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Развитие навыков и умений диалогической речи по теме «Каникулы»

Урок 10. Английский язык 5 класс

В данном уроке повторяются типы вопросов. Данный материал необходимо повторить в начале учебного года, так как он часто вызывает затруднения у учащихся и большое количество ошибок при построении диалогических высказываний. Повторяются общие, специальные и альтернативные вопросы, порядок слов в данных типах вопросов и их значение.

Конспект урока "Развитие навыков и умений диалогической речи по теме «Каникулы»"

Teacher: Good morning, students. How are you doing today? We`ll learn how to build dialogues because it is the main form of people`s communication.

So, let’s get it started. First of all let’s revise three types of questions that we know, because we can`t build dialogues without questions.

Before we start, let`s translate the following words: auxiliary verb (вспомогательный глагол), subject (подлежащее), main verb (основной глагол), word order (порядок слов).

Let`s revise how we build questions.

 Now you know three types of questions: General questions or so called – yes/no questions. For example: Do you like summer holidays?

 Special or Wh questions – questions which start with the words What, where, when, why, whose and some other. For example: What did you do last summer?

 And Alternative or so called or – questions. For example: Do you like fishing or swimming?

Let`s revise word order in these types of questions.

General questions

 They are called yes/no questions because we can answer yes or no to this type of questions.

They start with an auxiliary verb (do/does, did, will) – depending on the tense of the main verb, then – the subject of the sentence (подлежащее) and only then the main verb in the 1st form. Only after that we write other words – other parts of the sentence.

Look: Do you like swimming?  –  вспомогательный глагол (auxiliary verb) стоит перед подлежащим, затем следует основной глагол в начальной форме и только затем остальные члены предложения. And we answer – Yes, I do. Использовали вспомогательный глагол do, так как это  настоящее простое время.

Did you swim last summer? Ты плавал прошлым летом? – and again the same word order.  And we answer:  No, I didn`t. Используем вспомогательный глагол прошедшего простого времени.

One more example: Will you go to the sea–side? Yes, I will. Здесь мы использовали вспомогательный глагол Будущего простого времени.

Special questions or Wh – questions. They usually start with the words: What – что, какой? When – когда, Why – почему, Where – где,куда? Или whose – чей? You see that all these words start with WH.

Word order – порядок слов: a wh – word, an auxiliary verb of the tense, subject, main verb in its 1st form and other words.

Look: Where will you go next summer? – Куда ты поедешь следующим летом? На этот вопрос мы не можем ответить да или нет. Нам нужно дать ту информацию, которую запрашивает вопросительное слово – wh – word.

And finally, alternative questions. Они и называются альтернативными, потому что в вопросе будет выбор, альтернатива. И помогает нам в этом союз или  на английском ‘or’.  Look: Do you like summer or winter holidays? Ты любишь летние или зимние каникулы?

Word order is the same as in general questions: auxiliary verb of the tense, subject, main verb in the 1st form and other words. But here we add an alternative, но здесь мы добавляем выбор. И этот выбор можно поставить к любому подходящему по смыслу слову.

Teacher: Now let`s build some questions of these types.


Each pair gets the paper with two sentences. I want you to ask each other as many questions as it is possible. And of course, you have to answer them.

1)    I like summer holidays because I don`t have to go to school.

2)     I like winter holidays because we go to the mountains (горы) and ski (кататься на лыжах) there.

3)    I like spring holidays because it`s warm and we can play football outside.

4)    I like going to the country in summer because I visit my granny and meet my friends there.

5)    I enjoy going to camps in summer because we play lots of games and meet new friends there.

6)    I would like to stay in the city in summer because I go to the swimming pool every day.

7)    I miss school in summer because I don`t see my friends.

8)    In summer I would like to go to an English summer school to improve (улучшить) my English.

9)    I want to travel next summer because I like discovering (открывать) new places and learning about different countries.

10) I like New Year holidays most of all because it`s magic time and we all get lots of presents.

Teacher: Now let`s check your questions and answers. But I need helpers to listen to you. (выбираем помощников для обнаружения ошибок в вопросах, либо ответах, объясняя, что это не для вреда и обиды, а для помощи одноклассникам)

Task2. Now please, let`s read and translate the dialogue given in the papers (диалог представлен ниже).But there are 5 mistakes in it. You have to be very attentive to find them.

Teacher: Now please, name all the questions and their types.

·        Hi, Ann. How are you doing?

·        Hallo, Tom. I`m fine, thank you. And what about you?

·        I`m fine, too. Thanks. You look swarthy (загорелая). Do you go to the sea-side last summer?

·        Yes, I did. I go to the Black Sea.

·        When did you go there?

·        I went there in July.

·        Does you go there with your parents or friends?

·        I went there with my mom. And what about you, Tom. Where did you spend your summer?

·        I am in the country. I was there with my Granny and my brother Mike. We had a lovely time. We went swimming, fishing and riding our bicycles. I think I go there again next summer.

·        It`s good we both (оба) enjoyed our summer time.

·        Oh yes, it is.

The keys: 1) did you go to the sea–side last summer. 2) I went to the Black Sea.

3) Did you go there with your parents or friends? 4) I was in the country.5) I think I will go there next summer.

Teacher: Now I give you the papers with a dialogue where some phrases are missed. Your task is to finish the dialogue about yourselves.


-         Hi, …! How are you?

-         Hi, …! I`m fine. Thank you. You look very restful (отдохнувший).Where did you go in summer?

-         I ............................................................................................... .

-         Interesting. And who did you go there with?

-         I …………………………………………………………………. . We ……………… when the weather was nice and ……………… when it was rainy. And what about you? Did you stay in the city /town/village?

-         As for me (что касается меня), I……………………………………………………………… . I went there with………………………………………….   . We often………………………… and ……………………………………… and …………………………….  . So, we had a lovely time, too.

-         Glad to hear that. See you later.

-         See you.


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