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Урок "Жизнь в космосе" (УМК Spotlight )

План-конспект урока к модулю 2, урок 2а

Содержимое разработки

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся

Формы организации работы на уроке: IW — individualwork, GW — groupwork, PW — pairwork

I. Оргмомент. 1 мин
метод «мозгового штурма»

Teacher: Good morning, students! How are you?
T: We start a new Module 2 “Life and Living”. Could you tell where do you dream to live in the future?

Student1: We are fine, thanks.

S2: I dream to live in Novosibirsk.
S3: I would like to live in Japan, in Tokyo.
S4: I dream to live at the seaside.
S5: I dream to live in the mountains.

II. Актуализация темы урока. Начало экскурсии. 2 мин
прием актуализации знаний, метод активного диалога
(Слайд 1, 2)
Триггер установлен на картинку

Переход автоматический.

T: You’ve got bright ideas. Would you like to live in the sky?
– Do you know who lives in the sky nowadays?
T: That’s right. They’re cosmonauts or astronauts.
T: Do you know how the astronauts live?
T: Can you imagine their answer to the question “How would you like to live in the sky?”
 Look at their answers to this question! We have a virtual journey to the International Space Station and get to know how it to live in the sky is!

S6: No, I wouldn’t.
S7: I think they are cosmonauts.
S8: No, I don’t know.
S9: I think they say it’s difficult.
S10: I suppose they say it’s dangerous.

III. Маршрут экскурсии. 2 мин
(Слайд 3)
прием актуализации знаний

T: What are the astronauts flying above?
T: What is the height of the space station?
 What is the speed of the space station?
T: Look at our journey route! At first we get to know about the station and life on it. Then do the vocabulary exercises and the crossword! Please match new words during our virtual journey!

S1: They are flying above the Earth.
S2: They are flying above the countries and continents.
S3: They are flying above the oceans, rivers, mountains.
S4: It is about 360 kilometers above the planet.
S5: It is about 28,000 kilometers per hour.

GW+IWВ ходе экскурсии учащиеся записывают новые слова и фразы.

IV. Дом на небе. 5 мин
аудиолингвальный метод, приём визуализации,
языковая догадка
(Слайд 4)
Триггер установлен на стрелку

Возврат на маршрут при нажатии на космонавта в скафандре

T: This is an emblem of the International Space Station project that was started in 1998. 15 countries wanted to take part in the space exploring and the big space experiments. They were ready to finance such work. The International Space Station Agreement was signed on January 29, 1998. These 15 countries (in alphabetical order) are Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, UK, USA, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. In 1999, there were only two modules on the Earth orbit: the Russian “Zarya” and the American “Unity”. The speed of the station is about 28,000 kilometers an hour or 7,6 km per second. In 2000, there were three modules “Zarya”, “Zvezda” and “Unity”. The ISS became habitable. The first international crew started the work on the orbit station. In 2002, the ISS had got six parts and turned around the Earth 15 times a day. In 2007, there were 15 expeditions to the ISS that worked cooperatively on the board. In 2011, the Russian segment had 5 modules and the American-European-Japanese had 8.
T: When was the International Space Station project started?
T: How many countries are involved with the space exploring and the big space experiments?
T: Can you name some of them?
T: When did the ISS become habitable?
T: How many expeditions were to the ISS?

GW+IWПри просмотре слайда учащиеся читают текст и запоминают или записывают слова.



S1: In 1998.
S2: 15 countries.
S3: Russia, USA, UK, Japan, Italy, Germany and so on.
S4: In 2000.
S4: About 41.

V. Упражняться – важно. 5 мин
(Слайд 5)
аудиолингвальный метод, приём визуализации,
языковая догадка
Триггер установлен на гантели  

При нажатии на маленькие фото появляются большие изображения.
Возврат на маршрут при нажатии на космонавта в скафандре.

T: The biggest problem for the astronaut’s health in the space living is a zero gravity. It harms the human muscular system, the skeleton, the blood and the heart.  People need the regular exercising to keep the muscles hard. When muscles don’t work against gravity they go soft. The muscles are regularly controlled on the ISS. The residents of the ISS actually spend 2 hours a day on exercise bikes and rowing machine. The weight lifting exercises are very important, too. Everyday living in the lack of gravity needs some special skills and training. Astronauts have to exercise doing usual things such as sitting, hair washing, shower taking, teeth brushing, and shaving.
T: How does the lack of gravity affect the astronaut’s muscles?
T: How much time do the astronauts spend doing exercises?
T: What does the astronaut need for everyday living in the lack of gravity?

GW+IW При просмотре слайда учащиеся читают текст и запоминают или записывают слова.
S1: It makes them soft.
S2: They spend 2 hours a day exercise bikes and rowing machine, lifting the weight.
S3: They need special skills and training.

VI. Домашняя работа в космосе. 4 мин
(Слайд 6)
аудиолингвальный метод, приём визуализации,
языковая догадка
Анимация автоматическая. Возврат на маршрут при нажатии на космонавта.

T: Do you know what housework the astronauts do?
T: The size of the station is about a football pitch! The vacuum hose is used for cleaning, haircut and different works. They remove waste. The rubbish is put into plastic bags and sent to Earth. The astronauts clean the whole station every day because dangerous bacteria grow quickly in zero gravity. They don’t need to cook, space lunch is packed. To stop their meals floating, astronauts have to ‘post’ food packages into a special tray.
T: Which size does the ISS have?
T: What is used for cleaning?
T: What do the astronauts do with their dirty dishes and rubbish?
T: Why is the everyday cleaning important?
T: What is used to escape from floating food packages?

