Тесты  /  Внеурочка  /  Прочее  /  Viral hemorragic fever

Viral hemorragic fever

02.10.2024. Тест. Внеурочка, Прочее
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Viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) are a group of illnesses caused by viruses that damage your blood vessels and can cause severe bleeding. Some hemorrhagic fever viruses can also cause mild symptoms like body aches and fatigue. Examples of VHFs include Ebola, dengue, Marburg and yellow fever.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

In what period is the high incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome recorded?

Варианты ответов
  • 1) in winter;
  • early spring.
  • in spring and autumn;
  • in summer and autumn
Вопрос 2

When start  the first microcirculatory disorders in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome?

Варианты ответов
  • in the incubation period;
  • in a febrile period;
  • in the oliguric period;
  • during the convalescence period.
Вопрос 3

How long at a temperature of 4C does hantavirus persist in blood serum taken from sick people?

Варианты ответов
  • during the day;
  • up to 2 days;
  • no more than 1 hour;
  • over 4 days.
Вопрос 4

What symptoms of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome are not associated with vegetative disorders at the level of the centers of the cervical and thoracic spinal cord?

Варианты ответов
  • hyperemia of the skin of the face, neck, upper half of the trunk; +
  • hyperemia of the oropharyngeal mucosa;
  • injection of vessels of the sclera and conjunctiva;
  • the appearance of a spotted enanthema of the upper palate;
  • a sharp restriction of the mobility of a body part.
Вопрос 5

Which test is recommended to assess the severity of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome?

Варианты ответов
  • immunological test;
  • coagulogram
  • urine examination according to Zimnitsky;
  • General blood test.
Вопрос 6

. What complication of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome is manifested by an attack with sudden loss of consciousness, tonic and clonic seizures, foaming at the mouth?

Варианты ответов
  • DIC syndrome;
  • cerebral edema;
  • rupture of the kidney capsule;
  • eclampsia.
Вопрос 7

What deviation in the general blood test distinguishes meningococcemia from hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome?

Варианты ответов
  • leukopenia in meningococcal infection;
  • neutrophilic leukocytosis in meningococcal infection;
  • increased ESR in meningococcal infection;
  • right shift in meningococcal infection
Вопрос 8

From what day of the disease with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, the method of enzyme immunoassay allows you to determine specific antibodies to the virus-the causative agent of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome?

Варианты ответов
  • from the 1st day;
  • from the 10th day;
  • from the 4th day;
  • from the 6th day.
Вопрос 9

What is the reason for massive vasopathy in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome?

Варианты ответов
  • with a violation of the cellular composition of the blood;
  • with the development of an immunodeficiency condition;
  • with the development of massive edema;
  • with the tropicity of hantavirus to the endothelium of microcirculation vessels.
Вопрос 10

What makes it possible to differentiate hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome from typhoid fever?

Варианты ответов
  • type of rash;
  • severe intoxication;
  • leukopenia;
  • fever.
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