Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  7 класс  /  Урок английского языка "Введение лексики по теме Великобритания"

Урок английского языка "Введение лексики по теме Великобритания"

Урок - путешествие разработан с учетом семи модулей обучения. При планировании учитывались все идеи Британской программы. Создание коллаборативной среды на протяжении всего урока. Здания с учетом разновозрастных способностей, задания для "быстрых" учащихся, задания на развитие критического мышления, обучение через диалог, оценивание (формативное, суммативное).

Описание разработки

Тип урока: урок усвоения нового материала

Вид урока: урок - путешествие

ТДЦ урока:

Обучить: содействовать в усвоении нового лексического материала и повторении пассивной лексики по теме Великобритания через выполнение заданий, посредствам диалога

развить: мышление, внимание, память, речь

воспитать: содействовать в преодолении языкового барьера, уважительного отношения к языку, атмосферы сотрудничества

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, аудиозапись

Методы обучения:

1. Методы организации научно - познавательной деятельности:

Словесные: рассказ, лекция, беседа и т. д.

Наглядные: демонстрация, иллюстрация.

Практические упражнения: лабораторные опыты, трудовые действия.

Проблемно - поисковые.


Методы самостоятельной учебной работы школьников.

2. Методы стимулирования учебно - познавательной деятельности:

Методы познавательной игры.

Учебных дискуссий.

 Создания ситуаций успеха в учёбе.

Предъявление учебных требований.

  3. Методы поощрения

Методы контроля за эффективностью учебно - познавательной деятельности:

Методы устного, письменного, лабораторного контроля.

Индивидуального, фронтального, тематического контроля. Поурочного контроля.

 Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: фронтальная, групповая, ролевая игра, индивидуальная, парная.

Дидактический материал: раздаточный материал, видеотека, игротека, таблицы, тесты, карточки

Ход урока:

Орг. момент

Good –morning girls and boys! Sit down please. I’m so glad to see you today. Today we’ll have an usual lesson.

We’ll start our travelling. Are you ready? Come up to the Booking - office. Buy the tickets. Take your places, please.

(Leader - Speaker - designer - time keeper)

 Fasten your seat belts. 1, 2, 3 - come on!

Ladies and gentlemen! I’m so glad to see you on the board of our air - plane. Let’s review the rules of our travelling.

Look at the board. (be active, friendly, tolerant, listen and hear, help to each other, speak English)

So you have to assess to each other in your groups

 I think you’ll get excellent emotions and knowledge because we’ll begin our travelling around wonderful country. Look at the board. You should guess the theme of our lesson. I’ll give you the puzzle.

Nice of you, We’ll begin our travelling around Great Britain. How are you today? What is the weather like for today? What is the weather like in Great Britain?

What do you know about Britain? Where is Great Britain situated? Is it in America? - (No, it isn’t/ It is in Europe. ). Is it country or island?

There are four stations in our travelling. Look at the board. I think at the end of our travelling you’ll have more knowledge about Great Britain, you’ll be able to talk about London, make up and act the dialogues.

O’k. The first station. Here we’ll study some new words and work with the pronunciation of known words in order your travelling will be easy and interesting.

The 1st task will be: Leaders come up to me please and take the cards with the words and instruction.

T. . Listen to the speaker and repeat the words all together.

Follow the instruction.

Read the words after the leader.

Write down the unknown words into your vocabularies.

The leader should change the group and present the active words.

Make up the cluster (map) using the words. You can write, draw.

Introduce your cluster using the sentences and map.


Make up the dialogues and act them.

Assess your work.

Reflection. Choose your smile and tell why it is so.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland is ____________in the north - west _________ of Europe between the _________________and the ________________ on the east. The United Kingdom of Great Britain ____________ England, Wales, Scotland and Northern __________. The UK lies on the ____________. The two main ___________ are Great Britain and Ireland. They are separated by the ________________. It is separated from the continent by the ______________ and the Strait of ____________. The total _______ of the UK is 240. 000 sq. km ( two hundred and forty thousand square [skwεə] kilometers. It’s _________ is about 57 million people. The capital of Great Britain is __________. The _____________ is the most important river and the ________________ is the largest one.

