
In my lunch box. Part 1

Урок 15. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

С помощью данного видеоурока учащиеся выучат новые слова по теме «Еда». А также ребята изучат местоимения «some» и «any».
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Конспект урока "In my lunch box. Part 1"

– Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson.

– Today we have a guest.

– It’s our good friend Pixie.

– Hi, everyone!

– Hi, Pixie! We are so happy to see you.

– I’m so happy to see you too, boys!

– Pixie, what brought you here today?

– Guys, I’ve come to you, because I need your help!

– Oh, we will help you with a great pleasure!

– But what kind of help do you need?

– Boys, listen to my story and you’ll understand everything.

– Oh, okay!

 In the morning my mum came to my room and started talking to me.

– Good morning, sweetie!

– Good morning, mum!

– Pixie, could you go to the nearest store and buy some products for us, please?

– Mum, I’m sorry, but I can’t do that!

– Why, Pixie?

– Well… It’s because I’ve never done this before!

– So what?

– Mum, I don’t know what people usually say in the store.

– Oh, come on! I’m sure you’ll find the right words.

– But mum!

– What?

– I don’t even know the names of the products!

– Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll give you a shopping list!

A shopping list. The translation is “список покупок”.

– Mum, what’s that?

– Well… It’s a piece of paper where I’ll write the names of the products which you have to buy.

– Oh, okay!

– You can just show it to the salesman and he’ll give you all the necessary products.

– But if I meet my classmates in the store, they will laugh at me!

– Well… You shouldn’t worry about that. I’ll put some of these products in your lunch box and you’ll be able to treat your classmates.

A lunch box. The translation is “коробка с завтраком”.

– And how can this help me?

– Well… If you treat your classmates, they will probably forget about this situation.

After that my mum left the room.

– Well… Pixie, as we can understand, you’ve agreed to go to the store.

– But you still don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of your classmates.

– Guys, you are absolutely right! Can you help me with this problem, please?

– Yes, of course!

– Oh, thank you so much!

– No problem!

Now I think you understand that today in the lesson we will:

·      learn new words on the topic “Food”;

·      talk about the pronouns “some” and “any”;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

– All right! Let’s start our lesson.

– And first, show us your mum’s shopping list.

– Oh, sure! No problem.

– Great! Now let’s learn all these words.

– Okay!

One. Potato. The translation is “картофель”.

Two. Biscuit. This word is translated as “печенье”.

Three. Milk. This word is translated as “молоко”.

Four. Cake. The translation is “торт”.

Five. Orange juice. The translation is “апельсиновый сок”.

Six. Meat. This word is translated as “мясо”.

Seven. Pasta. This word is translated as “макаронные изделия”.

Eight. Carrot. The translation is “морковь”.

Nine. Sausage. The translation is “сосиска”.

Ten. Rice. This word is translated as “рис”.

Eleven. Popcorn. This word is translated as “попкорн”.

And twelve. Coke. The translation is “кока-кола”.

– Pixie, we’ve just learnt all the words from your mum’s shopping list.

– Yes, that’s right, boys!

– Now let’s talk about the pronouns “some” and “any”.

– Pixie, we will tell you when you can use each of these words.

– You’ll need them to talk to the salesman in the store.

Let’s start with the pronoun “some”.

It’s translated as “несколько, немного”.

1. We use it with uncountable nouns in positive sentences.

For example:

There is some milk in the fridge.

2. The pronoun “some” is used with countable nouns in the plural form in positive sentences.

Look at the example:

There are some potatoes on the table.


3. “Some” is also used in questions when we want to make a request.

For example:

Can I have some juice, please?

Now let’s talk about the pronoun “any”.

It’s translated as “сколько-нибудь”.

1. We use this pronoun with countable and uncountable nouns in negative sentences.

Look at the examples:

There aren’t any sausages on the table.


There isn’t any water in the bottle.


2. “Any” is also used with countable and uncountable nouns in questions.

Look at the examples:

Are there any carrots on the table?


Is there any milk in the fridge?

– That’s all you need to know, Pixie!

– And now we would like to check your knowledge if you don’t mind.

– Oh, sure! No problem!

– Great!

Your task is to match the words with the pictures.

Check yourselves.

One. Coke.

Two. Biscuit.

Three. Carrot.

Four. Milk.

Five. Popcorn.

Six. Rice.

Seven. Pasta.

Eight. Sausage.

Nine. Cake.

Ten. Meat.

Eleven. Orange juice.

And twelve. Potato.

– Well done, Pixie!

– Now you are ready to go to the store.

– Oh, okay. I’ll go, but can you come with me?

– Yes, of course.

– Hooray!

– All right! Now we are in the store.

– Come closer to the salesman and ask him to give you all the necessary things.

– Okay, boys!

– Hello!

– Oh, hello there! How can I help you?

– Well… Have you got any potatoes, carrots, sausages, pasta, meat and rice?

– Yes, I have! Here you are!

Here you are!

Вот, пожалуйста!

– Thank you. Can I also have some biscuits, milk, orange juice, Coke, popcorn and a cake?

– Sure! Here you are!

– Thank you so much! Goodbye.

– Goodbye.

– Well done, Pixie!

– Boys, thank you so much for your help!

– Oh, please don’t mention it!

– Yeah! We were glad to help you!

– All right! Now I have to go home. See you, boys!

– See you, Pixie!

– That’s all for today, our dear friends.

– See you soon, boys and girls.


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