Видеоучебник  /  Английский язык  /  5 класс  /  Английский язык 5 класс  /  Подготовка к контрольной работе

Подготовка к контрольной работе

Урок 20. Английский язык 5 класс

Данный видеофрагмент является способом проверки задание, направленное на развитие навыков и умений восприятия и понимания иностранной речи на слух. В нем также представлен пример традиционной рождественской английской песни ‘carol’, что поможет снять напряженную атмосферу в конце четверти перед контрольными работами. А яркие картинки, сопровождающие текст, привлекут внимание всех учащихся. При нежелании использовать видеофрагмент, имеется аудиозапись данного задания.
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Конспект урока "Подготовка к контрольной работе"

Teacher: Today we`ll speak about our Christmas holidays and we need all the knowledge to revise. So, you have to be very attentive and hardworking.

Now we start revising all your knowledge.

Task1. We`ve got a text about spending Christmas holidays in Britain. Let`s read it, complete the text with the needed words and compare to our customs.

The most popular holiday in Britain is Xmas. Every year the people of Norway are (1)r … for a present to the city of London. It is a big Xmas tree. During Xmas (2)g … of children go from house to house. They collect sweets and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs. The fun starts on the 24 of December. Children hang stockings (чулки) above their beds, hoping that Santa Claus will come at night and fill them with toys and sweets. On Xmas the whole family usually (3)s … at home. Families (4)a … a big Xmas dinner of turkey (индейка) and Xmas pudding.

New Year's day is less popular in Britain then Xmas.


Check yourselves

The most popular holiday in Britain is Xmas.

 Every year the people of Norway are responsible for a present to the city of London. It is a big Xmas tree.

During Xmas groups of children go from house to house.

They collect sweets and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs. The fun starts on the 24 of December. Children hang stockings above their beds, hoping that Santa Claus will come at night and fill them with toys and sweets.

On Xmas the whole family usually stay at home.

 Families arrange a big Xmas dinner of turkey and Xmas pudding.

New Year's day is less popular in Britain then Xmas.

The keys: 1 – responsible, 2 – groups, 3 – stays, 4 – arrange.

Task2. Now you know some information about Christmas in Britain. Tell me please: “Are the customs the same in Russia on Christmas?”

·       When do we celebrate Christmas?

·       What holiday is more popular in Russia: Christmas or New Year`s day?

Teacher: Now I give you the cards with some sentences. You have to build tag questions to these sentences.

Variant 1

1.    The most popular holiday in Britain is Xmas.

2.    Every year the people of Norway are responsible for a present to the city of London.

3.    During Xmas groups of children go from house to house.


Variant 2

1.    They collect sweets and sing carols.

2.    The fun starts on the 24 of December.

3.    Santa Claus will come at night.


Ready? Now, exchange your card with your partner and check it.

Now let`s check up them together (students are explaining their mistakes themselves).

Task3. Complete the sentences about the plans for Xmas with AM, IS, ARE.

1.    The people of Norway … going to present a new year tree to the city of London.


2.    Groups of children … going to go from house to house and sing carols.


3.    The fun … going to start on the 24th of December.


4.    On Xmas the whole family … going to stay at home.


Task4. I give you cards with some words and I want you to write your family plans for the New Year`s Eve (не обязательно использовать все выражения).

decorate a new year tree – украшать елку

wrap presents – упаковывать подарки

arrange a big dinner

arrange an social programme for the family

not to sleep till the morning

watch TV

sing new year`s songs

give presents

get presents



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