Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  4 класс  /  Зима, зимние развлечения

Зима, зимние развлечения

Разработка урока для 4 класса "Зима, зимние развлечения" (описание картинки, диалоги, аудирование, стихи, загадки)

Содержимое разработки

Разработка урока по английскому языку

4 класс

Учитель: Алешина Елена Сергеевна, СШ №122, Кривой Рог, Украина

Цели урока: практиковать учащихся в устной речи, в описании тематической картинки; развивать навыки аудирования, языковой смекалки; прививать интерес к изучаемому предмету

Оборудование: тематические картинки (зима, зимние игры, пословицы, загадки), ключ к тесту; ребусы, головоломки.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

2. Речевая зарядка (T-Cl):

What day of the week is it today?

What date is it today?

What season is it?

What are winter months?

Is the weather fine today?

What colour is the sky?

Is it snowing now?

Is it raining now?

Is it sunny now?

Is it windy?

Is there snow on the ground?

What is the temperature now?

3. Описание тематической картинки (Зима, зимние игры)

а) ответы на вопросы к картинке (Т-P1, Р2, Р3…)

б) описание картинки уч-ся.

Look at this picture. It is winter now. The sky is grey. It is snowing now. The trees, the fields, the houses are white with snow. It is frosty. Children like such weather. 3 boys are skiing. Some boys are walking in the forest. A lot of boys and girls are skating on the skating-rink. 5 boys are playing hockey. 2 girls are making a snowman. The others are playing snowballs. Some boys are sledging. The weather is fine. I like winter very much.

4. Аудирование: “What is winter?

One day an Indian boy of 4 comes up to his father and asks: “Father, what is winter?” “Winter…winter… It’s winter when everything is white with snow: the trees, the houses, the streets, the fields and the gardens. In winter ice covers the rivers and ...” Here son stops his father and says, “And what is snow? What is ice?” The father doesn’t know how to answer. “Well, my boy, snow … ice … Snow … is white and cold. Ice is white-blue and cold too.” But the son again stops him and asks, “Father, but what is cold?” Again, the father doesn’t know how to answer. He says, “Cold is cold.” The father cannot explain to his son what winter is, because it is never cold in India. It is usually hot there. And in winter it is very warm.

5. Стихи о зиме:

(Сhildren, can you tell me what winter is?)

  1. This is the season

When children ski

And old Father Frost

Brings the New Year tree.

  1. The windows are blue at night

But in the morning they are white

And snowflakes are falling

“Come out”, they are calling

  1. Its winter, its winter,

Let’s skate and ski!

It’s winter, it’s winter,

It’s great fun for me!

  1. Sing a song of winter,

Be happy and gay

Dance around the snowman

Come out and play

  1. Down comes the snow

On a winter day

I make a snowman

When I go to play

  1. Skating, skating

Boys and girls so gay

Like to skate together

On a winter day.

  1. It’s snowing, it’s snowing,

What a lot of snow!

It’s snowing, it’s snowing,

Let’s play with snow.

  1. When it is the winter-time

We go up the street

And we make the snow speak

With our little feet.

  1. This is the season

With snow so white

We ski and skate

With all our might.

6. Контроль д/з - диалоги “Why do you like winter?”

Работа в парах, воспроизведение диалогов:

Dialogue 1

  • Do you like winter?

  • Yes, I do.

  • Why do you like winter?

  • I like winter because I have big winter holidays, I don’t go to school, I can do everything I like. And you?

  • I like winter too. In winter we have 2 great holidays: New Year and Christmas. I like to receive presents.

Dialogue 2

  • Do you like winter?

  • Yes, I do. I like winter because I like New Year , I like to decorate a New Years tree and my classroom . And what about you?

  • I like winter, too. In winter we have New Year parties and presents.

Dialogue 3

  • Do you like winter? Why?

  • I like winter because I like snow, I like to play in the yard, to make a snowman. And you?

  • I like winter, too, because I like to play snowballs and to sledge.

Dialogue 4

  • Do you like winter?

  • Yes, I do.

  • Why do you like winter?

  • I like winter because I like to play hockey with my friends. And what about you?

  • I like winter, too, because I like to skate on the skating-rink.

Dialogue 5

  • Why do you like winter?

  • I like winter because I like to ski when the weather is frosty and there is much snow on the ground. And you?

  • I like winter too. Because in winter I have my birthday and I like to receive presents.

Dialogue 6

  • Why do you like winter?

  • I like winter, because I like snow, frost, when it snows. I like to play in the yard. And you?

  • I like winter very much. I like winter holidays when I can watch all the New Year programs on TV and Father Frost brings me presents.

7. Чтение загадок, их перевод, их отгадывание:

1) I come with cold and snow. But you like me and know (winter)

2) It’s cold in this month. In this month New Year comes (January)

3) This is a winter month. It is short. It has 28 or 29 days (February)

4) It’s the first winter month ( December)

5) He comes at night

On New Year’s Day

He brings presents

And goes away (Father Frost)

6) What man cannot live inside the house? (a snowman)

7) It’s blue by night

By day it is white

It is cold and not dry

It falls just from the sky (snow)

8) It is white, it’s cold

We can skate on it. What is it? (ice)

  1. What is without hands,

Without feet, without a head

Or a body, but can open a door? (wind)

8. Работа над текстом. Тест “Winter in Different Countries”

1) It’s very cold in winter. It’s frosty. There is much snow on the ground. Children play snowballs, ski, skate, sledge, make snowmen. (Ukraine)

A India B England C Ukraine

2) The winter is not very cold in this country. Sometimes it snows. But more often it rains. That’s why people usually don’t wear warm coats. They wear raincoats and umbrellas. (England)

A India B England C Ukraine

3) In this country it’s never cold in winter. It’s usually hot there. In winter it’s very warm. (India)

A India B England C Ukraine

9. Пословицы (чтение, дословный перевод, нахождение эквивалентов):

1. Love me, love my dog. (Любишь кататься, люби и санки возить)

2. A snow year is a rich year.

3. We should play to live, not live to play

4. Everything is good in its season.

10. Отгадывание ребуса, головоломок

11. Подведение итогов урока, объявление оценок, объяснение д/з

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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