
Ordinal numbers

Урок 26. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

В ходе данного урока ребята подробно узнают о порядковых числительных. Главные герои расскажут учащимся, как они образуются. Далее ребята смогут выполнить упражнение и закрепить полученные знания.
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Конспект урока "Ordinal numbers"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Welcome to our lesson.

Guys, we have a friend. His name is Frank.

Today is his birthday!

And we are going to his birthday party!

Birthday party – вечеринка по случаю дня рождения.

We are so excited about that!

Yesterday when we met Frank, he told us to come to his place at six o’clock.

Guys, it’s quarter to six! We need to hurry!

Oh, yes. You’re right. Let’s go.

So today in the lesson we will:

talk about birthday party;

learn new words;


put the knowledge into practice.

Hi, Frank!

Hi, guys!

Happy birthday, Frank!

Thank you so much, guys! Come in and make yourselves at home.

Oh, thank you, Frank. That’s so kind of you!

Guys, meet my younger brother Sam.

Oh, nice to meet you, Sam.

Nice to meet you too, boys!

Sam, how old are you?

I’m 5 years old.

That’s so cool!

Oh, what’s that sound?

It’s my doorbell. Guys, I need to greet my other guests. Could you look after Sam, please?

Sure, Frank! No problem!


Boys, look! I blew up all these things.

Cool! But why do you call them “things”?

Oh, it’s because I don’t know their names.

Oh, I see. Sam, these things are called...

Balloons. The translation is “воздушные шары”.

Wow! You are so smart. And what’s this thing?

Sam, this thing is called...

A birthday card. The translation is “открытка ко дню рождения”.

Great! Now I know that it’s a birthday card.

Sam, you also need to know that people usually write some good words inside the cards.

Do you know how we call these words?

No, I don’t! And how do we call them?

We call them…

Birthday wishes. The translation is “пожелания на день рождения”.

Oh, okay. And what about these things on the bed? How do we call them?

 These things are called…

Presents. The translation is “подарки”.

People usually buy each other presents for special events.

And it means that birthday is a special event. Right?

Oh, yes. You’re right! Birthday is a special day for everyone!

Oh, I see. Boys, and what’s there on the chest of drawers?

Sam, it’s…

A birthday cake. The translation is “торт ко дню рождения”.

Oh, thank you, boys. Now I know that this yummy thing is called a cake.

That’s right.

Guys, look! There are some sticks on the cake. How do we call them?

Sam, we call them…

Candles. The translation is “свечи”.

People usually blow out the candles and make a wish.

That is so cool! Can I blow out the candles today?

Oh, I’m sorry. It’s your brother’s birthday and he has to blow out the candles today.

But you will be able to blow them out on your birthday.

Oh, okay. Guys, look up! What are these things?

Sam, these things are called…

Decorations. The translation is “украшения”.

Cool! And how is this thing on my head called?

Sam, this thing is called…

A birthday hat. The translation is “колпак ко дню рождения”.

Thank you, boys! Now I know lots of new words.

No problem, Sam.

Hello there!

Guys, who is that?

Sam, it’s…

A clown. The translation is “клоун”.

Clowns usually make people laugh.

Oh, cool! I like him already.

Ha-ha. Sam, you are so funny!

Thank you. Boys, could you answer my last question, please?

Yes, of course! Ask your question.

Guys, what do people usually do on birthdays?

Well, Sam… People can do lots of different things on birthdays.

They can…

Sing songs. The translation is “петь песни”.

Listen to music. The translation is “слушать музыку”.

Dance. The translation is “танцевать”.

Play different games. The translation is “играть в различные игры”.

Eat delicious food. The translation is “есть вкусную еду”.

And so on.

Sam, you’ve learnt lots of new words today.

Now we would like to check how good your memory is.

And we have two tasks for you.

Will you do these tasks?

Yes, of course!


Your first task is to match the words with the pictures.

The words are…

And the pictures are…

Check yourselves.

On the first picture we can see a clown.

On the second picture we see a birthday hat.

On the third picture there is a birthday card.

On the following picture we see birthday wishes.

On the fifth picture there are decorations.

On the following picture we see a cake.

On the seventh picture there are candles.

On the following picture we can see balloons.

And on the last picture there are presents.

Now do the second task. Here you need to look at the pictures and unscramble the actions.

The first picture.

Let’s check.

The right answer is “eat delicious food”.

The second picture.

Check yourselves.

The right answer is “listen to music”.

The third picture.

Let’s check.

The right answer is “play different games”.

The following picture.

Check yourselves.

The right answer is “sing songs”.

And the last picture.

Let’s check.

The right answer is “dance”.

Well done, Sam!

Now we see that your memory is great!

Hooray! I’m so happy to hear that! Thanks again, boys!

It’s our pleasure, Sam.

Guys, I’m here. How did you spend time with my brother?

Oh, we had a good time with Sam.

Yeah. He is such a smart boy!

Oh, I’m glad to hear that. Now when all my guests are here, we can celebrate the birthday.


Guys, we have to go now!

We hope you liked the lesson!

See you soon, boys and girls.


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