
He loves jelly. Part 2

Урок 14. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

Урок расскажет учащимся о глаголе «like». Ребята узнают, как образуются утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения с этим глаголом. Также учащиеся смогут повторить слова по теме «Еда».
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Конспект урока "He loves jelly. Part 2"

– Hello, boys and girls! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson.

– Today we have a guest.

– It’s our good friend Frank.

– Hi, everyone!

– Hi, Frank! What brought you here today?

– Guys, I’ve come to you, because I need your help!

– Oh, okay! And what kind of help do you need?

– Well… Yesterday my English teacher gave me a task.

– Oh, cool! And what’s the task?

– Guys, I have to write one long dialogue.

– Frank, and what do you have to write in your dialogue?

– Well… I have to write about children and their favourite food.

– Oh, sounds easy!

– Yeah! I thought so too, but then I realized that I don’t even know how to start the dialogue.

– Oh, Frank, don’t worry!

– We will help you with your task.

– Boys, but how will you do that?

– Well… We will tell you about the verb “like”.

– You will need it to make up your dialogue.

– Okay!  

So today in the lesson we will:

·      talk about the verb “like”;

·      learn how to form sentences with this verb;

·      revise the words on the topic “Food”;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

First, let’s talk about the verb “like”.

It’s translated as “любить, нравиться”.

We use the verb “like” to talk about people or things which we enjoy or feel positive about.

Look at the examples:

I really like Jimmy.


Mum, I like your homemade jam.

Now let's answer the question:

How do we form sentences with the verb “like”?

To form positive sentences, we put the subject in the first place.

Then we put the verb “like” if we use the pronouns: I, you, we, they.

For example:

I like

You like

We like

They like

And we put the verb “likes” if we use the pronouns: he, she, it.

For example:

He likes

She likes

It likes

Let’s look at the examples:

Jillian and Jacob like travelling.


Nicole likes playing the piano.

To form negative sentences, we put the subject in the first place.

Then we put the word “do” with the particle “not”, the short form is “don’t” if we use the pronouns: I, you, we, they.

And we put the word “does” with the particle “not”, the short form is “doesn’t” if we use the pronouns: he, she, it.

After that we put the word “like”.

For example:

I don’t like

You don’t like

We don’t like

They don’t like

He doesn’t like

She doesn’t like

It doesn’t like

Now let’s look at the examples:

Jillian and Jacob don’t like travelling.


Nicole doesn’t like playing the piano.

To form questions, we put the words “do” or “does” in the first place.

Then we put the subject. And after that we use the word “like”.

For example:

Do I like?

Do you like?

Do we like?

Do they like?

Does he like?

Does she like?

Does it like?

Look at the examples:

Do Jillian and Jacob like travelling?


Does Nicole like playing the piano?

To give short answers to the questions, we can use one of the following two constructions:

The first construction.

In the first place we put the word “yes”. After that we use the personal pronoun.

And then we need to put the words “do” or “does”.

And the second construction.

In the first place we put the word “no”. After that we use the personal pronoun.

And then we need to put the words “do” or “does” with the particle “not”.

– Frank, we’ve talked about the verb “like”.

– We’ve also discussed how to form sentences with this verb.

– Now let’s revise some words on the topic “Food”.

– Okay, boys!

– Great! And the words are…


The translation is “сыр”.


It’s translated as “мороженое”.


The translation is “курица, цыплёнок”.


The translation is “овощи”.


It’s translated as “вода”.


The translation is “лимонад”.


It’s translated as “яйцо”.


The translation is “шоколад”.


It’s translated as “пицца”.


The translation is “бутерброд”.


It’s translated as “гамбургер”.


The translation is “жареный картофель”.

– Frank, now when you have all the necessary information, you can write your dialogue.

– But before you do that, we would like to check your knowledge.

– Oh, sure! No problem!

And your task is to put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

Check yourselves.

1. George likes sandwiches.

2. Kate doesn’t like cheese.

3. Does Sam like pizza?

4. Do Robin and Jennifer like chips?

5. My parents like ice-cream.

6. I don’t like chicken.

7. Does Wendy like chocolate?


8. Zoe doesn’t like vegetables.

– Well done, Frank!

– Now try to write your dialogue.

– Okay, boys!

10 minutes later.

– Boys, my dialogue is ready.

– Oh, that’s great!

– Let’s read it!

– Hi, Felix. What are you cooking?

– Hi, Max. I’m cooking burgers. It’s my favourite food. Do you like burgers?

– No, I don’t!

– Oh, and what’s your favourite food?

– Well… I like pizza.

– Oh, I see!

– Felix, do you like pizza?

– Yes, I do! I like pizza with vegetables and cheese.

– Yeah! Me too! And what is your favourite drink?

– Well… I like lemonade. What about you?

– Oh, I don’t like lemonade. I usually drink water.

– Max, do you like ice-cream and chocolate?

– Well… I don’t like ice-cream, but I really like chocolate. What about you?

– Oh, I like both of them. All right. My burgers are ready. I have to go and eat them.

– Okay. See you, Felix.

– See you, Max.

– Frank, your dialogue is great!

– Oh, I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you, boys!

– You’re welcome, Frank.

– That’s all for today, our dear friends.

– We hope you liked the lesson.

– See you soon, boys and girls.


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