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"The best places to visit in Kazakhstan"

1.The bringing up aims: to discuss Kazakhstan geography, to enrich pupil’s knowledge about History of Kazakhstan.

2.The developing aims:to develop communicative competence:speaking, reading and listening comprehension, translating and to check their understanding; To maintain skills of critical thinking; To widen the scope;

3. The training aim: To bring up patriots of our Motherland.

Visual aids: the interactive board, slides, pictures, cards, the map of the republic of Kazakhstan, diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters

Methods of the lesson: group work, pair work, individual work, question-answer.

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh, Geography, History.

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Тема:History of Kazakhstan. Confused words.Abbreviations.

The aims:

1.The bringing up aims: to discuss Kazakhstan geography, to enrich pupil’s knowledge about History of Kazakhstan.

2.The developing aims:to develop communicative competence:speaking, reading and listening comprehension, translating and to check their understanding; To maintain skills of critical thinking; To widen the scope; 

3. The training aim: To bring up patriots of our Motherland.

Visual aids: the interactive board, slides, pictures, cards, the map of the republic of Kazakhstan, diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters

Methods of the lesson: group work, pair work, individual work, question-answer.

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh, Geography, History.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment: Good morning? Glad to see you! How are you? What date is it? Who is absent today? What problem has he (she)? Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start! The theme of our lesson is: “History of Kazakhstan”.Today we are going to speak about our Motherland-Kazakhstan.Your tasks for today are: reading ,translating and listening to the text, answer the questions, speaking about our country. Kazakhstan has always been a country of rich history, traditions and a country ofKazakhstan has always been a country of rich history, traditions and a country of free people.

II. Phonetic Drill

Kazakhstan is my motherland

I love it very much

Its lovely fields with green on it

And mountains with snow on top

I love its lakes with rare birds

And rustling leaves on trees

My motherland, my Kazakhstan

Do live and shine forever!

III. Checking up homework
ІV. Discussion. Speaking about Kazakhstan.

I am sure,  you know some more facts about Kazakhstan. Let’s answer the questions

1.Where do you live?- We live in Kazakhstan.

2.When was Kazakhstan established? (K. was established as the Republic of K-n in December 1991)

3.What its territory? What is the size of KZ.?  (The territory of Kazakhstan is 27 million 249 thousand square kilometres)

4.Which is the country rich? (The country is rich with mineral resources such as cooper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium and zink with deposits of oil and natural gas.)

5.What is the largest city of K-n and where it lies? (The largest city of K-n is Almaty and lies to the south-east of the country near the border with Kirgyztan and China.)

6.What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)

7.When was it renamed? (In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana )

8.What countries does it border on? (The Republic of Kazakhstan borders Russia to the North, China to the East, Kurgystan and Turkmenistan to the South and the Caspian Sea to the West.)

9.What is the highest mountains? (Tarbagatai, Tyan-shan, Alatau, Altai)

10.What is the main rivers? (Irtysh, Ishim, Ural)

11.What is the beautiful lakes? (Balhash, Zaisan, Aral)

12.How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (There are 14 regions)

13. What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know? What are they? (Akmola, Aktobe, Almaty, Atyray, East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanai, Kyzylorda, Mangistau,Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan, South Kaz-n)

14.What is the population of Kazakhstan? 
15.Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?

V. Demonstration of the new language:

Learn vocabulary notes:

Toemergefrom- возникать, братьначалоот

Tribe -племя

Stock -род

Slating -раскосый

Cheekbones -скулы

Stature -фигура,стан

Nomadic -кочевой

Imprint - отпечаток

Household –домашнеехозяйство

Liver -печенка

Lung -легкое

Delicious -приятный


The Kazakh people have emerged from the Turkic tribes of the Southern Siberian Mongoloid Stock. The Mongoloid features in the Kazakh’s appearance are straight black hair, black somewhat slanting eyes, a small nose, rather high cheekbones, a short and stocky stature.

The ancient and original culture of the Kazakhs was formed in the conditions of nomadic life, which left a deep imprint on the psychology, art and life of the present-day Kazakhstan.

In the inside of Kazakh home you’ll find carpets ,applique designed mats (corpe)on the floor and walls, colored blankets and pillows and portable round tables ( at which one has meals cross-legged on a carpet or a mat.)

Every household has a samovar, a kazan, leather bags for koumiss, pialas and kesses. Ayran, koumiss,shubat and strong tea with milk or cream are almost every family drinks. The most popular meat dish is beshbarmak and sorpa is often served with it.Besides

beshbarmak,Kazakhs cook kuyrdak (roast liver,lung and meat with potatoes).Horseflesh is used to prepare kazy and shuzhuk (delicious raw-smoking sausages).

The Kazakh language belongs to the Turkic family languages. It is rich in aphorisms, expressive proverbs and sayings.

Kazakh people are very fond of songs, music and dancing. The folk songs reflect the centuries of people’s history, its struggle against conquerors and local basis, the labor and customs and the beautiful natural surroundings of the native land.

