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Тест на употребление местоимений any, some и no

Тест на употребление местоимений any, some и no



Содержимое разработки

Тест на употребление местоимений any, some и no

Choose the correct pronoun
(some, any,everybody, something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody)

  1. I'd like_________ chocolate sweets.

  2. Dixie wanted to have__________ for tea on Sunday.

  3. Yesterday __________ bad happened.

  4. Did you meet _________ from your class?

  5. There weren't ________ presents under the Christmas tree.

  6. One day ____________ strangers went to our school.

  7. ___________ wanted to help mum to wash the dishes.

  8. Mary wanted to eat but she had _______ in the fridge.

  9. Is __________ went to school yesterday?

  10. I haven't got __________to read. Give me a detective story, please.

  11. Is there _______ in the office?

  12. My mum tells ______ what to do about the house.

  13. Are there ______ flowers in the garden? 

  14. There is ______tea in my cup.

  15. You have problems with your test. You _____ to help you

Choose the correct pronoun
(some, any,everybody, something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody)

  1. I'd like_________ chocolate sweets.

  2. Dixie wanted to have__________ for tea on Sunday.

  3. Yesterday __________ bad happened.

  4. Did you meet _________ from your class?

  5. There weren't ________ presents under the Christmas tree.

  6. One day ____________ strangers went to our school.

  7. ___________ wanted to help mum to wash the dishes.

  8. Mary wanted to eat but she had _______ in the fridge.

  9. Is __________ went to school yesterday?

  10. I haven't got __________to read. Give me a detective story, please.

  11. Is there _______ in the office?

  12. My mum tells ______ what to do about the house.

  13. Are there ______ flowers in the garden? 

  14. There is ______tea in my cup.

  15. You have problems with your test. You _____ to help you

Курсы повышения квалификации

Система работы с высокомотивированными и одаренными учащимися по учебному предмету

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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