolt, clap, flake.

1. clap of thunder – удар грома

The loud clap of thunder shook the windows.

2. bolt of lightning – вспышки молнии

A bolt of lightning lit up the night sky.

3. snowflake – снежинка

She laughed as a snowflake settled on her nose.

4. raindrop – капля дождя

The first heavy raindrop splashed down in front of me and I knew we were in for a downpour.

5. ray of sunshine – лучи солнца

The room was lit by a single ray of sunshine coming through the blinds.

6. gust of wind – порыв ветра

He grabbed his hat as a sudden gust of wind whipped it off his head.

7. hailstones – град

The hailstones battered the roof of the car.

Now you’ll learn a few weather idioms, their meanings and Russian equivalents.

1.                 A bolt out of the blue – something unexpected or surprising

2.                 To have one’s head in the clouds – to be daydreaming and not paying attention to what is happening around you right now.

3.                 Come rain or shine – no matter what the weather is.

4.                 The eye of the hurricane – a period of time when things are calm. But yet more trouble expected to come.

5.                 To weather the storm – to deal with a difficult situation.

6.                 To have a face like thunder – to have a facial expression that shows one's anger or hostility.

7.                 A storm in a teacup is when someone makes a small problem seem like a big problem.

8.                 To wait for a raindrop in the drought – to wait/hope for something which has little chance of happening.

9.                 To sit on a volcano – to be in a place where trouble may start or danger may come suddenly.

Can you match the idioms to their Russian equivalents?

1.                 гром среди ясного неба

2.                 витать в облаках

3.                 что бы не случилось

4.                 затишье перед бурей

5.                 пережить бурю

6.                 выглядеть мрачнее тучи

7.                 делать из мухи слона; буря в стакане

8.                 ждать у моря погоды

9.                 сидеть на пороховой бочке; жить как на вулкане

Now listen to the following situations and fill in the proper idiom.

1.                 She was silent but I knew she was angry. It was the eye of the hurricane.

2.                 Nothing will stop me going to the meeting tomorrow. I'll be there, come rain or shine!

3.                 Poor James had to stand there and weather the storm as Dora was shouting at him for breaking down her laptop.

4.                 I wasn't expecting it to happen. It was a bolt out of the blue.

5.                 All those forecasts about the rain are a storm in a teacup. It’s not as dangerous as they say.

6.                 Winning in a lottery is like waiting for a raindrop in the drought.

7.                 Weren’t there other hotels in Pisa? Staying in this place is like sitting on a volcano.

8.                 There's no way you can buy a house like that. You've really got your head in the clouds!

9.                 When I looked up, he had a face like thunder, and I knew that I was in trouble.


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