GW+IW S1: I think they do cleaning, cooking, maybe washing.
При просмотре слайда учащиеся читают текст и запоминают или записывают слова.
S2: It is about the size of a football pitch.
S3: The vacuum hose is used for cleaning and different works.
S4: They put them into plastic bags and send back to Earth.
S5: Because dangerous bacteria grow quickly in the lack of gravity.
S5: The special tray is used for eating.

VII. На стене. 4 мин
(Слайд 7)
Анимация по щелчку.  Возврат на маршрут при нажатии на космонавта. Гиперссылка на видео

T: Look at the interior of the station. There are walls around the astronauts. A lot of things are on the walls. There’re many shelves for keeping are in the walls. There aren’t any bedrooms, the astronauts can sleep anywhere. They strap into a sleeping bag on the wall. It’s a relaxing experience, as nothing presses against the skin. Watch the video with Chris Hadfield.
T: Where do the astronauts sleep?
T: Where do they keep all the things?

GW+IW При просмотре слайда учащиеся читают текст и запоминают или записывают слова.
S1: They sleep in the sleeping bags strapping on the wall.
S2: They keep them on the walls too.

VIII. Нет места лучше дома. 4 мин
(Слайд 8)
Возврата на маршрут нет. Переход на следующий слайд по стрелке

T: The astronauts live in the ISS to work outside the station in space, do biological and technical experiments, or household chores! They have some free time when they read and discuss, watch the football matches and films, play chess or guitar, enjoy the Earth and take its pictures, have different holidays.
T: What kind of work do the astronauts do?
T: What do they do in their free time?

GW+IW При просмотре слайда учащиеся читают текст и запоминают или записывают слова.
S1: They do experiments and work outside the station.
S2: They read, watch films, take pictures, play chess, and enjoy the Earth.

IX. Лексика. 6 мин (Слайд 9)
После перемещения слов нажмите на прямоугольник

T: Fill the words into the gaps to make the phrases. You have 2 minutes time. (Проверка осуществляется по щечку мыши, слово перемещается в нужную ячейку.)

T: Choose five phrases and make the sentences about the astronauts on the International Space Station.

GW+IWУчащиеся самостоятельно составляют словосочетания. Затем проверяют вместе и записывают предложения. Зачитывают свои идеи вслух. Например,

  1. The astronauts travel through airless space.

  2. Life is not easy on the International Space Station.

  3. The things can float around the station because of lack of gravity.

  4. Astronauts have to strap their sleeping bags on the wall.

  5. Zero gravity makes muscles go soft.

X. Диалогическое высказывание. 6 мин
приём вовлечения учащихся в атмосферу иноязычной культуры

T: Work in pairs! You are a journalist and your partner is one of the astronauts living on the space station. Prepare questions and interview your partner about life in space, then swap roles.
















T: Thank you for your interview. It was interesting and amazing.

PW Учащиеся распределяют роли (объём высказывания не менее 4-6 фраз). Ученикам со слабой языковой подготовкой можно дать время на составление монолога, и они могут пользоваться текстом в учебнике. Учащиеся с сильной подготовкой получат возможность интервьюировать космонавта сразу.
Journalist: What’s it like living in zero gravity? How do you eat?
Astronaut: Well, it’s a lot of fun. When we eat, we have food packets and a special tray, so food doesn’t float away.
J: Could you tell what your typical space lunch is?
A: For example, a packet of lasagna, a tin of lamb with vegetables, some bread, dried fruit and apricot juice.
J: Where do you sleep?
A: We don’t have bedrooms but we need to strap ourselves in the sleeping bags to the wall. We sleep very well.
J: Do you have to do any household chores?
A: There are a lot of household chores to do on the station. Bacteria grow quickly in zero gravity so we have to clean the station every day.
J: Do you need to do washing-up?
A: No, we needn’t. We put the dirty dishes and rubbish into plastic bags and send back to Earth.
J: What job do you do on the station?
A: I’m an engineer. I get a large program of technical tests and I do different experiments. I must repair the equipment.
J: Do you have any free time? What do you do?
A: My hobby is photography. I like taking pictures of countries, continents, seas and islands.

XI. Кроссворд. 4 мин
(Слайд 10)
Дополнительное задание.

T: Do the crossword on the cards.

Ключи с ответами. Приложение 2

PW+IWУчащиеся получают листы с кроссвордом (Приложение 1.) и решают его самостоятельно или в парах (во время разгадывания кроссворда можно использовать затемнение экрана). Контроль осуществляется у доски одним из учащихся по желанию.

XII. Homework. 1 мин.

T: Match the words/phrases in bold in the text to the meaning. Make the sentences with them.

Учащиеся записывают домашнее задание (с. 26, упр. 5).

XIII. Reflection. 1 мин.

T: What do you think of the virtual journey? Did you like it? Was it amazing, useful or boring?

T: Would like to live in space? Why? Why not?

T: You worked very well! You get the good marks. Thank you! Good bye.

S1: Wonderful!
S2: Great!
S3: Interesting!
S4: Not bad!
S5: I would like to live in space! It would be fun to float around in zero gravity!
S6: I wouldn’t like to live in space! It would be fun tiring! Everything is difficult to do in zero gravity!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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