Lifestyle it’s very interesting! Kazakh people are modest too. They don’t express their emotions on public. Since ancient times our people are notable for their hospitality. Being nomads in past time they lived in movable dwelling (yurta). At that time it was ordinarily for Kazakh family to have many children (5-9). Several yurtas were jointed in a small village (aul), where everybody knows each other. A village was as one big family. That’s why privacy is alien to Kazakh people. But now we live in other time. Many things are changed.
Traveling on spacious Kazakh lands your can see many ancient monuments of culture: different ruins, remains, stone sculptured figures, mausoleums etc. One of the most popular architectural monuments preserved to our time is mausoleum of Akhmed Yassayi in Turkestan. Many found precious finds and things of life are an evidence of the culture, way of life of the ancient people who lived on the Kazakh lands. One of the famous precious finds of ancient times Gold Man was found in Kazakh town Esik in South-Kazakhstan oblast. 
As you know Kazakh in the past times leaded nomadic life. That’s why all spheres of their life were concerned with nature, environment. For example, national ornament of Kazakh people resembles a horn of lamb. Now Kazakhstan represents combination of the west (modern) and east (national) cultures.

VII. Practice. Answer the following questions:

1.What do you know about the origin of the Kazakh people?

2.To what group of languages does the Kazakh language belong?

3.What are the main characteristic features of the Kazakh language?

4.What left a deep imprint on art and life of the present-day Kazakhstan?

5.What things and dishes are unique and typically Kazakh ones?

6.Does your family try to preserve centuries-old customs and traditions?

VIII. Grammar Revision :

IX.Very good. You have understood this text perfectly well. Now we shall play a little. You will give you a sheet of paper with a map of Kazakhstan.  You must write the words associated with the word “Kazakhstan”.


Students, are you proud of our Motherland?

-Yes, we are proud of our Motherland.I am proud of our Motherland too.

Our president N.Nazarbayev says to everybody to learn three languages Kazakh, Russian and English, to respect customs and traditions of each nation and to take care of our common home-the planet Earth.

X. Conclusion. ПодведениеитоговHome task: Text p 390-392By Meiramova

Т.: I'm very pleased with your results. You show good knowledge of History of Kazakhstan.I’ll put you excellent marks. Thankyouforthislesson.

Урок №8

Тема:Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan.Plural form of nouns.The articles.

The aims:

1.educational: To enrich pupil’s knowledge about the largest city of Kazakhstan is Almaty; to teach to work creatively; find information while reading the text;to able to speak more about Almaty.

2.developing: To develop the students’ abilities in oral speech and reading; to enlarge listening, understanding and writing skills; to develop the students’ imagination and interest in writing research works;

3.Up-bringing: To bring up patriots of their Motherland; to able to protect, and to be an individual citizen of our country; to teach to love our Motherland and respect all the nations.

Visual aids: different cards, presentation, the map of Kazakhstan, pictures and photos of sightseeing of Almaty.

The type of the lesson:combined lesson

Method of the lesson:Individual work, pair work, listening, level tasks, question-answer, work with the text,writing task with self-evaluation etc.

Connection of the subjects:Kazakh, Russian, Geography, History, Maths.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment: Good morning? Glad to see you! How are you? What date is it? Who is absent today? What problem has he (she)? Are you ready for the lesson?

II. Brainstorming.The first task is trying to guess “What are we going to speak about at our lesson?”

Guess the words, use the alphabet.(цифры обозначают номера букв в алфавите)

1,12,13,1,20,25- Almaty

-You are right, the theme of our lesson is: Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan.

Let’s start! Today we are going to speak about the largest city of Kazakhstan is Almaty.

Today we are going to speak about our city Almaty. During the lesson we'll speak about Almaty, its sights and make the excursion around the city. Your tasks for today are: reading, translating and listening to the text, answer the questions, speaking about.
III. Phonetic Drill. Let's begin our lesson with poem about Almaty (phonetic drill exercise)
You know I live in paradise! 
And I can give you one advice: 
Go to Almaty and stay 
You'll never want to go away! 
Silver mountains, icy lakes, 
Funny, fabulous snowflakes! 
You always will remember it, 
Almaty will make a hit. 
Spring in Almaty - it's good! 
Everything will raise your mood. 
Flowers growing from the grass 
Can happy everyone, I guess. 
You can bathe in limpid streams, 
Which you saw in your arms, 
It's wonderful that summer comes! 
You'll every day remember 
Fallen golden leaves, 
Autumn, bright September 
Fresh and tender breeze 
You'll nowhere find such beauty! 
To spare Almaty - my duty 
In Almaty you soar like dove 
And you'll love it like I love. 
IV. Checking up homework.

1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan? Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

Show me on the map

2.What is the name of its river? Astana is situated on the bank of the Ishim River.

3.How many people live there? The population of the city is over 800 thousand.

4.What sightseeing of Astana do you know?

5.When was Astana founded? Astana was founded in 1830.

6.When was Akmola region formed? Akmola region was formed in 1939.

7.When did the development of virgin and unused lands begin?

The development of virgin and unused lands began in 1954.

8.When was Akmola renamed in Tselinograd? Akmola was renamed in Tselinograd in 1961.

9.When was Tselinograd renamed in Akmola again? Tselinograd was renamed in Akmola again in 1994.

10.When did Akmola become the capital of Kazakhstan? Akmola became the capital of Kazakhstan in 1997.

7.When was Akmola renamed in Astana? Akmola was renamed in Astana in 1998.

V.A)Demonstration of presentation of Almaty.

Have you ever been in Almaty?

