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урок английского языка Travelling 10 класс

разработка урока по английскому языку Travelling предназначена в помощь учителям английского языка. Можно использовать эту разработку при проверке знаний учащихся по разделу Путешествие, содержит текст для аудирования с заданиями


Содержимое разработки

Алматинская область Енбекшиказахский район

КГУ «СШ имени А.А.Саттарова с ДМЦ»

Разработка урока английского языка в 10 классе

Учитель английского языка Авутова Б.А.

Тему урока: Travelling

Цели урока: проверит знания учащихся по изученной теме, умение работать по карте Казахстана, активизировать изученный материал; практиковать учащихся в аудировании текста; развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся, творческое мышление; воспитывать чувство уважения и гордости за свою страну, формировать интерес учащихся к жизнедеятельности великих путешественников.

Тип урока: проверка ЗУН учащихся

интегрированный урок английского языка, истории и географии

Ход урока

І. Организационный момент

a) Good morning, children! How are you today? Are you ready? Who is on duty today? What date and day is it today? Who is absent in the class? What is the weather like today? What season is it now? Do you like this season?

b) Phonetic drill: travel, travelling, traveler, trip, land, Motherland, country, nature

ІІ. Постановка цели

Travelling and travelers

Children we are going to speak about travelling. Travelling and great travelers is our theme for today. We have read about trips in Central Asia, about wales and transport in London, we have acquainted with London’s places of interest. Today we speak about own country Kazakhstan. Look at the board and try to explain this proverb “East or West, home is best”. What is a home for you? What is a native land? What is a Motherland? Can you say similar proverbs in Russian?

ІІІ. Проверка домашнего задания

Let’s begin our trip with “Brainstorming”

Is it our country large?

What is its capital? Where is it situated?

What are the main cities in Kazakhstan?

What are the main lakes in Kazakhstan?

What are the main rivers in Kazakhstan?

What are the main mountains?

Are there any national parks in our country?

Have you heard about the Singing Hill?

Have you ever been to the Turgen Gorge?

Have you ever been to Charyn Canyon?

Is the nature of our land beautiful?

Is the nature of our region beautiful?

Have you read about national parks?

Are you proud of your country?

OK, children, your home task was to prepare a speech about our country and its nature - “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”. I think you are ready.

IV. Проверка знаний учащихся

Your home task is well done. Now we begin the most important part of our lesson, it 'll be listening.

І) The name of the text is «Chokan Valihanov». Pay attention to these words:





Chokan Valihanov

Chokan Valihanov is one of the most remakable persons of Kazakh people. His full name was Muhammed Kanafia. Valihanov was born in November 1855, in Kostanai region. He was famous traveller, ethnografer and historican. He entered the Military Academy in Omsk in 1847. After graduating from the Omsk cadet school, he travelled extensively in Central Asia. His first successful expidition was his mission to the region of Issyk-Kul in 1855. During his travelling he collected rich geographical, ethnografic and historical materials about Kazakh and Kirgiz people. His materials were highly responded by P.P.Semenov-Tjan-Shansky. In 1858 Valihanov made his main trip to Kashgar. The top of scientific glory of Valihanov is «About a Condition of Altyshara or six east cities of the Chinese province of Nan-Lu». This work was a big contribution to the ethnografy of the world science. He prepared and carried out his journeys very carefully. He described everything he saw around him. His book was full of important information.


1. Answer the questions:

What is the full name of Chokan Valihanov?

When and where was he born?

What was he?

Did he enter Military cadet school in Omsk?

When did he do his first travelling?

Did he have important materials?

Who responded his work?

What travelling was very important by Valihanov?

2. Complete these sentences using the words: Kashgar, works, persons, region, expedition, wrote.

Chokan Valihanov is one of the most famous ------- of our country.

He was born in Kostanai ------

Valhanov took part in --------

His ----- were translated into German, English, French

Valihanov was well known after his trip to --------

He ----------- «A trip Diary to Issyk-Kul»

3. Translate into English: Географические материалы, его главное путешествие, большой вклад, научные труды, исследовать флору и фауну, шесть восточных городов

ІІ) «Чокан Валиханов – географ, этнограф, просветитель» (выступление учителя истории)

ІІІ) Retelling the text “Chokan Valihanov”

IV) The task “Who is who?”

Children, do you know the names of great travellers? I think geography is an interesting subject. Let’s make the next task. At first read the names of great travellers:

James Cook, Fernand Magellan, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespuchie, R.Piri, Rual Amundsen, F. Bellinsgausen, M.Lazarev, N. Przhevalsky, P.Semenov-Tjan-Shanski, David Livengstone











1. In the 18.th century this English traveller has opened the islands of New Zealand. He also discovered the east coast of Australia.

2. Many people in the English speaking world took an active part in the exploration of the new land. This traveler was one of the pioneers of exploration in Africa. He was born in Scotland. He made three great expeditions. He crossed Africa from the West to the East. He explored rivers, lakes and large areas of land. He wrote some books about Africa.

3. He discovered Africa in 1492. He was born in Italy, but he lived in Spain for a long time. He was a seaman and made many sea voyages. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail west. After sailing 4000 miles he reached some land. He thought that it must be India, but it was not. It was a new land – a new continent. People began to speak about the land as the “New world”.

4. This traveler explored Tjan-Shan in 1856-1857. He described this mountain and gave the scheme of it. The name of mountain was added his name.

5. In 1519-1521 the Spanish expedition made round the world and discovered the Pacific Ocean for Europe. At the head of this expedition was this man

6. In 1499-1503 this seaman crossed Atlantic Ocean. This traveler proved that the new land opened by Christopher Columbus is a new continent. And this new land was named after his name.

7. Antarctica was discovered and explored by Russian scientists. In 1819-1821 was organized an expedition “Vostok” and “Mirny”. This expedition reached the coast of Antarctica and discovered some islands. This expedition was leaded by ------------

8. In 1911 this seaman reached the South Pole in central part of continent. It was one of the main achievements in the history of Geography. During this trip the scientists collected much valuable information about the nature of Antarctica. This journey was very difficult

9. This man explored the Central Asia. He described the nature of deserts: Gobi, Ordos, Alashan, Takla-Makan, Jungar and also the lake Lob Nor. During this expedition he collected zoological, botany and mineral materials. He described the camel, wild horse Tibet bear. He is a Russian geographer, traveler and explorer

10. He was an American traveler. In 1903 he reached the North Pole

V. Подведение итогов урока

OK, children, your work was brilliant and I suggest you to complete these sentences and speak about this lesson:

This lesson was -----------

I have learned a lot of new things about ------------

This lesson was interesting/ not interesting/ because ---------

VI. Инструктаж домашнего задания, оценка знаний урока

Your home task is ex 20 p. 42

Your marks are ------

The lesson is over. Good bye, children!

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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