
Animals and their actions

Урок 20. Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС

В данном уроке главные герои Бобби, Мобби и Тобби расскажут учащимся о таких замечательных животных, как жираф, зебра, лев, обезьяна, крокодил, ящерица, бегемот и тюлень. Ребята узнают о том, чем эти животные питаются и где обитают, а также о том, как они проводят своё время.
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Конспект урока "Animals and their actions"

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

Welcome to our lesson.

Today we would like to tell you one interesting story.

Last Friday we decided to go to the Zoo near my house.

We wanted to look at the animals.

So when the lessons were over, the three of us went straight to the Zoo.

When we came there, we saw two little girls.

They were talking about something.

Listen to their conversation.

This will help you to guess the topic of our lesson today.

Roxy, look! This is a tiger! Tigers are so cute!

Ha-ha. Foxy, are you serious? It’s not a tiger!

Yes, it is!

No, Foxy, it’s not! It’s a wolf!

Ha-ha! Yeah, right! Oh, look! This ostrich is so big!

Foxy, it’s not the ostrich! It’s a camel! I see that you don’t know the names of the animals!

When we heard their conversation, we were in shock!

The girls both didn’t know the names of the animals.

That’s why we decided to come closer and talk to them.

Hi, girls!

Oh, hi, boys!

Girls, we’ve heard your conversation, so we decided to come to you.

Oh, I know why you decided to come! It’s because Foxy doesn’t know the names of the animals.

No, it’s not true!

Erm, girls… I’m sorry to disappoint you, but both of you don’t know their names.

Yes, my friend is right!

Oh, no! What should we do then? If our classmates know that, they will think that we are silly girls!

Don’t worry! We will help you.

Yeah, we will tell you the names of all the animals in this Zoo.

Oh, thank you, boys!

Now I think you understand that today in the lesson we will:

talk about animals and their actions;


learn new words.

All right! Let’s start.

Look! This animal is called a giraffe.

Giraffe is translated as “жираф”.

It’s the tallest land animal in the world. Giraffes can grow up to 5 meters tall. 

These animals spend most of their time eating! They don’t drink much water. This is because they get lots of water from the leaves which they eat.

When giraffes walk, they move both legs on one side of their body and then both legs on the other side. However, they run in a similar style to other mammals.

Giraffes sleep around 2 hours a day, usually with lots of short naps spread throughout the day.

Now let’s come closer to the following animal.

It’s a zebra.

Zebra is translated as “зебра”.

These striped animals spend most of their day eating grass and sometimes leaves. Zebras can walk thousands of kilometers in search of fresh grass and water.

Zebras are elegant and peaceful, but they can also be aggressive. When they are under threat, these awesome animals form a semi-circle facing the attacker and prepare to strike. And if one of the group is injured, other zebras will circle around and attempt to drive off the hungry attacker.

Now, girls, look there!

This animal is called a lion.

Lion is translated as “лев”.

Lions are the second largest cats after tigers in the world. They spend most of their time napping. They can do that up to 21 hours each day!

The females do most of the hunting. They hunt such large animals as zebras, elephants, crocodiles, giraffes and so on. The males patrol their territory and protect the young cubs.

Lions can run very fast but only for a very short distance. They can run the length of a football field in six seconds!

Let’s continue walking.

This animal is called a monkey.

Monkey is translated as “обезьяна”.

Monkeys live in the jungle. They love eating different fruits, especially bananas.   

Monkeys are sneaky. Sneaky – хитрые. They steal food from street sellers and tourists.

When they hunt for food, monkeys work in groups. There is always a leader who gathers food while others stand guard.

Monkeys can love and hate just like humans.

Now let’s come closer to the following animal.

It’s a crocodile.

Crocodile is translated as “крокодил”.

Most crocodiles live in freshwater rivers and lakes but some live in saltwater.

Crocodiles like eating a variety of fish, birds, frogs and other small animals. Some kinds of crocodiles are able to hunt larger types of animals such as deer, wild boar, and even buffalo. But they can also survive for a long time without food.

Crocodiles are very social animals. They prefer to live near each other.

Now, girls, look there!

It’s a lizard.

Lizard is translated as “ящерица”.

Lizards can detach their tails if caught by predators.

Most kinds of lizards, such as geckos and iguanas, eat insects. Chameleons, on the other hand, like eating plants. Komodo dragons like to hunt animals such as deer, pigs and so on.

Some chameleons have the ability to change their color. This helps them communicate with each other or hide from a danger.

Look! We have two more animals here.

This animal is called a hippo.

Hippo is translated as “бегемот”.

Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. They like spending a large amount of time in water such as rivers, lakes and swamps.

Hippos are very active at night! It’s the time when they come out of the water and eat the grass.

Hippos can move in the water quite well and can hold their breath for up to five minutes. On the land they can run very fast, much faster than the average human.

Now, girls, let’s come closer to the last animal.

It’s a seal.

Seal is translated as “тюлень”.

It’s a marine mammal. Seals have a layer of fat under skin, which keeps them warm in cold water.

Seals like eating fish, shellfish, squids and sea birds. But some of them eat other species of seals.

Seals mainly live in the water. They only come ashore to mate, give birth or escape from predators. Seals even can sleep underwater.

That’s all, girls!

Now you know the names of all the animals in this Zoo.

Yes, it’s true!

Thank you so much, boys!

You’re welcome.

All right! We have to go now. See you, boys!

See you.

That’s all for today, our dear friends.

See you soon.


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