
Primary schools in Russia

Урок 9. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

В данном видеоуроке Бобби, Мобби и Тобби поедут в Россию к своей подруге Лили. Девочка покажет своим друзьям школу, в которой она учится, а также расскажет про начальные школы в России.
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Конспект урока "Primary schools in Russia"

– Hello, our dear friends! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson!

– Boys and girls, yesterday we were talking to our friend Lily on Skype.

– Listen to our conversation, please.

– This will help you to guess the topic of the lesson today.

– Hi, boys!

– Hi, Lily! How are you?

– I’m fine, thank you! What about you?

– Oh, we are fine too. How is your school?

– Oh, I just love it!

– Really?

– Yes! I’m so happy to study at school in Russia.

– Oh, we are glad to hear that. When are you planning to return home?

– Well… I think I’ll return home in a year.

– On, no!

– What’s wrong, boys?

– Lily, we won’t be able to see you for so long! And we miss you already!

– Well… In this case, I’ve got an idea!

– Oh, and what’s your idea?

– Boys, would you like to come to Russia?

– Oh, sounds great! Will you show us your school?

– Yes, of course!

– Cool! In this case, we’ll come to you as soon as possible.

– Wonderful! Can’t wait to see you, boys!

– Likewise, Lily! Okay, see you!

– See you, my friends.

After that conversation we went to the airport, bought three tickets and flew to Russia. And as you can see, now we are in Moscow.

– Boys, look! It’s Lily!

– Hi, Lily!

– Hi, guys! I’m so happy to see you!

– We are so happy to see you too!

– All right! Boys first, let me show you my school. But before we go there, I should mention that…

There are three main types of schools in Russia:

·      Nursery schools (Детские сады)

·      Primary schools (Начальные школы)


·      Secondary schools (Средние школы)

– I study at a primary school!

– Oh, cool!

– Boys, are you ready to go?

– Yes, of course!

– Great! In this case, let’s go!

So today in the lesson we will:

·      talk about primary schools in Russia;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

Guys, look! This is my school!

It’s called «Primary school № 5».

Boys, you need to know that most schools in Russia have numbers, not names.

And as you can see, my school also has a number.

Guys, I also have to mention that children usually go to primary schools at the age of 6 or 7. Pupils spend 4 years in these schools. As a result, they finish primary schools at the age of 10 or 11.

In some primary schools pupils have to wear a uniform.

Every primary school in Russia has got:

·      classrooms (школьные кабинеты)

Pupils can study there.

·      a gym (спортивный зал)

Here pupils have their PE lessons.

·      a computer room (компьютерный класс)

In this room pupils can study computer science.

·      a library (библиотека)

This place has a large collection of books, which pupils can borrow for some time and read.


·      a canteen (столовая, буфет)

It’s a place where pupils can have something to eat.

– Boys, would you like to go inside my school?

– Yes, Lily, of course!

– Great! In this case, let’s go!

– Now we are inside the school!

Look! There is a timetable!

Let’s come closer and look at it.

– Boys, as you can see, in primary schools pupils usually have 4 or 5 lessons a day.

– And the subjects they have are:

·      Russian,

·      Reading,

·      Maths,

·      English,

·      Nature Study,

·      Computer Science,

·      Art,

·      Handicraft


·      PE.

– Boys, now let me show you the classrooms, where pupils study these subjects.

– Look! This is the classroom, where pupils study Art.

Let’s look inside.

Here pupils learn how to draw well.

– Look! This is the classroom, where pupils study Handicraft.

Let’s look inside.

Here pupils learn how to make different things with their hands.

– And now look! This is the classroom, where pupils have their PE lessons.

Let’s look inside.

Here pupils can jump, run and play sports games.

– Now let’s go to the second floor.

– Look! This is the classroom, where pupils study Computer Science.

Let’s look inside.

Here pupils can study different computer programs.

– Look! This is the classroom, where pupils study English.

Let’s look inside.

Here pupils read the texts, learn new words and rules, listen to the records, sing songs and so on.

– Now look! This is the classroom, where pupils study Russian.

Let’s look inside.

Here pupils learn new words and rules in Russian.

– Look! This is the classroom, where pupils have their Reading lessons.

Let’s look inside.

Here pupils read different texts.

– Now look! This is the classroom, where pupils study Maths.

Let’s look inside.

Here pupils do the sums and solve the problems.

– And now look! This is the classroom, where pupils have such lesson as Nature Study.

Let’s look inside.

Here pupils study different plants and animals.

When the lessons are over, some pupils stay at school and do homework with their teachers. It’s because their parents are at work.

– Boys, I’ve shown you my school and told you about the primary schools in Russia.

– Yes, that’s right!

– Now I would like to check your knowledge.

– Oh, sure!

And your task is to match two parts of the sentences.

Let’s check.

1.    Most schools in Russia have …… numbers, not names.

2.    Children usually go to primary schools …… at the age of 6 or 7.

3.    Pupils spend 4 years …… in primary schools.

4.    Children finish primary schools …… at the age of 10 or 11.

5.    In some primary schools pupils …… have to wear a uniform.


6.    When the lessons are over, some pupils stay at school and …… do homework with their teachers.

– Well done, boys! Now you know everything about the primary schools in Russia.

– Yes, that’s right!

– Lily, your school is great!

– Yeah, I think so too. Boys, now let me show you the city!

– Oh, sure! Let’s go!

– That’s all for today, our dear friends.

– See you soon.


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