B)Demonstrationthe new lexical material:

Read the text.Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan.

Almaty lies on the site of an ancient Silk Route settlement, which was sacked by the Mongols. The town Almatywas founded in 1854 as a military fortress and trading center and called Verny till 1929. Used as a place of exile by the Tsarist regime in the late 19th century, it was destroyed by earthquakes in 1887 and 1911, and was made the regional capital in 1928. The city underwent great expansion during World War II.Almaty is situated in the southern region of Kazakhstan. Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan until November 1997. Now it is a multicultural and the biggest city and the main educational, economic and tourism center of not just Kazakhstan but all of Central Asia. Almaty is still a capital in our hearts.Almaty meaning literally, ‘Father of Apples’. For over a century has the city claimed the honour of being the birthplace of this most nourishing fruit.

The city occupies an area of over 170 square kilometers. It stands in the valleys of the Big and Small Almaty rivers and their feeders running down from the Trans-Ili Alatau glaciers and ravines to the Ili Valley (Balkhash Lake Basin). Mountain, rivers and lakes are the main source of the city’s water supply.The population of the city is over

1600000 people.More than 100 nationalities live and work in this wonderful city.

Life in Almaty
Situated in the foothills of the Tien Shan, Almaty is now a city of modern architecture, orderly streets lined with trees and adorned with flowers. It has attention-grabbing fountains, interesting parks and spectacular mountain views. It is also possible to witness the legacy of Soviet times by walking the many streets which encapsulate the spirit of days gone by.
The city brings together people of different cultures and faiths.Its traditions are as varied as its people, with Eastern and European traditions closely interwoven here leading to an openness and tolerance felt by locals and visitors alike.The city has managed to create a well-developed infrastructure which has led to high standards of living, this in part to thank for the political and social stability the people are so proud of.Almaty is without doubt the scientific, financial, and commercial and tourist center of Kazakhstan.

Attractions include Panfilov Park, a popular destination for families and couples. This surrounds the stunning Zenkov Cathedral which is an entirely wooden structure, famous for being erected at the beginning of the 20th century without the use of a single nail. A few short paces away, the Green Bazaar, a huge market in Almaty.

Dostyk Avenue is a fine street which saw much history over the centuries. For generations Dostyk Avenue is the heart of Almaty. It is actually quite long and a lot of sights were situated on it. People visited theatres, a circus, and many shops. City library attended by students and pupils to work there. Years ago this avenue has another name. Other sights include New Square, which is the venue of choice for many national ceremonies and festivals, these being very important features on the Kazakh calendar.
No city break would be complete without taking in a bit of culture and heritage, and coming to Almaty affords the tourist numerous possibilities of doing this. Within easy reach of each other are, art-galleries, theatres, including the State Museum of Kazakh National Instruments, the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, the State Book Museum, Geology Museum of the Academy of Science and State Art Museum which has amongst its exhibits traditional Kazakh rugs, jewellery and clothing. The Arasan Baths, right next to Panfilov Park, have Turkish, Finnish and Russian saunas, popular all year round.

Almaty is known as the City of Apples but to many who live here it is a city of fun, home to countless modern entertainment facilities and places to simply chill out and let your worries fade away. In abundance are Western-style coffee lounges crowded with both locals and expatriates, fine restaurants serving top quality and diverse cuisine, lavish bars, luxurious nightclubs not to mention well-stocked supermarkets and glamorous international shops, like Saks Fifth Avenue – the only store of its kind at the territory of the former Soviet Union.

Mountains and Outdoor Activities
Towering over the southern reaches of the city are some of the highest and most amazing mountains in the Central Asian region. Yet the Ile Alatau Mountains just outside Almaty are not just a view, however stunning. Instead, they offer numerous opportunities all year round for sports and recreation at world-class ski resorts with state-of-the-art facilities. There is also the famous Medeo ice skating rink, not only one of the world’s biggest but also its highest, the proud host of many world and national speed-skating records, for most of the year given to recreation and visited by thousands. There are large areas of unspoilt nature among the vast stretches of mountains which attract many tourists both in summer and in winter, not only the intrepid mountain walkers but also families with children.
Medeo itself, and its twin ski resort Shymbulak are known as popular winter attractions not only in Kazakhstan, but also probably in the entire former Soviet Union. The rink, located at 1700m and about 15km from central Almaty, and Shymbulak at 2300m, were the main venues for the 2011 Asian Winter Games.
A short hop from the city is an amazing deep gorge on the Charyn River, the Charyn Canyon, one of the natural wonders of Central Asia. It stretches further than the eye can see and despite the amazement it holds for those who see it, few chance to walk its entire distance.The Kolsai lakes, great for fishing and the Ili River and its valley, equally good for rafting, trekking, hunting, or simply spending time surrounded by unspoilt nature.
Another picturesque destination is the Almarasan Gorge, which has become a place of choice for residents of Almaty during the warmer months. Here, visitors can find the Pearl of the City, the Big Almaty Lake whose beauty is enough in itself to attract many guests. Once here, at a height of 1750m, locals spend their weekends eating in one of the many dining places offering Uighur, Dungan, Caucasian, Uzbek and European cuisine.

VII. Questions:

1.Where is Almaty situated? 
2.When was Almaty founded? 
3. Is Almaty the largest cities in Kazakhstan? 

