
Questions beginning with “How”… (review)

Урок 23. Английский язык 7 класс ФГОС

Вы, наверняка, заметили, что наши герои очень отзывчивые и всегда готовы прийти на помощь. В этом уроке ребята помогают с переездом в новый дом мистеру Грину, учителю географии, а также Люси, у которой совсем нет друзей. Специальный вопрос в английском языке употребляется очень часто. В этом уроке друзья научат вас правильно использовать сочетания слов с вопросительным словом HOW.

Конспект урока "Questions beginning with “How”… (review)"

Tommy: Hello, guys! Welcome to our grammar lessons!

My best friends Maddie, Kristie and Martin will help me make our lessons useful and enjoyable.

Tommy:      Look! That’s Mr Green, our geography teacher.

Martin:       He is moving into a new house.

Mr Green:   Hello, guys! How are you doing?

Tommy:      Hello! We’re fine. Thanks.

Martin:       How far is your new house, Mr Green?

Mr Green:   It’s not too far. It’s ten minutes’ walk from here.

Tommy:      How big is it?

Mr Green:   There’s much space for all my family now.

Martin:       You’ve got so much stuff. How are you going to transport it?

Mr Green:   Well, I called the moving van. I hope, we’ll cope with it for two days.

Tommy:      We’ll be happy to help you.

Mr Green:   It’s very kind of you. Thanks.

Mr Green:   Thank you very much, guys. Here’s some money for each of you.

Maddie       Oh, thanks, Mr Green.

Mr Green:   You’re always welcome in my house.

Tommy:     Hi, Lucy!

Lucy:          Hi, guys!

Tommy:     Why are you sitting alone here? How about playing with your friends?

Lucy:          I have no friends…

Tommy:     Hmm…

Tommy:      I’ve got an idea! How much money have you got, Martin?

Martin:       A pound.

Tommy:      And you, Maddie?

Maddie       Me too.

Tommy:      OK. Why don’t we put our money together and buy one really nice thing for Lucy?

Maddie:      Great idea!

You might have noticed that we used a question word HOW quite often in this situation.

In today’s lesson we’re going to have a look at questions with HOW.

I’m sure you know the basics, but questions are quite tricky. Let’s just go over the main rules.

·                   We usually form questions by putting an auxiliary verb (вспомогательный глагол), or a modal verb, before the subject (подлежащее).


Does it suit me?

Has Mum called?

Could you tell me the way to the bus station?

Shall I translate the text?

·                   When the verb “to be” is the main verb (главный глагол), we don’t use auxiliary verbs (вспомогательные глаголы).


Are you busy?

Was the movie interesting?

Is she at work now?

Were your exams difficult?

·                   We can add question words to get more or different information.


Where did you go swimming? – In the swimming pool in town.

Why did you go there? – Because it’s a nice, big pool.

Who did you go swimming with? – With Kristie.

What time did you meet Kristie? – At 10 o’clock.

Which pool did you go in? – The serious one, without the slides!

How did you get there? – By bus.

The questions sometimes finish with prepositions. That’s very common.


Who were you out with?

What have you got that bag for?

What’s all that about?

Where are you calling from?

Do you remember anything about subject and object questions?

If who, what or which is the SUBJECT (подлежащее) of the question, it comes before the verb and we don’t use an auxiliary (вспомогательный глагол).


Who went to the pet shop? (subject – who)

What happened? (subject – what)

Which looks better, this or that one? (subject – which)

Object questions follow the structure we looked at before.


Who did Tommy go to the pet shop with? (subject – Tommy; object – who)

Which dog does he like most? (subject – he; object – which)

What did they do after school? (subject – they; object – what)

Now let's look at Questions with HOW.

HOW generally asks about the MANNER or METHOD of something:


How do you go to school? — By bus.

How are you today? – I'm fine, thanks.

HOW can be used with MUCH and MANY:

Much is used with uncountable nouns.

Many refers to countable nouns.


How much money do you have? – Five pounds.

How many people came? — Fifteen.

How much sugar do you need for the cake? – Two full spoons.

HOW is used with ADJECTIVES (прилагательные):


How tall are you? – Six feet tall.

How cold is it? — Five below zero.

How fast is your car? – Very fast!

How big is your new house? – It’s quite big.



How long has she been a student? – Two years.

How long have you been here? – An hour.

How long did it take you to finish your article? – Two weeks.

HOW OFTEN asks about FREQUENCY (частота):


How often do you practice your French? – Two hours every day.

How often do you eat crisps? – Never! Yuck!

HOW FAR asks about DISTANCE:


How far is your new house from here? – Not too far. Ten minutes’ walk.

How far away is Cambridge from here? – About 2 hours by car.

Tommy: Lucy, look! We have brought something for you.

-                     Wow-bow!!!(dog’s barking)

Lucy: WOW! A puppy! I’ve got a puppy! Thank you, guys.

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