
Things in a house

Урок 36. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

С помощью этого урока ребята смогут повторить названия комнат в доме, а также предлоги места. Затем учащиеся смогут выучить названия некоторых предметов, которые расположены в спальне, учебной комнате, ванной комнате, гостиной и кухне.

Конспект урока "Things in a house"

– Hello, our dear friends! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson!

– Today we have a guest.

– It’s a penguin.

– His name is Muggles.

– He’s our friend.

– Hi, Muggles! We are so happy to see you.

– Hi, boys! I’m happy to see you too!

– Muggles, what would you like to talk about today?

– Well… Boys, can we talk about the things in a house, please?

– Oh, yes, of course!

– Guys, thank you so much, in advance!

– You’re welcome!

– All right! Now let’s start our lesson!

So today in the lesson we will:

·      revise the names of the rooms in a house;

·      talk about the things in a house;

·      learn new words;

·      revise the prepositions of place;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

– First of all, let’s revise the prepositions of place.

– We’ll need them to talk about the things in a house.

– Oh, okay, boys!

– Are you ready to listen, Muggles?

– Yes, of course!

– Great! Let’s start.


The translation is “на”.

For example:

The mouse is on the bookcase.

Мышь находится на книжном шкафу.

The following preposition is “in”.

It’s translated as “в”.

Look at the example:

The mouse is in the bookcase.

Мышь находится в книжном шкафу.

The third preposition is “under”.


For example:

The mouse is under the bookcase.

Мышь находится под книжным шкафом.

The following preposition is “next to”.


Look at the example:

The mouse is next to the bookcase.

Мышь находится рядом с книжным шкафом.

The fifth preposition is “in front of”.

Перед, впереди

For example:

The mouse is in front of the bookcase.

Мышь находится перед книжным шкафом.

The following preposition is “behind”.

Позади, за, сзади

Look at the example:

The mouse is behind the bookcase.

Мышь находится за книжным шкафом.

And the last preposition is “between”.


For example:

The mouse is between the bookcase and the chair.

Мышь находится между книжным шкафом и стулом.

– Muggles, we have just revised the prepositions of place.

– Yes, that’s right, boys!

– Now let’s revise the names of the rooms in a house.

– Oh, okay!

– Great! In this case, let’s start.

Look! This is a kitchen.


Now look! This is a living room.

Гостиная, зал

Look at the following room.

It’s called a bedroom.


This is a study room.

Учебная комната

And look! This room is called a bathroom.

Ванная комната

– Muggles, now when you know all the necessary information, we can talk about the things in a room.

– Oh, that’s wonderful, boys!

– All right! Let’s start!

And first of all, look! This is Martin and this is his house.

– Hello, guys! Let me tell you about the things in my house.

– Let’s start with the kitchen.

– I’ve got a fridge, a cooker and a few cupboards in my kitchen.

A fridge

The translation is:


A cooker

Кухонная плита

A cupboard

Шкаф с полками

– Let’s continue!

– Look! This is my living room.

– I’ve got a lamp, a sofa and a TV in the living room.

A lamp

Лампа, светильник

A sofa




– Now look at the following room.

– This is my bedroom, boys and girls!

– I’ve got a bed, a chest of drawers and a glass in this room.

A bed


A chest of drawers


A glass


– Let’s continue!

– Look! This is my bathroom.

– I’ve got a mirror, a washbasin and a bathtub in this room.

A mirror


A washbasin

Умывальник, умывальная раковина

A bathtub


– Now look at the last room.

– This is my study room, boys and girls!

– I’ve got a table, a chair and a bookcase in this room.

A table


A chair


A bookcase

Книжный шкаф

– Muggles, we’ve talked about the things in a room.

– And now we would like to check your knowledge if you don’t mind.

– Oh, sure, boys! No problem!

Your task is to look at the pictures and answer the questions!

The first picture is…

And the questions are…

What’s this?

Let’s check.

This is a mirror.

Where is the mirror?

Check yourselves.

The mirror is on the wall.

What’s this?

Let’s check.

This is a table.

Where is the table?

Check yourselves.

The table is between two armchairs.

The following picture is…

And the questions are…

What’s this?

Let’s check.

This is a sofa.

Where is the sofa?

Check yourselves.

The sofa is next to the table.

What’s this?

Let’s check.

This is a chair.

Where is the chair?

Check yourselves.

The chair is under the table.

Now look at the last picture, please!

The questions are:

What’s this?

Let’s check.

This is a cooker.

Is the cooker in front of or behind the man?

Check yourselves.

The cooker is behind the man.

What’s this?

Let’s check.

This is a cupboard.

Is the woman in front of or behind the cupboard?

Check yourselves.

The woman is in front of the cupboard.

– Well done, Muggles!

– That’s all for today, our dear friends!

– See you soon.


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