4.What was the first name of Almaty?
5. What is the population of Almaty? 
6. What parks of Almaty do you know?

7.Why do we call Almaty the city of apples and unusual city?

8. Can you name the sights of Almaty? 
9. Are there any museums in Almaty?

10.What lakes of Kazakhstan do you know?

VIII.Game: "Who knows the sights well?" (Ктолучшезнает достопримечательности?) Each pupil is show the postcards of places of interest of Almaty (выигрываеттотученик, которыйназоветбыстро 10 достопримечательностей). 
c) according to the description define the sights of Almaty: 
1. picturesque valley 15 km above Almaty. At 2.200m.on top of it lies the fancy ski resort with various lifts. There are various hikes into the surrounding mountains with fantastic views and good climbs (Medeo. Chimbulak). 
2. This museum provides an introduction to Kazakhstan's history and includes country's chief archeological treasures. (Central State Museum). 
3. This Cathedial is surrounded by Panfilov Park, is one of the few tsarist-era building to survive the 1911 earthquake (Zenkov Cathedral). 
4. One of the largest city's square accommodates an ensemble of modern building (New Square). 
5. On the theatre's repertoire are classical and modem productions in the Kazakh language. In front of it stands a monument to M.Auezov, a great Kazakh writer (1897 -1961). 
6. A landmark seen throughout the city, the TV transmitter complex is located on the slopes of Kok tyube mount. 
ThedescriptionofthesightsofAlmaty .(на доске весит маршрутная карта Алматы и отмечены достопримечательности). Учащиесяназываютдостопримечательности.
Kazakhstan Hotel—►Monument to Abai—► Big Kazakh Circus —► 
—►Abai Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre —► 
—► Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan —► 
—► Central Mosque —►Medeo Mountain Skating Rink—► 
—►Old and New Squares—► Central Gorky Park—► 
—► The Monument of 28 heroes - panfilovtshev. 
Additional material.Solve the crossword.

1.The large city in the south of the country.

2.The city near Taraz.

3.The city where many mausoleums are situated.

4.This city has oil.

5.The biggest political party of the country.

6.The city on the Caspian Sea shore.







IX. Revision of grammar material.Plural form of nouns.The articles.

X. Relaxing

– Do you like our lesson today? Was it interesting for you?
– Was something new for you? What?
– How do you think was it useful for you? Why?

X. Home task: Read the text Text p100 by T. Ayapova

The teacher: Thank you, I hope you will be able to use this knowledge also at the lessons of Geography and History. A want you to listen to the best translation of the poem "Almaty

The theme of the lesson:Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.Franctional and Decimal Numerals.

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: To give more information about our capital, to revise grammar, to obtain knowledge through the documentaries;

Developing:To develop pupils’ thinking, speaking, reading, writing, listening comprehension abilities, memory;

Upbringing:To bring up love and interest in the subject, to encourage respect to their Motherland.

The type of the lesson:combined lesson

Methods of the lesson: showing, explaining, group work, individual work, question-answer.

The visual aids: lecture, cards, pictures, a computer, an interactive board, slides, video film, music.

Connection with othersubjects: Kazakh, Geography, History,Kazakh literature.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.
Good morning students! I am glad to see you. Sit down please.

  • How are you?

  • Who is on duty today?

  • Who is absent today?

  • What date is it today?

II.Brainstorming. Let’s play a game “Guess the word”. Please try to guess “What are we going to speak about at our lesson?”

Guess the words, use the alphabet.(цифры обозначают номера букв в алфавите)













T:Let’s start! Today we shall speak about our new capital, about Astana. We shall listen to the text about the history of our capital, and speak on this topic. We must ready to answer questions about our capital, about Astana. Let’s remember what we know about Astana.

III. Fill in a table ( Таблица « ЗХУ»)

This is a table before you. You should fill in it.( at the beginning of the lesson -2 columns, at the end- the 3rdcolumn.)

What do you know?

What do you want to know?

What did you know?










IV.Checkinguphomework .

-What was your home task?

V. Demonstration of the new language:


THE CAPITAL OF KAZAKHSTAN-1830, was founded, to be situated, population, total area

P1: Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It was founded in 1830 by Colonel Phyodor Kuzmich Shubin. Astana is situated on the bank of the Ishim River. Its total area is about 400 thousand square kilometers. The population of the city is over 800 thousand.

T: Good. Now about Astana as a political center.

POLITICAL CENTER-The seat of the Government, the Mazhilis, all the ministries, foreign embassies.

P2: Astana is the seat of the Government, the Mazhilis. The President of Kazakhstan lives and work there. There are all ministries, and foreign embassies in Astana. Many important political events are held in Astana.

T: Nice. Who wants to tell us about Astana as an industrial center?

INDUSTRIAL CENTER-Factories, plants, to produce, good.

P3: We can say that different branches of industry are developing in the new capital. Many plants and factories are building in Astana that will produce transformers, motors, agricultural machines and other goods.

T: Right you are. Now speak about Astana as cultural center.

CULTURAL CENTER- Museums, art galleries, theatres, libraries, parks.

P4: There are several museums in Astana. The largest ones are: Museum of History and Local Lore and Seiphullin Museum. Astana is famous for its theatres. The best known is the Opera and Ballet Theatre by named Kulyash Baiseitova. There are a lot of green parks and libraries in Astana.

