
British homes. House museums in Russia

Урок 37. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

В ходе данного видеоурока главные герои поговорят о разнице между домами в Великобритании и домами в России. Также они расскажут учащимся про дома-музеи, которые находятся в России.

Конспект урока "British homes. House museums in Russia"

– Hello, our dear friends! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson!

– Today we have a guest.

– It’s our good friend Liam.

– Hi, boys! I’m so glad to see you!

– Hi, Liam! We are glad to see you too.

– All right! Now when everyone is here, we can start our lesson.

– Boys, what are we going to talk about today?

– Well… Today we would like to tell you about the British homes.

– Yes, that’s right! We also want to tell you about the house museums in Russia.

– Oh, wow! That sounds interesting!

– Oh, we are glad to hear that!

– All right! Now let’s start our lesson.

So today in the lesson we will:

·      talk about the British homes;

·      learn new words;

·      talk about the house museums in Russia;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

– First of all, we will tell you about the British homes.

– But before we do that, let’s learn some new words and revise the old ones.

– You’ll need them to understand the information.

– Oh, okay, boys.

– Great! And the words are…

A house

The translation is:


A garden

It’s translated as:


A cottage

Коттедж, деревенский дом

A flat


A castle


A flower


A tree


Now let’s talk about the British homes.

Look at these four girls. Their names are:






The girls are from Britain and they want to tell you about the British homes themselves.

Let’s start with Kate.

There are 22 million homes in Britain – big homes and small homes, old cottages and new buildings, houses and flats. Many British people love the old houses and these are often more expensive than the modern ones.

Now listen to Jessica, please!

The British people also love gardening and you will see the gardens everywhere you go: in towns, villages and out in the country. Some are very small with just one tree and a few flowers. Others are very big with lots of trees and beautiful flowers.

Now let’s listen to Julia!

Two third of the families in Britain own their houses. Millions of these houses are the same with two or three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, a dining room and a kitchen downstairs.

And now listen to Fiona, please!

There are also lots of castles in the UK. Look! This is Windsor Castle. It’s one of the main attractions of England. This castle is also one of Queen Elizabeth’s homes. She spends most of the time there. Windsor Castle is beautiful and very big!

– Liam, the girls have just told you about the British homes!

– And now we would like to check your knowledge if you don’t mind.

– Oh, sure, boys! No problem!

– Wonderful!

And your task is to answer the questions!

1. Are the modern houses more expensive than the old ones?

Let’s check.

The right answer is:

No, they aren’t.

2. Do the British people love gardening?

Check yourselves.

The right answer is:

Yes, they do.

3. Is it true that all the gardens in Britain are very big with lots of trees and flowers?

Let’s check.

The right answer is:

No, it’s not.

4. Are there any castles in the UK?

Check yourselves.

The right answer is:

Yes, there are.


5. Is Windsor Castle very big or very small?

Let’s check.

The right answer is:

Windsor Castle is very big.

– Well done, Liam!

– Thank you so much, boys!

– You’re welcome.

– All right! Now let’s talk about the house museums in Russia.

– Okay, boys!

There are a lot of house museums in Russia. Famous people such as composers, writers, poets and artists lived there in the past. Now their homes are museums. You can see different old things there such as books, pictures, armchairs, tables, chairs, lamps and sofas.

People come to the house museums to learn about famous people’s lives. House museums are really interesting places.

Now let’s look at the pictures of some famous house museums in Russia.

Look! In the first picture we can see the Nikolai Gogol house museum.

In the second picture we see the Anton Chekhov house museum.

In the third picture we can see the Leo Tolstoy house museum.

In the following picture we can see the Marina Tsvetayeva house museum.

In the fifth picture we see the Maxim Gorky house museum.

And in the last picture we can see the Mikhail Bulgakov house museum.

– Liam, we’ve told you about the house museums in Russia.

– Yes, that’s right, guys!

– Now we would like to check your knowledge.

– Oh, sure!

And your task is to match the names of the house museums with the pictures!

The pictures are…

And the names of the house museums are…

Check yourselves.

In the first picture we see the Anton Chekhov house museum.

In the second picture we see the Marina Tsvetayeva house museum.

In the following picture we see the Maxim Gorky house museum.

In the fourth picture we can see the Nikolai Gogol house museum.

In the fifth picture we see the Mikhail Bulgakov house museum.

And in the last picture we can see the Leo Tolstoy house museum.

– Well done, Liam!

– Now you know about the British homes.

– You also know about the house museums in Russia.

– Yes, that’s right! Thank you so much for the interesting information, boys!

– No problem, Liam!

– That’s all for today, our dear friends!

– See you soon.


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