Let’s have a rest. Stand up please. Head and shoulders.

Sit down.

Весь материал – смотрите документ.

Содержимое разработки

Предмет: English Дата проведения:______________ Учитель: Темирова Н.В. Класс: 7 А

Тема урока:1. Введение ЛЕ по теме Великобритания

Тип урока: урок усвоения нового материала ____________________________________________________________________________

Вид урока: урок-путешествие

ТДЦ урока:

Обучить: содействовать в усвоении нового лексического материала и повторении пассивной лексики по теме Великобритания через выполнение заданий, посредствам диалога

развить: мышление, внимание, память, речь

воспитать: содействовать в преодолении языкового барьера, уважительного отношения к языку, атмосферы сотрудничества

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, аудиозапись

Методы обучения:

1.Методы организации научно-познавательной деятельности:

    1. Словесные: рассказ, лекция, беседа и т.д.____________________________________________

    2. Наглядные: демонстрация, иллюстрация.

    3. Практические упражнения: лабораторные опыты, трудовые действия.

    4. Проблемно-поисковые.

    5. Репродуктивные.

    6. Методы самостоятельной учебной работы школьников.

2.Методы стимулирования учебно-познавательной деятельности:

    1. Методы познавательной игры.

    2. Учебных дискуссий.

      1. Создания ситуаций успеха в учёбе.

      2. Предъявление учебных требований.

3.Методы поощрения ____________________________________________________

    1. Методы контроля за эффективностью учебно-познавательной деятельности:

      1. Методы устного, письменного, лабораторного контроля.

      2. Индивидуального, фронтального, тематического контроля. Поурочного контроля.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся: фронтальная, групповая, ролевая игра, индивидуальная, парная.

Дидактический материал: раздаточный материал, видеотека, игротека, таблицы, тесты, карточки _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Этап урока

Содержание учебного материала



Цели, задачи урока

4 min.

2.Всестороння проверка знаний.

3.Усвоение нового материла

Динамическая пауза

Good –morning girls and boys! Sit down please. I’m so glad to see you today. Today we’ll have an usual lesson.

We’ll start our travelling. Are you ready? Come up to the Booking-office. Buy the tickets. Take your places, please.

(Leader-Speaker-designer-time keeper)

Fasten your seat belts. 1,2,3- come on!

Ladies and gentlemen! I’m so glad to see you on the board of our air-plane. Let’s review the rules of our travelling.

Look at the board. (be active, friendly, tolerant, listen and hear, help to each other, speak English)

So you have to assess to each other in your groups

I think you’ll get excellent emotions and knowledge because we’ll begin our travelling around wonderful country. Look at the board. You should guess the theme of our lesson. I’ll give you the puzzle.

Nice of you, We’ll begin our travelling around Great Britain. How are you today? What is the weather like for today? What is the weather like in Great Britain?

What do you know about Britain? Where is Great Britain situated? Is it in America?- (No, it isn’t/ It is in Europe.). Is it country or island?

There are four stations in our travelling. Look at the board. I think at the end of our travelling you’ll have more knowledge about Great Britain, you’ll be able to talk about London, make up and act the dialogues.

O’k. The first station. Here we’ll study some new words and work with the pronunciation of known words in order your travelling will be easy and interesting.

The 1st task will be: Leaders come up to me please and take the cards with the words and instruction.

T..Listen to the speaker and repeat the words all together.

Follow the instruction.