T: Very good. Now, let’s speak about education in our capital.

EDUCATIONAL CENTER-Institutes, universities, technical colleges, young people, different regions, different countries.

P5: We can say that Astana is an educational center. There are many technical colleges, institutes and universities. The best known are: Euroasian University, Agrarian University, Nazarbayev University. Many young people from different regions of our country and from different countries come to Astana to get a brilliant education.

T: Good. The next topic is about Sport and Transport.

SPORT and TRANSPORT CENTER-Stadiums, swimming pools, all kinds of transport, metro

P6: There are a lot of sport facilities in Astana such as stadiums, swimming pools. And as you know Asiada Games 2011 were held in Astana. Transport in Astana is extensive. Here you can see all kinds of transport except metro. There are railway station and airport in Astana.

Sights of Astana.

T: And the next points is the sights of Astana. When we go to London we shall take some pictures of Astana, some photos or slides. Let’s suggest that our friends should walkalong the streets of our Astana.

P7: This is the monument to Tole-be, Kazybek-be, Aiteke-be which is situated by the building of Supreme Court of Justice. Many people come to this monument to show their love for the best Kazakh sons.

P8: Here you can see one of the famous places in Astana – Central Square. It is the main place for folk holidays, the favourite place for the rest of the town people.

P9: This Palace is called Congress Hall now. Many meetings and concerts take place there. In this building was crowned President of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev. It is a very nice building now.

T: Thank you very much. I think that our guests have got a lot of information, but we haven’t told them about our history. Let’s listen to the text and follow the course in history. After listening to the text you will try to point our the main periods of the history of Astana and ask questions on this topic.


The history of Astana began in the year 1830. Astana was founded in 1830 on the bank of the Ishim River by Colonel Phyodor Kuzmich Shubin as a fortress.

In 1939 was formed Akmola region and Akmola became the center of this region.

In 1954 in Akmola region the development of virgin and unused lands began. In honour of this event the town of Akmola was renamed in Tselinograd in 1961.

In 1994 Tselinograd was renamed in Akmola again.

In 1997 by Decree of President of Kazakhstan Akmola became the capital of our country.

In 1998 Akmola was renamed an Astana.

(Before listening the teacher may practice some difficult words).

T: Now will work this way. You should match the dates and the corresponding events.


1830 – the foundation of Astana.

1939 – the formation of Akmola region

1954 – the beginning of the development of virgin and unused lands

1961 – Akmola was renamed in Tselinograd

1994 – Tselinograd was renamed in Akmola

1997 – the capital of Kazakhstan

1998 – Akmola was renamed in Astana

VI. Practice. Answer the following questions:

T: now answer my questions.

1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan? Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

2.What is the name of its river? Astana is situated on the bank of the Ishim River.

3.How many people live there? The population of the city is over 800 thousand.

4.What sightseeing of Astana do you know?

5.When was Astana founded? Astana was founded in 1830.

6.When was Akmola region formed? Akmola region was formed in 1939.

7.When did the development of virgin and unused lands begin?

The development of virgin and unused lands began in 1954.

8.When was Akmola renamed in Tselinograd? Akmola was renamed in Tselinograd in 1961.

9.When was Tselinograd renamed in Akmola again? Tselinograd was renamed in Akmola again in 1994.

10.When did Akmola become the capital of Kazakhstan? Akmola became the capital of Kazakhstan in 1997.

7.When was Akmola renamed in Astana? Akmola was renamed in Astana in 1998.

True or false

  1. Astana is the capital of China. __________

  2. It’s in the central part of Kazakhstan. ________

  3. It’s situated on the river Esil. ________

  4. There are eight hundred thousand people in Astana. _______

  5. Astana is famous for it’s modern buildings. _________

  6. Astana has a problem with pollution. _________

VII.Reading. Чтение текста. (с.). Самостоятельноеизучениематериала.

Work in groups. (work with flipcharts, clusters)

a)Cluster: give your association with the city Astana.


b)    I give you some pictures of Astana sightseeings. You should write a title of the popular buildings under each picture.

One speaker from each group protects the presentation ( project)

I offer you to see the Presentation about Astana.

VIII.Grammar revision: Franctional and Decimal Numerals.

The words for common fractions are also composite. They are formed from cardinals denoting the numerator and substantivized ordinals denoting the denominator. If the numerator is a numeral higher than one, the ordinal in the denominator takes the plural form. The numerator and denominator may be joined by means of a hyphen or without it:

1/3 - one-third (one third), 2/7 - two-sevenths (two sevenths), etc.

In mixed numbers the numerals denoting fractions are joined to the numerals denoting integers (whole numbers) by means of the conjunction and:

3 1/5 - three and one-fifth, 20 3/8 - twenty and three-eighths.

In decimal fractions the numerals denoting fractions are joined to those denoting whole numbers by means of the words point or decimal:

0.5 - zero point (decimal) five,

2.3 - two point (decimal) three,

0,5 - zero decimal five,

0,005 - zero decimal zero zero five.

IX.Fastening. Закрепление.

