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Великобритания - страна садов

Конспект урока для работы с учащимися 8 класса. Урок нацелен на развитие умения изучающего чтения и знакомство учащихся с информацией о наиболее известных садах Великобритании.


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Государственное учреждение образования

«Средняя школа № 8 г. Кричева»

Конспект урока по теме:

«Великобритания – страна садов»

(8 класс)

Подготовила: учитель английского языка

Живицкая Елена Владимировна

Кричев, 2018

Тема: Великобритания – страна садов.

Класс: 8.

Речевые функции: describing the most famous gardens of Great Britain, inviting a friend to a garden.


образовательная: развитие умения изучающего чтения; знакомство с информацией о наиболее известных садах Великобритании;

развивающая: развитие внимания, умения выделять в тексту главную информацию, творческих способностей, формирование коммуникативной компетенции;

воспитательная: формирования любви к природе, эстетических качеств личности.

Сопутствующие задачи: совершенствование фонетических навыков, развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи.

Тип урока: урок развития речевых умений.

Методы и приемы: работа с текстом (просмотровой и поисковое чтение, работа по технологии «мозаика»; коммуникативный, ролевая игра.

Словообразование: grow (v.) – growth (n.).


1) Английский язык : учеб. пособие для 8-го кл. учреждений общ. сред. Образования с рус. яз. обучения : (с электрон. прил.) / Л.М. Лапицкая [и др.].– 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – Минск : Вышэйшая школа 2016. – 270 с. : ил. + 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD);

2) иллюстрации с изображением садов Великобритании;

3) таблицы для работы с текстом;

4) таблички с названием садов;

5) изображение цветка (количество лепестков должно совпадать с количеством учащихся).

Ход урока








Органи-зацион-ный момент. Речевая разминка

Введение в атмосферу иноязычного общения

- Good afternoon! What can you see in the pictures? Are you fond of gardening? Would you like to visit one of these gardens?

Pupils discuss the pictures


Проверка д/з

Контроль выполнения д/з

Ex. 4b, p. 157

- Read your essays about sporting traditions in Belarus.

Pupils read their essays



I. Пред-тексто-вый этап

II. Текс-товый этап


III. После- тексто-вый

Предварительный просмотр текста, формирование остановки на прочтение

Снятие фонетических трудностей

Развитие умения изучающего чтения

Охрана здоровья обучающихся

Развитие умения монологиче-ской речи

Развитие умения диалогиче-ской речи

Ex. 2a, p. 158

- Scan the visitors’ information about the gardens (the first 3–4 lines) and answer the questions.

- Let’s pronounce the most difficult names from the texts:

Exbury Gardens, Lionel de Rothschield, the Beaulieu River, rhododendrons, camellias, azaleas;

Windsor Great Park, Berkshire, primulas, narcissus;

Kew Gardens, Joseph Banks;

Crarae Gardens, Inveraray, Crarae Glen, Himalayan gorge.

- Divide into 4 groups. Pupils in each of the groups should read one of the texts, fill in the table and get ready to speak about their garden.

- I’ll tell you information about different gardens. When the members of one of the 4 groups hear some information about their gardens, they are to stand up and raise the plate with the name of the garden.

E.g. It was created by L. de Rothshield.

You can find it in Scotland.

It was founded in 1722. etc.

- Now a member from each group is to tell the rest of the class the most important information about his / her garden.

- Imagine you want to invite your friend to a garden. Act out mini-dialogues, using the prompts from ex. 3a, 3b,

p. 161.

Pupils scan the texts and find the answers

Pupils pronounce the namese

Pupil work with the text and get ready to speak

Pupils stand up and raise the plates when they hear some information about their garden

Pupils share the information they’ve read

Pupils act out mini-dialogues







Домаш-нее задание

Объяснение д/з

Ex. 4, p. 161

- Write about the garden you saw once and liked very much (use the plan in ex. 3a).

Pupils write down homework


Подведе-ние итогов, рефлек-сия

- On the board you can see a flower. Write your emotions or thoughts about the lesson on a petal.

Pupils evaluate their thought and feelings.


Приложение 1

Exercise 2a

Scan the visitors’ information about the gardens (the first 3-4 lines) and answer the questions.

1. Which garden is open daily (every day)? 2. Which gar dens aren’t open to public in December and January? 3. Which gardens are closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day? 4. What’s the latest closing time? In which garden?