  1. Read the words after the leader.

  2. Write down the unknown words into your vocabularies.

  3. The leader should change the group and present the active words.

  4. Make up the cluster (map) using the words. You can write, draw.

  5. Introduce your cluster using the sentences and map.

  6. Rest.

  7. Make up the dialogues and act them.

  8. Assess your work.

  9. Reflection. Choose your smile and tell why it is so.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland is ____________in the north-west _________ of Europe between the _________________and the ________________ on the east. The United Kingdom of Great Britain ____________ England, Wales, Scotland and Northern __________. The UK lies on the ____________. The two main ___________ are Great Britain and Ireland. They are separated by the ________________. It is separated from the continent by the ______________ and the Strait of ____________. The total _______ of the UK is 240.000 sq.km ( two hundred and forty thousand square [skwεə] kilometers. It’s _________ is about 57 million people. The capital of Great Britain is __________. The _____________ is the most important river and the ________________ is the largest one.

Let’s have a rest. Stand up please. Head and shoulders.

Sit down.

Психологический настрой

Booking-office(tickets of different colors)

Деление на группы (быстрый-средний-медленный)

Лист оценивния





My mark

Group’s mark

Teacher’s mark

Criterias (Критерии оценивания)

1.участие в работе группы

2.ошибки при произношении

3.полное выполненин заданий

4. говорить на английском

5. поведение

Cards ( blue-active words-yellow-passive words)

Active words

island [‘ailænd]- остров

Ireland [‘ailænd]- Ирландия

Total area[toutəl εəria]

British Isles [ailz]

English Channel [ing’liƒ tƒænəl]

Coast [koust]

Consist of [ konsis]

Is situated[ sitju’eitid]



Is separated [sipəreitid]

lies on [laiz]-

Passive words

Great Britain [‘greit’britn]

The United Kingdom(the UK) [ju:naitid’kiηdəm]

The Atlantic Ocean [ ətlæntik əuƒn]

England [‘inglənd]

Scotland [ skətlənd]

Wales [weilz]

Northern Ireland [‘nΟ:ðən]

The Strait of Dover[streit əv dəuvə]

The Severn[‘sevə:n]

The Thames [temz]

Europe[ ‘juərəp]

London [lΛndən]

The North Sea [nΟ:θ si:]

The Irish sea [airiƒ si:]


Edinburg [‘edin’bə:g]

Belfast [‘belfa:st]

Этап урока

Содержание учебного материала


Проверка понимния новой лексики

Закрепление материала



Домашнее задание

I think you‘ve worked very good, you can use the new words and pronounce correctly. I want you to do the next task. Make up the dialogues and act it using the new words.


Compare the questions and answer. Act it.

Hello , ____!


What is the capital of Great Britain?

The official [ofiƒiəl] name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

What is the official name of Great Britain?

The UK consists of 4 parts. They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

What is the population of Great Britain?

The capital of Great Britain is London.

How many parts does the UK consist of?

What are they?

The population of Great Britain is 57 million people (fifty-seven).


Make up the dialogue about traveling to Great Britain. Choose the correct answers and questions.

Hello! I haven’t seen you for ages.

Hi! I’m so glad to see you too.

Where have you been?

I ____ ______ to Britain.


But I’m going to visit Britain.

Have you ever been to Britain?


in March.

Really? When?


The UK is situated in the north-west of___________________

How many parts does the UK consist for?

Great Britain has three parts (England, Scotland and Wales).

I know, there are many historic buildings in Great Britain.

I advise you to visit __________________

Thank you! By the way , What is the weather like there?

It often_______ in ____________.

See you!


Now , I want you assess to each other. Take your assessment’s list and get a mark for some criterias. Today you‘ve worked very well. You’ve been active, tolerant, friendly. I liked your interaction. I think you can use the new words and pronounce them correctly. Give me your lists for my mark.

Each group has smiles. Choose your smile and tell us why it is so.1 minute.

At the next lesson we’ll continue our travelling in order to know more about Great Britain.

Open your diaries, your home task.

Learn the words. Read the text ( underline the words- Make up the 7 questions)

Thank you for the lesson, good-bye!


I’m happy. I’O’K. I’’m so-so. I’m sad. because

I can pronounce the words.

I can make up the dialogues.

I can translate the sentences.

I like to work in group.

I can’t read the sentences.

I don’t understand the teacher.

I don’t like to work in groups.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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