Pupil 1: Astana is the capital of our country. 
Pupil 2: Astana is the most beautiful city in the world. 
Pupil 3: Astana is famous for the Baiterek Tower. 
Pupil 4: Astana was twelve years old in 2010. 
Pupil 5: Astana became the capital in 1998. 
Pupil 6: Astana is the place where our President lives. 
Pupil 7: Astana is the city where I would like to live. 


a) You can visit here a 3D cinema, a bowling, cafes, a theatre and an aqua park. There is a large aquarium with real sea sharks. It opened in 2006. ( Duman)
b) This tower is the main symbol of Astana and its visiting card. It is very popular with tourists. Here you can see our President’s handprint. This tower is 105 metres high. (Baiterek)

c) This Palace is the official residence of Nursultan Nazarbayev- the President of Kazakhstan. It is a very beautiful building with white columns. ( Ak-orda)
d) This Palace was built by British architect Lord Norman Foster. It looks like a very big pyramid. The pyramid is  62m high. ( The Pease Palace)

X.Fill in the last column of the table: What did you know about Astana?

Подведение итогов. Формативное и суммативное оценивание. Формативное оценивание в течении всего урока, по таблице ЗХУ. Суммативноеоценивание, исходяизформативного, затест.

Homework: your homework will be: find the information and tell us about Cultural Centre, Educational, Sport and Transport of Astana and so on.


– Do you like our lesson today? Was it interesting for you?
– Was something new for you? What?
– How do you think was it useful for you? Why?

T: Thankyouverymuch. You have worked well today.

Lesson is over! Good bye!

The theme of the lesson:Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Personal, reflexive, interrogative pronouns.

The aims of the lesson:

Educational:to advance students’ knowledge about Kazakh traditions and customs, to activate the students' speaking abilities about customs and traditions of our country, to teach students to search and learn necessary materials themselves.

Developing:to develop pupils' monologue speech, oral speech, logical thinking, critical thinking, to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, writing, listening comprehension abilities, memory; to develop the students’ interest in the subject of English.

Upbringing:to bring up students to love, respect and keep traditions and customs of Kazakhstan.

To bring up patriots of our Motherland

The type of the lesson:combined lesson

Methods of the lesson: showing, explaining, group work, individual work, question-answer.

The visual aids: lecture, pictures, a computer, an interactive board, slides, video film, music.

Connection with othersubjects: Kazakh, Geography, History,Kazakh literature.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.
Good morning students! I am glad to see you. Sit down please.








II.Brainstorming. Let’s play a game “Guess the word”. The first task is trying to guess “What are we going to speak about at our lesson?”



















T: You are right, the theme of our lesson is:holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan.

Let’s start! Today we are going to speak about Kazakh traditions and customs and we'll have phonetic drill, get some information about traditions on video film and listen to the presentation of the teacher have our grammar practice and conclude our lesson with solving jumbled words.

Kazakhstan has always been a country of rich history, traditions and a country of free people.

III.Speech Drill

Now, children answer the questions:

1.When was Kazakhstan established? (K. was established as the Republic of K-n in December 1991)

2.What its territory? (The territory of Kazakhstan is 27 million 249 thousand square kilometres)

3.Which is the country rich? (The country is rich with mineral resources such as cooper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium and zink with deposits of oil and natural gas.)

4.What is the largest city of K-n and where it lies? (The largest city of K-n is Almaty and lies to the south-east of the country near the border with Kirgyztan and China.)

5.What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)

6.When was it renamed? (In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana )

7.What countries does it border on? (The Republic of Kazakhstan borders Russia to the North, China to the East, Kurgystan and Turkmenistan to the South and the Caspian Sea to the West.)

8.What is the highest mountains? (Tarbagatai, Tyan-shan, Alatau, Altai)

9.What is the main rivers? (Irtysh, Ishim, Ural)

10.What is the beautiful lakes? (Balhash, Zaisan, Aral)

11.How many regions are there in Kazakhstan? (There are 14 regions)

12.What are they? (Akmola, Aktobe, Almaty, Atyray, East Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Kostanai, Kyzylorda, Mangistau,Pavlodar, North Kazakhstan, South Kaz-n)

IV. Checking up homework . Text p340-343 by Meiramova

V. Demonstration of the new language:

Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions.

So, comrades the first task is answer the following questions:

-Do you like holidays?

-What is your favourite holiday?

- What is the most interesting holiday in your country?

- How do people celebrate it?

-What Kazakh holidays do you know?

Nauryz, Independent Day, The First President’s Day, Beskunak, Kurban ait, Constitution’s Day, Victory Day, New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day.

The most popular holidays in KZ are Nauryz and Independent Day, Let’s speak about them in details.

Kazakhstan Holidays

Kazakhstan is a large multinational country which is rich with its both old traditions and new ones acquired for the period of Independence. The Republic of Kazakhstan observes international holidays such as New Year, 8 March but it also has holidays specific only for this country such as Unity Day, Capital Day etc.

All the holidays of Kazakhstan may be divided into national, state and professional ones. The national holidays are held in honor of the events having a special historical importance for the development of independent Kazakhstan. Celebration of the national holidays is accompanied with holding of official events. Such holiday is considered Independence Day of Kazakhstan.

The state holidays are devoted to the events having social and political importance, they also include traditional Kazakh holidays. This category of the holidays includes New Year, 8 March, Nauryz, Unity Day, Capital  Day, Constitution Day etc.

