

Урок 28. Английский язык 7 класс ФГОС

Из-за ужасной погоды, ребята вынуждены остаться дома. Но они совсем не скучают и вам не дадут, ведь можно поиграть в игру «Крокодил» на тему «Транспорт». Далее вы познакомитесь со словосочетаниями с глаголами take, get on, get off и go by. Ребятам не сидится дома, и они отправляются в музей транспорта. Дядя Сэм рассказывает ребятам о монорельсовом поезде, домашнем вертолёте и самолёте, который мог трансформироваться в машину.
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Конспект урока "Transport"

-                     The weather is awful today. I was going to ride my new rollerblades. They are really cool…

-                     Yeah… We’re are stuck at home for a day. It would be fun to see what is faster: your rollerblades or my scooter.

-                     Believe me, my skateboard is the fastest…

-                     Oh, stop arguing. Let’s better play a game.

-                     Ok…

I’ll put stickers on your foreheads with the names of different types of transport and give you the clues.

Can you help Maddie, Martin and Kristie to guess what’s on their stickers?

1.                It’s got two wheels, you get on and off it and it doesn’t use petrol.

- What do you think?

- It’s a bike.

2.                It’s usually got two pilots and can carry a lot of people.

- Any ideas?

- It’s a plane.

3.                It’s got four wheels and you pay the driver at the end of the journey.

- Hmm…I think, it’s a taxi.

4.                It’s got four legs and you ride it.

- Yippie! It’s a horse!

5.                A public transport vehicle that travels along the rails.

- Tram.

6.                A small ship.

- This one is easy –Boat!

7.                It’s got a lot of small wheels and you need a ticket.

- Not sure. It can be train.

8.                It’s got two wheels and it uses petrol.

- Wroom-wroom... That’s Motorcycle!

9.                It’s got four or more wheels and you pay at the start of the journey.

- It’s a bus.

10.           It has long blades on the top that go round very fast.

- No doubt, it’s a helicopter.

11.           Electric trains that travel through tunnels below ground.

- Underground.

Good, I’ve got one more task for you.

Look at the word webs and cross out the type of transport which does not go with the verbs.

Take a train, a taxi, a bus and a bike. What is odd? – a bike.

Get on a car, a plane, a motorbike and a horse. What is odd? – a motorbike.

Get off a bus, a taxi, a train and a motorbike. What is odd? – a taxi.

Go by car, train, foot, and helicopter. What is odd? – foot. We say: go on foot!

Ride a bike, a horse, a motorbike, a plane. What is odd? – a plane.

·                   How do you usually get to school?

I usually go by/on…

·                   What’s your favourite type of transport? Why?

My favourite type of transport is …

·                   Which type of transport don’t you like using? Why not?

I don’t like using …because it’s ….

Tommy: I’ve got an idea! Why don’t we go to a transport museum?

Maddie: Sounds good.

Martin: And it’s just two bus stops from here.

Kristie: My uncle Sam is a guide there.

First, match the pictures with the titles.

1. A monorail train from Seattle, USA, 1962

2. A home helicopter, 1951

3. A plane with a car that comes off, 1948

Listen to a museum guide and answer the questions:

1. What’s the problem with each transport idea?

2. What are the guide’s favourite ways of travelling?

Guide: So, ladies and gentlemen… Let’s move into the transport section now. Let’s look at these photos. As you can see, these early methods of transport have two things in common – they’re all great ideas, great ways to travel in the air… but they weren’t successful! There was a big problem with each one.

Martin: But the monorail was successful.

Guide: Well, yes and no. Look at this photo on the left. That was in 1962. Monorails were a very popular idea at that time. People wanted to leave their cars at home and go to work by public transport. But they were not successful – monorails are difficult to build and expensive to keep in good condition.

So, you’re right. There are some monorails in the world, but not very many.

Maddie: Hey, look at this photo. Is that a car under a plane?

Guide: Oh, yes this was a very interesting idea. People wanted to fly from Los Angeles to New York – and then drive straight into the city center from the airport.

Maddie: No way (=It’s impossible)! How?

Guide: Well, the idea was that the car came off the bottom of the plane and then – you got in and drove away. this was in 1948. It was a nice idea – no airports or waiting around – but it wasn’t successful.

Maddie: Why not?

Guide: The car was too heavy and the planes were not strong enough to carry them.

Kristie: What’s this? A helicopter in the garage?

Guide: Yes. We laugh at this now but people were very serious about it at the time. People wanted to leave home in the morning, say goodbye to the family and go to work by private helicopter. The idea was very popular, but it was impossible. Helicopters are very difficult to fly – and can you imagine the traffic problems in the sky? So noisy!

People should go to work by bike, or on foot – the best way to travel.

Did you answer the questions?

1. What’s the problem with each transport idea?

·                   Monorails are difficult to build and expensive to keep in good condition.

·                   The car was too heavy and the planes were not strong enough to carry them.

·                   Helicopters are very difficult to fly – and can you imagine the traffic problems in the sky?

2. What are the guide’s favourite ways of travelling?

On foot or by bike.

Kristie: Thank you Uncle Sam. The visit was really interesting and informative.

Tommy: Hey, guys, the weather is much better now. Martin, you can ride your new rollerblades.

Martin: Not sure.

Tommy: Why not?

Martin: Honestly, err… I can’t ride them at all yet.


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