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Внеурочное занятие «Make Quiz Time a Fun Time»

Subjects: This classes activity can be adapted to many subject areas.

Grades: 10–11.

Brief Description (Краткое описание)

This classroom quiz activity offers a fun way to check students' knowledge after they research a topic.

"Art and artists" are the subjects of the quiz used in this example, but the learning activity can be adapted to almost any topic in any curriculum area.

Objectives (цели урока):

Students will:

  • research a topic;
  • participate in a fun quiz activity to check what they learned;
  • compare and classify information.

Keywords: Art Jobs (sculptor, animator, potter, photographer, artist, clay); Verbs (draw, sketch, paint, dance, perform, sculpt, design, make)

Materials Needed (необходимый материал).

Note: Materials will vary depending on the topic being studied. In the sample lesson below, students are studying different works of art and the materials reflect that.

  • a list of questions related to the planets (provided);
  • pictures;
  • prizes (for example, stickers, pens, pencils);
  • library resources or Internet access (for the research part of the activity).

Содержимое разработки

Внеурочное занятие «Make Quiz Time a Fun Time»

Автор сценария: Шепелева Людмила Борисовна – преподаватель английского языка.

Subjects: This classes activity can be adapted to many subject areas.

Grades: 10–11.

Brief Description (Краткое описание)

This classroom quiz activity offers a fun way to check students' knowledge after they research a topic.

"Art and artists" are the subjects of the quiz used in this example, but the learning activity can be adapted to almost any topic in any curriculum area.

Objectives (цели урока):

Students will:

  • research a topic;

  • participate in a fun quiz activity to check what they learned;

  • compare and classify information.

Keywords: Art Jobs (sculptor, animator, potter, photographer, artist, clay); Verbs (draw, sketch, paint, dance, perform, sculpt, design, make)

Materials Needed (необходимый материал).

Note: Materials will vary depending on the topic being studied. In the sample lesson below, students are studying different works of art and the materials reflect that.

  • a list of questions related to the planets (provided);

  • pictures;

  • prizes (for example, stickers, pens, pencils);

  • library resources or Internet access (for the research part of the activity).

Ход занятия

1. Организационный момент. Введение в языковую среду. Приветствие учащихся.

Good morning! Glad to see you, my friends. What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?

2. Сообщение темы урока и правил игры

Plan (описание занятия)

The purpose of this lesson is to have students research/learn information about the Art. Provide books from the library and/or Internet sites that students can visit to learn about those artists and works of art.

After researching and discussing facts about the genres of artist, hold a class discussion in which students share the most fascinating information they learned about the art.

Now, you are ready to ask your prepared questions about the art.

As an alternative to creating the questions yourself, you might have students create questions as they do their research. Then use students' questions for the game.

Note (примечание): To play the game in other curriculum areas (science, history, or literature), choose three topics for the students to be quizzed on; the answers to all the questions must be one of those three topics. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. For example,

  • if students are studying literature, select three characters from that piece of literature.

  • if students are doing an author study, select three of the author's works.

  • if students are studying general literature, select three books, short stories, or poems.

  • if students are studying history, select three famous (or little-known) wars/battles.

THE GAME (правила игры)

  • The game lasts approximately 20-30 minutes.

  • The object of the game is to answer all questions correctly.

  • Students start the game standing next to their desks.

  • One at a time, read a question to each student.

  • If the student answers correctly, he or she remains standing. If the student answers incorrectly, he or she sits down, and the question is placed at the end of the question pile. Seated students lose one turn; and then rejoin the game.

  • At the end of the game, students who didn't miss a single question or who missed the fewest questions win a prize.

3. Проведение игры.

Questions for the Art Game

1. Look at the picture. This is another form of art. What is it?

A) a portrait C) graffiti

B) a paintng D) a photograph

2. Andy Warhol was a central figure in which artistic movement?

A) Impressionism C) Modern Art

B) Pavement Art D) Pop Art

3. Julian Beaver creates optical illusion with chalk. People call him the ___.

A) ‘Street Picasso’ C) ‘Picasso of Holes’

B) ‘Pavement Picasso’ D) ‘Illusion Picasso’

4. In which European city can someone see sculptures by Antoni Guadi?

A) Paris C) Rome

B) London D) Barcelona

5. Which of the following films used CGI technology to create massive battle scence?

A) The Lord of the Rings C) Jurassic Park

B) Shrek D) Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

6. In movie-making, what does CGI mean?

A) Computer Graphics Ideas C) Computer Generated Ideas

B) Computer Graphics Images D) Computer Graphics Industry

7. Andy Warhol produced most of his famous paintings in New York in his company wich was called_____.

A) The School C) The Factory

B) The Institute D) The City

8. Complete the sentence: In modern atr painting, artists show movement and energy using heavy____.

A) broomsticks C) colouring

B) brushstrokes D) drawing

9. A potter is someone who creates works of art from____.

A) stone C) clay

B) marble D) sand

10. The person who creates animated frames on a computer is called a _____.

A) computer programmer C) computer designer

B) computer engineer D) computer animator

11. Who once said:” A man paints with his brains, not with his hands.”?

A) Michelangelo C) Paul Cezanne

B) Leonardo Da Vinci D) Claude Monet

12. Harry Potter can fly with his broomstick because of one CGI technique. It is called____.

A) blue-screening C) black- screening

B) green- screening D) white- screening

13. Look at this picture. What is he doing?

A) He is a painting a picture.

B) He is taking a photographe.

C) He is performingon stage.

D) He is making a sculpture.

14. Ptolemy Erlington’s creations with recycled material are a perfect example of what can be done with________.

A) nature materials C) Discarded materials

B) tiny pieces of wire D) cars and wheels

15. What do we call the famous artist Andy Warhol?

A) the king of Pop C) the Prince of Pop

B) the child of Pop D) the Artist of Pop

16. “The Persistence of Memory” is a famous painting by____.

A) Salvador Dali C) Vincent Van Gogh

B) Pablo Picasso D) Edgar Degas

17. Look at this picture. What is it?

A) a hubcap

B) a wire

C) a scratch

D) wheel

18. When we go to see a collection of the works of a particular artist we go to an___.

A) art school C) art degree

B) art exhibition D) art movement

Extension Activity: If students enjoyed this activity, you might do it again with the other theme.

Differentiation: Ask more difficult questions of your best readers/researchers.

4. Assessment (Оценивание):

Students' understanding of the concepts presented is assessed both informally and formally. Students are informally assessed by the teacher's interaction with the students and observation of the students as they participate in "Art Game." Students are formally assessed when they write the five comparisons of the planets' similarities or differences.

рганизационный момент.

5. Заключение.

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work! Good bye!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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