Exercise 2b

Listen and read about the gardens and answer the questions.

1. Where can you see exotic plants in greenhouses? 2. Where can you find plants from around the globe? 3. Where can you see lots of rhododendrons1? 4. Where can you find a wild Himalayan gorge (узкое ущелье)?

Exbury Gardens, Exbury ['eksbari], Hampshire Tel: 023 8089 1203 Open: late Feb - late Nov, daily 10-5.30 (or dusk if earlier)

Created in the 1920s by Lionel de Rothschild, Exbury Gar dens are a visual extravaganza. Idyllically set on the east bank of the Beaulieu ['bju:h] River, the 73ha (hectares ['hekteozj) landscaped woodland gardens offer superb displays of rhodo dendrons, camellias and azaleas [o'zeilioz]. Trees as well as flowers have their special place, with many rare and beautiful exam­ples including an ancient yew tree1. A labyrinth of tracks and paths (тропинки) lead through the beautiful plantings, cascades and ponds (пруды), rose garden, rock garden, heather and iris ['airis] gardens, daffodil meadow and river walk. Exbury con­tinues to develop with recent additions including a herbaceous (травянистый) and grasses garden.

Windsor [ winzo] Great Park, Berkshire [ ba:kJ(i)o]

Tel: 01753 847518 Open: daily Mar - Oct 10-6; Nov - Feb 10- 4pm. Closed 25-26 Dec, 1 Jan.

Truly a garden for all seasons, Savill Garden was created in 1932. Under the patronage of King George IV and Queen Eliza­beth the Queen Mother, the gardens which cover 14ha, are run by traditional methods and give a home for plants that mightfollows! by a range of roses, late summer herbaceous borders nml spectacular autumn colours. Many rare1 plants blossom i thr Queen Elizabeth Temperate (с умеренным микроклиматом) House.

Kew [kju:] Gardens (Royal Botanic Gardens) Kew, London Tel: 020 8940 1171. Open: daily 9.30-6.30 (closing time varies according to season). Closed 25 Dec, 1 Jan

The world’s foremost (передовой) Royal Botanic Gardens of­fer a visit at any time of the year. Containing around 30,000 spe­cies of plants, including 13 species extinct (исчезнувшие) in the wild, the gardens were created in 1722 under the patronage of George III, but Sir Joseph Banks encouraged the project from the very beginning and brought unknown plants back from a world voyage aboard Captain Cook’s ship Endeavour [in'devo]. Go in spring for the lilac2 and rhododendrons, and in winter when even on the greyest of days the greenhouses are full of ex­otic growth. At Kew you will find plants from around the globe and from every habitat - desert, swamp and rainforest.

Crarae [’krairei] Gardens Crarae, Inveraray [^nvo'reori], Scot­tish Lowlands Tel: 01546 886614 / 886388. Open: daily - summer 9-6, win­ter daylight hours

Among Scotland’s loveliest gardens, Crarae is set beside the fascinating Loch Fyne and covers 25ha of woodland with one of the finest rhododendron collections in Scotland. Crarae Glen (a narrow and deep mountain valley) is the nearest thing in Scotland to a wild Himalayan [^imo'leion] gorge and contains many exotic plants. Here also is the site of the National Collec­tion of the southern beech and the gardens contain important and large trees and shrubs (кусты).

Exercise 3a

Role play. Natalie and her family are going to take Alesya to one of these gardens. Work in groups. Divide the roles. Each of you chooses one garden you’d like to visit and gets ready to explain why you should go there: 1) what you can find there, 2) when it’s open, 3) where it’s situated, 4) what you think of this garden, 5) what else you can see in the location, 6) what else you can do there.

Help box

huge, small, large, wide, narrow, amazing, attractive, spec­tacular, fantastic, fascinating, lovely, pretty, super, picturesque

Exercise 3b

Act out the discussion.

Help box

Let’s go to ... Why not go to ... ? We could go to ... We should go and see ... It’s convenient. It’s twice as near as ... It’s open on ... from ... to... I’m sure we’ll enjoy / love it.

It sounds too far / right / good / fascinating, but... / OK. / Great!

Приложение 2. Таблица для работы с текстом

1. The name of the garden: ___________________________________________.

2. Place: __________________________________________________________ .

3. Open: __________________________________________________________ .

4. Plants that are grown in the garden: __________________________________________________________________


5. Other notes: ______________________________________________________


Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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