
William Shakespeare. Quiz

Урок 38. Английский язык 9 класс ФГОС

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Конспект урока "William Shakespeare. Quiz"

William Shakespeare: Good morrow, students!

My name is William Shakespeare and I’m over 400 years! Visit videouroki.net, watch a video about my amazing life and work! Then come back and join our quiz.

Your correct answers will be an excellent proof that I’m still alive!

Harry: Well, let’s see how much do you really know about William Shakespeare and his life.

1. When was Shakespeare born?

Here are four pictures with symbols. Follow the instructions and move the symbols:

-                     white symbols go together;

-                     the star shifts one position

-                     the square is between the circle and the star.

Correct answer is 1564.

2. Where was Shakespeare born? Do the puzzle to guess the word.

Correct answer is Stratford.

3. As a young man, what was Shakespeare’s job?

a) a glove maker            b) a farmer           c) a school teacher         d) a builder

Correct answer is c) He probably left school at 14, and later may have worked as a school teacher.

4. What was the surname of Shakespeare’s wife Anne? Make up a word from the letters that are the same in the left and right tables.

When William Shakespeare was 18 years old he married Anne Hathaway. She was 26 at that time.

5. How many plays did Shakespeare write?

a) at least 28                   b) at least 38                  c) at least 48

Correct answer is a) at least 38 plays

6. How many languages have Shakespeare’s plays been translated into?

a) at over 20                   b) over 50             c) over 100

Correct answer is c) over 100 languages

7. How many film and TV versions of Shakespeare’s plays have ever been produced?

a) 210         b) 310                  c) 410

Correct answer is c) 410 – making Shakespeare the most filmed author ever in any language.

8. What did Shakespeare use to write his plays?

a) a feather           b) a pencil            c) a highlighter

Correct answer is a) a feather

9. In 1593 the plague, a terrible disease, killed thousands of people and theatres were closed. During this time William started to write poems instead of plays. His short poems of 14 lines are called ____________. Do the puzzle.

Move the hexagons according to the instructions:

-                     black hexagons coincide

-                     N is placed between white hexagons

-                     one hexagon doesn’t change its position

-                     S is not next to N.

10. How did the Globe Theatre announce a new play in Shakespeare’s time?

a) advert in the newspaper                 b) hanging out flags                 c) Facebook or Twitter

Correct answer is b) hanging out flags – not a lot of people could read, so they hung different coloured flags to let people know when a play was going to be performed and what kind of play it was going to be.

11. What was built in London in 1997?

a) a Shakespeare museum        b) a statue of Shakespeare        c) a replica of the Globe Theatre

Correct answer is c) a replica of the Globe Theatre

12. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

The first Globe Theatre burned to the ground in 1613. Actors were performing the play Henry VII at the time. They were using a real cannon on the stage when suddenly a fire started in the roof. The fire moved quickly through the wooden building and destroyed it completely. A year later they opened the Globe theatre again.

13. Here are some famous quotes from the Shakespeare. Can you match the two halves to make the quote?

1. All the world is a stage and all the men and women are merely players.

2. Love is blind and lovers cannot see.

3. Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

4. Good night! Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow.

5. To be or not to be: that is the question.

6. Things without remedy should be without regard; what is done is done!

7. The course of true love never did run smooth.

8. O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

14. Which famous actor played Romeo in the 1996 film version of “Romeo and Juliet”?

a) Leonardo DiCaprio             b) Johnny Depp             c) Brad Pitt

Correct answer is a) Leonardo DiCaprio

15. Read 6 Shakespeare’s quotes about love and find their modern-day equivalents.

1. “I would not wish any companion in the world but you” (The Tempest) – You are the only one for me.

2. “The course of true love never did run smooth” (A Midsummer Night’s Dream) – Love is a rollercoaster.

3. “You have witchcraft in your lips” (Henry V) – You’re a good kisser.

4. “Love is like a child that longs for everything it comes by” (The Two Gentlemen of Verona) – Love is like a greedy child.

5. “I do love thee, and when I love thee not, chaos is come again” (Othello) – Things go wrong when I stop loving you.

16. Can you spot 10 differences between these two scenes from A Midsummer Night’s Dream?

17. Shakespeare loved language and invented new words and expressions that we still use today.

Can you guess what they mean and match them to their correct definition?

Now you have a chance to check your guesses.

1.                 vanish into thin air – disappear suddenly or mysteriously

2.                 the green-eyed monster - jealousy

3.                 foul play – behavior that is not fair or honest

4.                 heart of gold - kindness

5.                 in a pickle – laughing a lot

6.                 break the ice – do something that makes people less shy or nervous

7.                 night owl – someone who likes going out or staying up late at night

18. Find the ten plays by William Shakespeare.

His plays are:

1)                The Tempest

2)                The Comedy of Errors

3)                Julius Caesar

4)                Hamlet

5)                Henry V

6)                Macbeth

7)                The two gentlemen of Verona

8)                King Lear

9)                Much ado about nothing

10)           Romeo and Juliet

19. Listen to the short summaries of three Shakespeare’s famous plays. Which is a comedy, which is a history and which is a tragedy?

A. This play takes place in Venice where a young man of 18 falls in love with a girl of 14. But, there is a problem – their families are enemies. The man is not allowed to meet the girl, but he does in secret. Then he sees the girl on the ground and he thinks she is dead. He is so upset that he kills himself. When the girl wakes up and sees him dead, she kills herself.

B. A brother (Sebastian) and a sister (Viola) are shipwrecked, but they both think the other one has died. Viola arrives at the palace of Count Orsino dressed as a boy. The Count is in love with Olivia, the daughter of a local lord, but she doesn’t love him. He asks Viola to take a letter to Olivia telling her how much he loves her. When Viola arrives Olivia falls in love with her because she looks like a man (she is still dressed in boy’s clothes). Then Sebastian is found alive and in the end Olivia marries Sebastian, The Count marries Viola!

C. This play takes place in ancient Rome. A group of men decided to kill the Emperor. They kill him on March 15th. Then the Emperor’s nephew comes to Rome to try and find the men who killed his uncle and kill them. One of these men – Brutus –is so unhappy about what he has done that he wants to kill himself.

A is a tragedy, Romeo and Juliet

B is a comedy, Twelfth Night

C is a history, Julius Caesar

20. The stories told in most Shakespeare’s plays are not original. Is it true or false?

a) True                 b) False

That’s true!! Shakespeare’s primary source materials were English and Latin histories, plays and poems.

William Shakespeare died when he was 52 on 23 April 1616.

His plays and poetry were very popular 400 years ago and they are still popular today.

People all over the world love his work because he wrote wonderful stories about very interesting people.


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