
Welcome back! Part 2

Урок 2. Английский язык 3 класс ФГОС

В данном видеоуроке главные герои Бобби, Мобби и Тобби поговорят о цветах, а учащиеся смогут выучить их названия на английском языке.
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Конспект урока "Welcome back! Part 2"

– Hello, our dear friends! My name is Bobby.

– And my name is Tobby. This is our friend Mobby.

– Welcome to our lesson!

– Today we have a guest.

– It’s our friend Megan.

– Hi, boys!

– Oh, hi! Come in, please!

– Thank you.

– Guys, how are you today?

– We are fine, thank you! What about you, Megan?

– Oh, I’m fine too, thanks!

– Megan, what’s that?

– Oh, it’s my new purse. I bought it yesterday.

– Cool! It’s really nice.

– Yeah! I like the colour.

– Oh, thank you so much! I also like this colour. Blue is my favourite one.

– Erm… Megan!

– What?

– Have you just said “blue”?

– Yes, that’s right!

– And it’s your favourite colour! Am I right?

– Yes, you are absolutely right! Why are you asking me?

– Well… I don’t even know how to say that, but…

– But what?

– Megan, your favourite colour is not blue!

– Yeah. And your purse is also not blue!

– Boys, what are you trying to tell me?

– We are trying to tell you that you don’t know the names of the colours.

– No, it’s not possible! I’m sure that I know all the names.

– Megan, unfortunately, you’re wrong!

– Yes, he’s right! You don’t know the names of the colours.

– Oh, no! What should I do then?

– Well… We can help you with that.

– Oh, really?

– Yes! We will tell you the names of the colours.

– Oh, that’s so sweet of you. Thank you, boys.

– You’re welcome, Megan.

– All right! Let’s start.

So today in the lesson we will:

·      talk about colours;

·      learn new words;


·      put the knowledge into practice.

First, we should mention that colours play a very important role in our lives.

Цвета играют очень важную роль в нашей жизни.

They have the ability to affect our emotions and mood.

Они способны оказывать влияние на наши эмоции и настроение.

Now let’s learn the names of different colours.

Look! This is blue.

The translation is “синий”.

For example:

The closet in Mike’s room is blue.

Guys, now tell me, what associations do you have with the word “blue”?

Associations – ассоциации.

If you don’t know, I’ll tell you!

The associations with the blue colour are:

The sky.

The sea.

The whales.

The cornflowers and so on.

Now look! This is red.

The translation is “красный”.

For example:

My brother likes his new red car.

Now tell me, what associations do you have with the word “red”?

Let me help you!

The associations with the red colour are:

The sunrise.

The tomatoes.

The roses.

The apples and so on.

The following colour is green.

The translation is “зелёный”.

For example:

The chair in my bedroom is green.

Now let’s talk about the associations with the green colour.

And the associations are:

The grass.

The forest.

The leaves on the trees.

The crocodiles and so on.

Now look! This is brown.

The translation is “коричневый”.

For example:

Sophia’s bed is brown.

Now tell me, what associations do you have with the word “brown”?

Let me help you!

The associations with the brown colour are:

The ground.

The chocolate.

The bears.

The coffee and so on.

The following colour is pink.

The translation is “розовый”.

For example:

I bought five pink roses yesterday.

Now let’s talk about the associations with the pink colour.

And the associations are:

The pigs.

The flamingoes.

The lips.

The cheeks and so on.

Now look! This is yellow.

The translation is “жёлтый”.

For example:

The sofa in my sister’s room is yellow.

Boys and girls, now tell me, what associations do you have with the word “yellow”?

Let me help you!

The associations with the yellow colour are:

The sun.

The chickens.

The sunflowers.

The bees and so on.

The following colour is black.

The translation is “чёрный”.

For example:

Christopher’s cat is black.

Now tell me, please, what associations do you have with the word “black”?

If you don’t know, I’ll tell you!

The associations with the black colour are:

The crows.

The smoke.

The panther.

The coal and so on.

Now look! This is white.

The translation is “белый”.

For example:

Marry likes her white wedding dress.

Now let’s talk about the associations with the white colour.

And the associations are:

The snow.

The polar bears.

The milk.

The paper and so on.

– Boys, thank you! Now I know the names of the colours.

– Megan, we are glad to hear that!

– But we would like to check your knowledge if you don’t mind.

– Oh, sure!

Look! This is Emma. And this is her room.

Your task is to look at the picture and answer the questions.

The first question is:

What’s the colour of the sofa?

Let’s check the right answer.

The sofa is brown.

The following question is:

What’s the colour of the vase?

Check yourselves.

The vase is blue.

The third question is:

What’s the colour of the floor?

Let’s check the right answer.

The floor is red.

The following question is:

What’s the colour of the closet?

Check yourselves.

The closet is green.

The fifth question is:

What’s the colour of the wall?

Let’s check the right answer.

The wall is pink.

The sixth question is:

What’s the colour of the wall clock?

Check yourselves.

The wall clock is black.

The following question is:

What’s the colour of the table?

Let’s check the right answer.

The table is white.

And the last question is:

What’s the colour of the chair?

Check yourselves.

The chair is yellow.

– Well done, Megan!

– You are so clever!

– Oh, thank you, boys!

– Now when you know the names of the colours, could you answer our question, please?

– Sure! You can ask your question.

– Great! Megan, what is the colour of your purse?

– Ha-ha! It’s green, boys.

– Yes, you’re absolutely right!

– Guys, you are so funny!

– Well, thank you!

– That’s all for today, our dear friends.

– See you soon.


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