
At work. The Present Continuous Tense

Урок 30. Английский язык 5 класс ФГОС

Видеоурок познакомит ребят с названиями различных профессий. Также учащиеся изучат такое время, как the Present Continuous Tense. Они узнают всё о построении и употреблении этого времени.

Конспект урока "At work. The Present Continuous Tense"

— Hello, boys and girls! My name is Kyle.

— Hello, everyone! My name is Sophia.

— Hello, friends! I’m Melanie.

— Hello! I’m Jackson.

— Welcome to our lesson!

— We are happy to see you!

Today in the lesson we will:

● learn new words;

● talk about the Present Continuous Tense;


● put the knowledge into practice.

First, we will talk about the Present Continuous Tense.

The translation is:

Настоящее продолженное время

Now let’s answer the question:

When do we use the Present Continuous Tense?

We use it to describe actions that are happening at this moment.

For example:

James is feeding his dog at this moment.

This tense is used to describe temporary situations, even if the actions are not happening right now.

For instance:

Leslie is staying with her mum in London for a week.

Now let’s answer the question:

How do we form sentences in the Present Continuous Tense?

To form positive sentences we put the subject in the first place. For example:


He, she, it

You, we, they

Then we use one of the forms of the verb “to be”: am, is or are. We use “am” with the pronoun I. We use “is” with the pronouns he, she, it. And we use “are” with the pronouns you, we, they. After that we put the main verb with the ending -ing.

For example:

I am reading a book now.

The boy is brushing his teeth.

The girls are singing a song.

To form negative sentences we put the subject in the first place. For example:


He, she, it

You, we, they

Then we use am, is or are with the particle “not”. After that we put the main verb with the ending -ing.

For example:

I am not reading a book now. (or I’m not reading a book now.)

The boy is not brushing his teeth. (or The boy isn’t brushing his teeth.)

The girls are not singing a song. (or The girls aren’t singing a song.)

To form questions we need to put am, is or are in the first place. Then we use the subject.

For example:


He, she, it

You, we, they

After that we use the main verb with the ending -ing.

For example:

Am I reading a book now?

Is the boy brushing his teeth?

Are the girls singing a song?

— Guys, we’ve talked about the Present Continuous Tense.

— Now we would like to check your knowledge.

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences!

Check yourselves!

The right answers are:

Kate is eating a porridge at this moment.

The boys are doing their homework.

The girl is washing the dishes now.

Kyle isn’t sleeping at the moment.

My parents aren’t watching TV now.

I am playing the piano at this moment.

The boy isn’t riding a bike now.

Jennifer is playing with her cat.


Complete the questions using “am”, “is” or “are”!

Let’s check!

The right answers are:

Are the boys playing football?

Is he driving a car now?

Am I walking my dogs now?

Is Ella drinking an orange juice?

Am I going to school now?

Are they listening to music?

Now look! This is Jack. And this is Kayla.

We will listen to their conversation, but first, let’s learn new words!


Маляр, художник


Медицинская сестра, сиделка


Доктор, врач

What do your parents do?

Чем занимаются твои родители?

Now listen to the first dialogue!

— Hi, Jack! What are you doing here?

— Oh, I’m waiting for my mum. She is painting the walls in this hospital.

— Is she a painter?

— Yes, she is. What about you? What are you doing here?

— Oh, I’m waiting for my parents.

— What do your parents do?

— Well… My mum is a nurse. And my dad is a doctor.

— Cool!  

— Thank you!

Now look! This is William. And this is Sofia.

We will listen to their conversation, but first, let’s learn new words!

Taxi driver






Now listen to the second dialogue!

— Hi, William! What are you doing here?

— Oh, I’m waiting for my dad.

— What does your dad do?

— Well… He is a taxi driver. What about you? What are you doing here?

— Oh, I’m waiting for my parents.

— What do your parents do?

— Well… My dad is a waiter. And my mum is a waitress.

— Wow! Are they serving meals to people at this moment?

— Yes, they are. But they will finish in a few minutes. We usually walk home together.

— Oh, that’s sweet!

— Thank you!

Now look! This is Kyle. And this is Zoe.

We will listen to their conversation, but first, let’s learn new words!


Булочник, пекарь







Now listen to the third dialogue!

— Hi, Kyle! What are you doing here?

— Oh, I’m waiting for my parents.

— What do your parents do?

— Well… My mum is a baker. She is baking bread at this moment.

— Wow! What about your dad?

— My dad is a mechanic. He is repairing someone’s car now.

— Cool!

— Thank you! What about you? What are you doing here?

— Oh, I’m also waiting for my parents.

— What do your parents do?

— Well… My mum is a teacher. And my dad is a postman.

— Oh, cool!

— Thanks!

— Boys and girls, you’ve just listened to three dialogues.

— Now we would like to check your knowledge.

Look at the pictures and unscramble the words!

Let’s check!

The right answers are:






Let’s continue!

Check yourselves!

The right answers are:


Taxi driver





Complete the sentences!

Let’s check!

The right answers are:

Kyle’s mum is a baker.

Zoe’s dad is a postman.

William’s dad is a taxi driver.

Sofia’s mum is a waitress.

Kayla’s mum is a nurse.

Let’s continue!

Check yourselves!

The right answers are:

Kyle’s dad is a mechanic.

Jack’s mum is a painter.

Sofia’s dad is a waiter.

Kayla’s dad is a doctor.

Zoe’s mum is a teacher.

— Well done, boys and girls!

— Now it’s time to say goodbye to everyone.

— Goodbye, friends!

— Goodbye, boys and girls!

— Goodbye!


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