
Animals down under

Урок 32. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

В данном уроке Бобби, Мобби и Тобби поговорят про Австралию и животных, которые там обитают. Учащиеся выучат новые слова по этой теме. Также они узнают больше о таких животных, как кенгуру, коала, утконос, кенгуру-валлаби и ехидна.
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Конспект урока "Animals down under"

– Hello, our dear friends! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson!

– Today we have a guest.

– It’s a pig.

– His name is Pink.

– He’s our good friend.

– Hello, boys! It’s so good to see you!

– Hello, Pink! It’s so good to see you too!

– What brought you here today, dear friend?

– Boys, I’ve come to you, because I need your help!

– Oh, okay! And what kind of help do you need?

– Well… Yesterday I borrowed a book from the library. The name of the book is “Animals Down Under”.

– Oh, I’m sure, this book is very interesting!

– Boys, I’m not sure about that!

– Why, Pink?

– Guys, it’s because I don’t know the meaning of the words “Down Under”. Will this book tell me about the animals that live underground?

– Oh, no, Pink! Let me tell you the meaning of the words “Down Under”.

People often call Australia “Down Under” because it’s “under” many other countries on the globe.

– Oh, now I understand! The book “Animals Down Under” will tell me about the animals that live in Australia. Am I right?

– Yes, you are absolutely right!

– Cool! I want to read this book as fast as I can. Unfortunately, it’s very thick. I need two weeks to read it.

– Oh, Pink, we can help you with that!

– Really?! How will you do that?

– Well… We can tell you about Australia and the animals that live there right now.

– Oh, wow! That would be awesome! Thank you, boys!

– You are welcome!

– All right! Now let’s start our lesson.

– Great! I can’t wait to hear all the information.

So today in the lesson we will:

·      talk about Australia;

·      learn new words;


·      talk about the animals that live in Australia.

– Pink, first of all, we will tell you about Australia.

– However, before we do that, let’s learn some new words.

– You’ll need them to understand the information.

– Sure, boys! No problem.

– Great! And the words are…


The translation is “континент, материк”.


This word is translated as “океан”.









Great! Now let’s talk about Australia.

Australia is the sixth biggest country in the world and the smallest continent. It lies between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Australia is very far away from Europe and it takes you over 20 hours to get there by plane.

Australia is also one of the richest countries in the world. It produces wool and meat on one side, as well as gold and other minerals on the other side.

Now look at the map please!

As you can see, the total area of Australia is around 7.7 million square kilometers.

And the population of this country is around 25.6 million people.

The capital of Australia is Canberra.

Now look! This is the Australian flag. It has a blue background, the flag of the United Kingdom and six stars.

– Boys, now I know more about such wonderful country as Australia. It’s all thanks to you!

– Oh, Pink, we are so happy to hear that!

– All right! Now let’s talk about the animals that live in Australia.

– Oh, cool! I can’t wait to hear about them.

Australia is home to list of different and unique variety of animals, birds, reptiles and plants. Among Australia’s best known wild animals are the kangaroo, koala, echidna, platypus and wallaby.

Now let’s talk about each of them in detail.

Look! This is a kangaroo.

The translation is “кенгуру”.

The kangaroo has got…

a long tail,

strong back legs,

large feet


long pointed ears.

Now let’s answer the question:

What can kangaroos do?

The kangaroos can…

Jump, swim and walk.

But they can’t…

Talk, sing and fly.

Now look! This is a koala.

The translation is “коала”.

The koala has got…

a large round head,

big ears,

a big black nose


a fat body.

Now let’s answer the question:

What can koalas do?

The koalas can…

Climb, walk, run and swim.

But they can’t…

Talk and fly.

Now look! This is an echidna.

The translation is “ехидна”.

The echidna has got…

a long nose,

small eyes,

a fat body


short legs.

Now let’s answer the question:

What can echidnas do?

The echidnas can…

Swim and walk.

But they can’t…

Dance, talk, sing and fly.

Now look! This is a wallaby.

The translation is “кенгуру-валлаби”.

The wallabies are smaller than the kangaroos.

The wallaby has got…

a long thick tail,

strong back legs,

large feet


long ears.

Now let’s answer the question:

What can wallabies do?

The wallabies can…

Swim, jump and walk.

But they can’t…

Dance, sing and talk.

Now look at the last animal. It’s called a platypus.

The translation is “утконос”.

The platypus has got…

short legs,

a long nose,

small eyes


a fat body.

Now let’s answer the question:

What can platypuses do?

The platypuses can…

Walk, run and swim.

But they can’t…

Fly, sing and talk.

– Pink, now you know about Australia and the animals that live there.

– Yes, that’s right, boys! Thank you so much for the interesting information!

– You’re welcome, Pink!

– All right! Now I have to go home. See you soon, boys!

– See you, Pink.

– That’s all for today, our dear friends!

– We hope that the lesson was interesting and useful for you.

– See you soon, boys and girls.


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