Учебно - методическая разработка урока на тему «Выдающиеся люди в автомобилестроении» рассчитан на студентов первого года обучения.
Данный методический комплекс урока рассчитан на два часа. На уроке осуществляется совершенствование лексических единиц по теме, грамматического материала The Passive Voice, навыков диалогической и монологической речи, аудирования, чтения.
Во время проведения занятия рекомендуется применить грамматические таблицы: The Passive Voice, неправильных глаголов, раздаточный материал с текстами “The outstanding people of Russia”, диалоги, карточки с заданиями, технические средства обучения ( ноутбук, экран, мультимедийный проектор, магнитофон).
Цели :
Образовательный аспект - создать условия для совершенствования навыков устной речи, навыков чтения с детальным пониманием содержания и с целью извлечения конкретной информации. Воспитательный аспект - воспитывать чувство сопричастности к мировой истории, чувство уважения к чужому труду и творчеству, чувство гордости за достижения своих великих соотечественников.
Развивающий аспект - развивать любознательность, познавательный интерес, креативность, способность к распределению внимания, к непроизвольному запоминанию, к абстрагированию и обощению при овладении грамматическими явлениями, к планированию своего высказывания; развивать способности к репродуктивным и продуктивным речевым действиям.
Материальное обеспечение урока: компьютер мультимедийный проектор раздаточный материал карточки с заданиями книги о колледже ( к 75 - летию и 80 - летию колледжа).
1. Организационный момент, приветствие, сообщение темы и целей урока.
Teacher: Good morning, friends! I’m glad to see you today. How are you? I hope everybody is o. k. today we’ll do a lot of work. Look at the photos of these people and try to guess about the theme of our lesson. - Yes, we’ll speak about the famous Russian people, we’ll listen to your groupmates’ presentations and as for grammar we’ll revise the Passive Voice.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: I’m sure you are full of energy and it’s time to start our work.
You can see the text “From the History of Russian Automobile Engineering”. Before reading the text let’s read some unknown words, repeat after me:
internal combustion engine - двигатель внутреннего сгорания, heavy loads - тяжелые нагрузки, vision - видение, performance - работа, inventor - изобретатель, motion - движение, pedal - крутить педали, construct - строить, steam - парово, withstand - выдержать, heat - жара, defrost - очищать ото льда, power - мощность, brake - тормоз, dependable starting –хорошо заводиться, ignition system - система зажигания, low fuel consumption - малое потребление топлива, department - отделение, develop - развивать, consider - полагать, reliable - надежный, highway - автострада, design - разработать, steel - стальной, roof - крыша, insulate - изолировать, convenience - удобство, insure - страховать, clutch - сцепление, build - строить, service life - срок службы.
3. Работа с текстом.
Teacher: read and translate the text. One student reads and the other one translates.
From the History of Russian Automobile Engineering
The automobile industry in our country has been developed since 1916. Before that time Russia had no automobile industry at all, technical schools had no departments to train specialists in automobile engineering.
But in the history of the automobile such names as Shamshurenkov, Blinov, Mamin and other Russian experts in mechanics must be remembered.
The first automobile built by Shamshurenkov, a Russian inventor, was put into motion by the pedalling of the driver himself.
Blinov designed and constructed tractor driven by steam engine. Mamin was one of the pioneers in Russian internal combustion engines.
Today Russian automobiles are engineered and built in such a manner that they are able to withstand heavy loads for long periods of operation.
The modern automobile is much more than a means of riding from one place to another. The passenger's safety and comfort must be considered as much as the car's reliable performance and ability to travel on the highways.
The modern automobile must have a steel body and a steel roof and this roof must be insulated against the summer's heat and winter's (old. Ventilation is also of great importance. The comfort and convenience of the driver must be taken into consideration too. The automobile must have a heater with special defrosting devices which insure clear vision to the driver.
The automobile must have great power for riding, have dependable clutch and brakes, have good riding qualities, good lights, dependable starting and ignition systems, low fuel consumption, as well as long service life.
Teacher: we have read the text about the History of Russian Automobile Engineering. Let’s discuss it a little. Answer some questions, please.
A:When did the automobile industry begin to develop in our country?
B:Who was the first Russian inventor of the automobile ?
C: What did Mamin design?
D:What did Blinov construct?
E: What did Russian experts in mechanics have to remember in the history of Automobile Engineering?
Teacher: One of the pioneers in Russian Automobile Engineering was Fyodor Abramovich Blinov. We’ll listen a little story about him, prepared by …. .
caterpillar - гусеничный трактор, inventor - taught - самоучка, a serf - крепостной, repair - ремонтировать, equipment - оборудование, install - поместить, rank - звание.
The Russian inventor - taught, a creator of the first in the worldcaterpillar tractor, F. A. Blinov was born in 1827 in the village of Nikolskoye in the family of a serf. In 1840 Blinov received his freedom and began to work on a ship. Soon he became well - known on the Volga as an experienced master for the repairing of equipment. By 1895 Blinovdeveloped the world’s first tractor, in which was installed steam machine. Fyodor Abramovich, the creator of the first in the world tracked tractor was given the rank of “Honorary citizen of the city Balakovo”.
Teacher: Thank you. We have listened some information about Blinov. answer some questions, please:
A: what family was Blinov born in?
B: What did he develop?
C: What did Blinov install into tractor?
4. Проекты подготовленные обучающимися.
Teacher: Look, in Automobile Engineering there are some famous women too.
Who are they? Let’ listen to ….
windscreen - wiper - стеклоочиститель, silencer - глушитель, bullet - proof vest - бронежилет.
There are some inventions which were invented by women. They are still used at all cars. The biggest contribution to the automobile industry Mary Anderson brought. In 1903, in New York, she patented
the world’s first windscreen - wiper. A woman invented also a silencer in 1917. Its creator is an American Dolores Jones. She was tired of driving in a noisy car. . Dolores Jones designed the device for suppression of a noise. Another woman Stephanie Kwolek a chemist by profession and many years devoted to work with polymers. She created a synthetic material, as Kevlar. It is used for bullet - proof vests. Now they are used in the automobile industryKevlar in several times stronger than the steel, but much easier. Therefor, the designers start to introduce Kevlar into the body of the vehicle, which allows to reduce its weight.
Teacher: thank you. We have learned interesting facts about women - inventors.
Answer some questions, please:
A:What did Dolores Anderson patent in 1903?
B:What did Dolores Jones design?
C: What did Stephanie Kwolek create?
5. Повторение полученной информации.
Teacher:We have learned a lot of information about some famous people in the Automobile Engineering. What are they?
1. Shamshurenkov built the first Russian automobile.
2. Mamin made the first internal combustion engine.
3. Blinov constructed the first tractor driven by steam engine.
4. Mary Anderson patented the first windscreen - wiper.
5. Dolores Jones designed the first silencer.
6. Stephanie Kwolek created a synthetic material for bullet - proof vests.
6. Повторение грамматического материала - The Passive Voice. ( таблица “The Passive Voice”)
7. Выполнение самостоятельной работы на оценку.
Teacher: your task is to rewrite these sentences in the Passive Voice. (предложение из п. 5).
8. Подведение итогов.
Teacher: your homework is to learn the words from the text. Today we have learned some facts about famous people in the Automobile Engineering Was it interesting for you?
Thanks for you work, your marks are …The lesson is over, goodbye.