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Урок "Спорт и хобби"

Урок в 7 классе по теме "Спорт и хобби". Можно использовать как дополнительный материал в серии уроков по данной теме. Включает в себя презентацию и аудиоматериалы.


Содержимое разработки

Урок в 7 классе на тему “Sports and Hobbies”.

Цель урока: Обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме «Sports and hobbies».

Задачи урока:

—   закреплять и расширять словарный запас в речи учащихся по теме;

—   познакомить учащихся с экстремальными видами спорта;

—   формировать речевые навыки, обеспечивающие познавательно-коммуникативные потребности учащихся;

—   использовать новые слова по теме в устной речи учащихся;

—   способствовать воспитанию толерантного отношения к различным видам спорта.

        Форма обучения направлена  на практическую подготовленность учащихся, на свободное владение английским языком  в речи по теме Спорт и хобби.


 компьютер,  проектор, мультимедийная доска


Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент

Hello students. Glad to welcome you on the lesson. How are you? How are you feeling today? Are you happy to see such good weather today? What would you like to do today? in such wonderful weather?

(I would like to walk in the park….

I would like to do jogging…

I would like…)

  1. Warming up

We all do some sports and hobbies. There are many kinds of them. Some people like to do running or gymnastics. Some people like to collect badges or read books. So let us find out what your favorite sports and hobbies are.

Personally I like to walk in the park in good weather and read books or watch TV when the weather is nasty.

Look please at the whiteboard and name these hobbies and sports.

(On the first slide there are 16 kinds of sports and hobbies. The students name them)

Let us open up the next slide and check if we were right.

  1. Vocabulary. Введение новой лексики

To be interested in-увлекаться

To be daredevil-быть сорви-головой

To try something new and risky-пробовать что-то новое и рискованное

To take precautions-принять меры предосторожности

To rise adrenaline in the blood-поднять уровень адреналина в крови

To refresh one1s mind-освежить голову

To cure stress-избавиться от стресса

To feel weak-чувствовать себя слабым

To be scared of/to be afraid of-бояться чего-либо

To be proud of yourself-гордиться собой

To feel happy-чувствовать себя счастливым

To feel free-чувствовать себя свободным

  1. Practice. Практиковать учащихся в использовании лексики по теме в устной речи.

Now let us take a look at the pictures and try to describe your attitude towards these hobbies and sports.

(На доске слайды с фотографиями, на которых изображены некоторые виды спорта )

Parachute jumping

Playing football

Going to the swimming pool

Playing chess

Weight lifting

Mountain skiing

Ученики рассказывают по одному про эти виды спорта, используя ранее введенную лексику.

  1. Listening. Развитие навыков аудирования.

  1. Listen to the story of Chris and answer the questions.

(Listening to the recording twice;

Answer the questions)

  • What is Chris interested in?

  • Can you describe his brother`s hobby?

  • Can you describe his mother1s hobby?

  • Do you have anything in common with Chris, his brother and his mother?

  • What kind of hobbies do your relatives have?

  • Do you know any daredevils? What are they interested in?

  1. Now you are going to hear the dialog: the couch gives instructions to the

tourist who want to try scuba diving.

Listen attentively and then answer the questions:

- Can you describe what scuba diving is ?

- What do we need for scuba diving?

- In which countries scuba diving is more popular?

- Have you ever tried scuba diving?

- Tell about your impressions if you have never tried scuba diving

- Would you like to try it?

- Why do you think it is important to start practising scuba diving with a coach?

- What are the pros and cons of scuba diving?

  1. Развитие устной речи по теме.

Express your own opinion:

  • Why do people need hobbies?

  • Which hobbies are the most expensive?

  • Which hobbies are the cheapest?

  • Which hobbies cost nothing at all?

  • How can you make money from a hobby?

  • If you had a million dollars, what hobbies would you like to start?

  • What hobbies seem boring to you? Why do they seem boring?

  • Are there any dangerous hobbies you would like to try?

  • Are you interested in the Olympic games? Do you watch the translation?

Which sports are your favorites? If you don’t watch, tell why

  • Do you have any favorite sportsmen? Who are they?

  1. Итоги.

On today1s lesson you have learnt

-the names of different kinds of hobbies and sports;

- how to tell about your hobbies and activities

-everything about scuba diving

  1. Homework

Подготовить рассказ о своем любимом виде спорта или любимом занятии, используя лексику урока.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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