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Местоимение one и его производные

20.11.2019. Тест. Английский язык, 9 класс
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Тренировочное упражнение к учебнику Rainbow English, Unit 2, Step 3

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Replace  the highlighted word with the word from the list.

List of words: one, ones, someone, anyone, no one, oneself, one's, everyone

Who did you meet  at the park? I met nobody.

Вопрос 2

Repalce  the highlighted word with the word from the list.

List of words: one, ones, someone, anyone, no one, oneself, one's, everyone

I´m going to tell you a secret. Don´t tell anybody.

Вопрос 3

Replace  the highlighted word with the word from the list.

List of words: one, ones, someone, anyone, no one, oneself, one's, everyone

There was somebody it the park when I arrived.

Вопрос 4

Replace  the highlighted word with the word from the list.

List of words: one, ones, someone, anyone, no one, oneself, one's, everyone

Everybody can see the city from here.


Вопрос 5

Repalce  the highlighted word with the word from the list.

List of words: one, ones, someone, anyone, no one, oneself, one's, everyone

I suppose you're working on the new article. - No, I'm correcting the old article.

Вопрос 6

Repalce  the highlighted word with the word from the list.

List of words: one, ones, someone, anyone, no one, oneself, one's, everyone

Jane read the fresh copy of the magazine but put the old copies aside.

Вопрос 7

Repalce  the highlighted word with the word from the list.

List of words: one, ones, someone, anyone, no one, oneself, one's, everyone

One can do it by himself.

Вопрос 8

Repalce  the highlighted word with the word from the list.

List of words: one, ones, someone, anyone, no one, oneself, one's, everyone

One has his benefit.

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