In addition to these holidays Kazakhstan has another type of holidays – professional ones celebrated by some categories of citizens:

• Fatherland Defender’s Day – 7 May 
• Political Repression Victims Memory Day -31 May 
• The Republic of Kazakhstan National Symbols’ Day – 4 June 
• Police Day – 23 June 
• Health Professionals’ Day (third Sunday of June) 
• Press, Television and Radio Day (last Sunday of June) 
• Diplomatic Service Day - 2 July 
• Tax Service Day – 6 July 
• Metal-Maker’s Day (third Sunday of July) 
• Transport and Communication Workers’ Day (first Sunday of August) 
• Builders’ Day – (second Sunday of August) 
• Sports Day (third Sunday of August) 
• Miner’ Day (last Sunday of August) 
• Knowledge Day – 1 September

The holidays of national and state nature are days off for the whole Kazakhstan population. These days Kazakhstan holds open-air merrymaking and official events. Various festive events and festive concerts with participation of both Kazakhstan and foreign stars are arranged for the country’s population.

Kazakh traditions

Kazakhs have always revered and highly valued their national customs and traditions. It is almost impossible to describe all the traditions followed by Kazakh people in one article, thus a brief introduction to Kazakh beliefs and customs is given below.

The main tradition of Kazakhs, which eventually transformed into a feature of national character, is hospitality. In the Kazakh society, there is an unofficial law voiced in ancient times, which says “Meet a guest as the God's messenger”.
Hospitality is considered a sacred duty in the Kazakh society. At all times, the steppe inhabitants did their best to please their guest. Therefore, each traveller knew that he or she would be welcomed anywhere in the Kazakh land.

Respect for the elderly is another positive feature of Kazakhs. Traditionally, a child from early childhood is taught to be moderate and honest when dealing with older, wiser and life experienced people.
However, the above mentioned national identities that served as a basis for the occurrence of generalized rules and principles of public relations (tradition), fortunately, are confined not only to representatives of the Kazakh people. Therefore, we offer to your attention a list of basic and authentic customs, which are widespread in the Kazakh society.

1. Traditions and customs associated with the guest reception

Travellers in Kazakhstan are most likely to be encountered with the traditions, associated with guest reception. Here are some examples of them:

Konakasy - a custom associated with treating of a guest. As mentioned above, Kazakh people since ancient times have been famous for their hospitality. Kazakhs always reserve the tastiest food for guests. Guests are divided into three types: "arnayy konak" is a specially invited guest, "kudayy konak" - a random stranger (uninvited), "kydyrma konak" - an unexpected guest. All these guests, despite of their type are offered a rich table – Konakasy.

Konakkade - a tradition under which a host has a right to ask a guest to sing a song or play a musical instrument (of course, as long as a guest is known for his or her talent), thus ensuring some fun and joy during the feast.

Erulik - if new settlers came to a village erulik was arranged in their honour, i.e. a small celebration that allowed newcomers to quickly adapt to the new location. Also, the custom erulik includes assistance in settling of the newcomers, when neighbours provide them with firewood, drinking water, etc. for the time being.

Toy dastarkhan - a special form of celebration, organized for holiday or during it. Sports competitions, music, singing competitions (aitys) and horse riding competitions are organised in addition to the gatherings during Toy dastarkhan. Very often, dishes of Kazakh national cuisine are served during such occasions.

2. Traditions and customs associated with gift giving

Guests are very often have to receive or give presents; in addition, there are often times, when gifts should be given in some special occasions according to the traditions. Some examples are given below:

Suyіnshі - a custom according to which a traveller or any other person who brought home a good message (news) receives a valuable gift from the owners in gratitude. Sometimes before telling good news a person says ‘Suyunshi’ or ‘what would you give me for a Suyinshi?’, thus implying that he or she has something great to tell.

At mingizip shapan zhabu" is a high honour. According to the tradition, a respected visitor, who may be a poet (akin), a hero, warrior (batir) or other very respected man receives a gift from local residents: a horse and a splendid shapan (robe of camel's hair with a cotton lining) in recognition of their merit.

Baygazy - a tradition of giving a gift to a person, who acquired a new valuable thing.

3. Traditions and customs associated with mutual aid

Helping each other has always been highly valued by Kazakhs and is very important in a Kazakh community. Therefore, there are a number of traditions, which are associated with mutual aid. Some of them are listed below:

Asar - a family, which has to perform an urgent and sometimes a hard work, has a right to ask relatives, friends and neighbours for assistance. At the end of the work, a rich table is laid as a gratitude for those, who helped.

Zhylu - a tradition associated with the provision of material, moral and financial assistance to people affected by natural disasters (fire, flood, etc.). All supporters, not only relatives are entitled to help the victims. Many things can be given as donations - livestock, building materials, clothing, money, etc.

Belkoterer - a tradition to treat the elderly. Delicious and most importantly - soft foods such as kazy, zhent, cottage cheese are cooked for the elderly. Typically, this responsibility rests on children or close relatives, the less likely neighbours. Belkoterer tradition is an example of caring for the elderly.

 6. The most ancient traditions of Kazakh people

Ashamayga mingizu is a ritual whereby a 6-7-years-old boy was supposed to be given a horse and whip. Such a ritual is a kind of "initiation", having proclaimed that the child is a jigit. On this day, elders blessed the young rider and parents organized a small celebration in honour of their son.

