
April fool’s Day

Урок 42. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

День смеха – это самый весёлый день в году. Он отмечается 1 апреля. В этот день люди обычно подшучивают над своими друзьями, родственниками и коллегами. Всюду царит веселье и радость. А знаете ли вы, как отмечают этот праздник в других странах? Если нет, то этот видеоурок для вас! Также в ходе этого урока учащиеся смогут выучить новые слова и фразы по данной теме.
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Конспект урока "April fool’s Day"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Jackson is also here with us today!

Hi, everyone!

Guys, we are glad to welcome you on our lesson!

And today we would like to start the lesson with one short story.

Listen to this story, please.

This will help you to guess the topic of our lesson today.

Hi, James!

Hi, Oliver! How are you?

Oh, I’m fine, thank you! What about you?

I’m fine too! Oh, look at your shoes! Oliver, your shoelaces are untied! You may fall down!

Really? Wait! James, what are you talking about? My shoelaces are tied!

Oh, yes, that’s right! I’m sorry!

It’s okay! How was your day at school, James?

It was great! I had so much fun today.

Oh, really?

Yeah! Oh, Oliver, you have a white spot on your back!

Oh, that’s not good! My mum will be mad at me!


James, what’s so funny?

Oh, nothing! You are just an April fool!

Wait! Did you play jokes on me?

Yes, I did!

Oh, I see! In this case, we are not friends anymore!

What? Oliver, I’m so sorry! I thought you would understand my jokes! I didn't mean to offend you! Forgive me, please!


Oliver, what’s so funny?

Oh, nothing! You are just an April fool too!

Ha-ha! You played a joke on me too! Right?

Yes, that’s right!

Ha-ha! You are so funny! All right! Let’s go for a walk!

Sure. Let’s go!

Guys, now I think you understand that today in the lesson we will:

talk about April Fool’s Day;


learn new words.

Guys, before we talk about April Fool’s Day, we have to learn new words and phrases!

You will need them to understand the information.

All right! Let’s start!

The words and phrases are:

April Fool’s Day

The translation is “День смеха”.

For example:

April Fool’s Day is Nick’s favorite holiday!


The translation is “глупец”.

Look at the example:

Michael, stop acting like a fool!


The translation is “шутка”.

Let’s look at the example:

Megan, why are you so mad at me? It was just a harmless joke!

Play a joke on somebody

The translation is “подшутить над кем-либо”.

For example:

Kyle played a joke on his mother.


The translation is “трюк, уловка, обман”.

Look at the example:

Mum, Frank played a trick on me. You must punish him!


The translation is “смешной, забавный”.

For example:

He told me a very funny joke!


The translation is “глупый”.

Look at the example:

Megan, stop asking me silly questions!

Laugh at somebody

The translation is “смеяться над кем-либо”.

For example:

Dad, my classmates laughed at me when I fell down today!

Guys, we’ve learnt new words and phrases which we will need to talk about April Fool’s Day!

Now let’s revise them once again.

Listen and repeat after me.

April Fool’s Day



Play a joke on somebody




Laugh at somebody

Well done, boys and girls!

 Now we will tell you about such interesting holiday as April Fool’s Day.

First, you need to know that April Fool’s Day is celebrated on the 1st of April in many countries around the world.

Guys, what do people usually do on this day?

Oh, Jackson, we will tell you!

On this day people usually play silly but harmless jokes on each other and have fun trying to make other people believe things that are not true. They can play jokes on their friends, parents or relatives.

Even pupils sometimes try to play jokes on their teachers if they have a sense of humor. Pupils can say that they are not ready for the lesson but then they read texts well and retell them in a proper way. They can also say that something is wrong with the teacher’s hairdo when in fact all is in order and so on. These jokes are usually silly that’s why the teachers are not angry.

Wow! That sounds interesting!

Oh, yes, it is!

But remember that your jokes shouldn’t be bad, harmful or offensive!

Yes! He’s absolutely right! A bad joke can cost you the friendship!

Oh, I see! Thank you for your advice.

You’re welcome!

Guys, can I ask you a question?

Yes, of course!

Where did April Fool’s Day first appear?

Oh, it’s easy!

April Fool’s Day first appeared in France. When the French began to use the Gregorian calendar, some people continued to use the old calendar and to celebrate New Year's Day on the 1st of April. These people were called April fools. As a result, now the victims of the jokes are also called April fools.

Wow! That’s interesting! Guys, can I ask you one more question?


What kind of tricks do people usually play on April Fool’s Day?

Well… In different countries people play different jokes.

For example:

In France and Italy people usually try to stick a paper fish onto a victim's back without being noticed.

In India people usually play tricks and throw paint on one another to celebrate this holiday.

In Britain people like drinking tea. That’s why some of them change the sugar for salt on this day. As a result, the victim has to drink the salty tea. You also need to know that the British people usually play jokes in the morning. It’s bad luck to play a joke on somebody in the afternoon.

In other countries people change the time on another person’s alarm to make him wake up very early or very late. Some people put a lot of pepper in another person’s food and it becomes really spicy.

Ha-ha! Guys, that is so funny!

Oh, yes, it is! But only if you are not the victim!

Oh, you are absolutely right!

Guys, April Fool’s Day appeared in France, but now it’s popular all over the world.

And everyone likes this holiday!

Yes, that’s amazing!

Guys, I’m so happy that we have one day in a year when we can play jokes on somebody and laugh a lot!

Yeah! I agree!

That’s all for today, our dear friends!

We hope you liked the lesson!

 See you soon, boys and girls!


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