Bastangy is an ancient analog of contemporary youth parties. Traditionally, these celebrations are conducted immediately after departure of adults. During Bastangy, guests express only one wish that the travel of the adults would be accompanied by luck.

 4. Traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child

Traditions, connected with the birth of children and their upbringing, apparently play a very important role in many cultures. Just a brief description of such rituals and traditions followed by Kazakh families, is given below. All of these rituals are usually followed by celebrations.

Shіldehana - a celebration that is associated with childbirth.

Besіkke salu, besik toy - a holiday, hosted when the newborn is put to a cradle - besik. As a rule, it is organized on the 3rd-5th day after dropout of umbilical cord of the kid.

Kyrkynan shygaru – a ritual performed on the fortieth day after birth that includes bathing baby in 40 tablespoons of water, and the first haircut and nail cut and other rituals. 

Tusau kesu - a day when the baby took his first steps the oldest and most respected people is invited to perform a ceremony of Tusau keser. Then he or she should cut the special ropes, beset baby's legs, in order to ensure that in future the kid could walk nicely and run fast.

Sundetke otyrgyzu is a rite of circumcision. The ceremony is held when a boy is 5-7 years old. A big festival to which all the relatives and friends are invited is organized after this. On the occasion of Sundetke otyrgyzu guests usually make generous gifts to the hero of the occasion and his parents.

5. Traditions and customs related to marriage

One of unique Kazakh traditions related to marriages is that the marriage between relatives up to the seventh generation is prohibited. Such taboo helps to prevent blood mixing and, consequently, benefit to the health of future offspring.
Traditionally, sequence of the ceremonies and rituals related to a marriage is the following.
Any wedding ceremony in the Kazakh society is anticipated by kudalyk (matchmaking). Before the wedding, matchmakers come to bride's house. Their task is to agree with the closest relatives of a girl on her marriage. During courtship, father of the bride receives gifts from the guests that serve as a deposit.
If negotiations are successful, the father, in turn, presents a coat to the main matchmaker. This custom is called “Shege Sapa”. Preparation of "kuyruk bauyr" - a delicious dish from the liver and broad tail fat also testifies to the successful completion of courtship.
The next stage of the ceremony is sendoff of the bride Kyz uzatu. In the evening before the Kyz uzatu matchmakers come to the bride's house again. Number of visitors should not be even (5-7). Early in the morning, the bride with matchmakers is sent to the groom's house. 
Solemn ceremony of meeting the bride in the groom’s house is called kelіn tusіru. The main element of kelіn tүsіru is a traditional performance of a song of instructions and wishes - Betashar
In ancient times when the Kazakhs practiced a nomadic lifestyle, dwelling (yurt) of newlyweds was located behind the house of groom’s parents. According to the tradition, the first threshold of the yurt was to be crossed by the bride, and be sure to do it with the right foot. Also during the wedding ceremony, the couple must drink together a bowl of water with dissolved sugar and salt. This ritual is considered as a guarantor of a happy family life.

казахские традиции
Казахи всегда почитали и высоко ценят свои национальные обычаи и традиции. Это почти невозможно описать все традиции следуют казахского народа в рамках одной статьи, таким образом, краткое введение в казахских верований и обычаев приводится ниже.
Основная традиция казахов, которые в конечном итоге превращаются в особенности национального характера, является гостеприимство. В казахстанском обществе, существует неофициальный закон, озвученные в древности, о котором говорит "Встречайте гостя как Божьего посланника".
Гостеприимство считается священным долгом в казахстанском обществе. Во все времена, степняки делали все возможное, чтобы порадовать своих гостей. Таким образом, каждый путешественник знал, что он или она будет приветствоваться в любом месте в казахской земле.
Уважение к старшим является еще одной положительной чертой казахов. Традиционно, ребенок с самого раннего детства учат быть умеренным и честным, когда дело с старше, мудрее и жизни опытных людей.
Тем не менее, упомянутые выше национальные идентичности, которые послужили основой для возникновения обобщенных правил и принципов общественных отношений (традиции), к счастью, ограничены не только представителей казахского народа. Таким образом, мы предлагаем вашему вниманию список основных и подлинных обычаев, которые широко распространены в казахстанском обществе.
1. Традиции и обычаи, связанные с приемом гостя
Путешественники в Казахстане, скорее всего, встретится с традициями, связанными с приемом гостей. Вот некоторые примеры из них:
Konakasy - обычай, связанный с лечением от гостя. Как уже упоминалось выше, казахский народ с древних времен были известны своим гостеприимством. Казахи всегда оставляют за собой вкусную еду для гостей. Гости делятся на три типа: "arnayy конак" является специально приглашенный гость, "kudayy конак" - случайный незнакомец (без приглашения), "kydyrma конак" - неожиданный гость. Все эти гости, несмотря на их типа предлагают богатый стол - Konakasy.
Konakkade - традиция, в соответствии с которым хост имеет право попросить гостя спеть песню или играть на музыкальном инструменте (конечно, до тех пор, как гость известен его или ее таланта), обеспечивая тем самым некоторую радость и радость во время праздник.
Erulik - если новые поселенцы прибыли в село erulik был устроен в их честь, то есть маленький праздник, который позволил новички быстро адаптироваться к новому местоположению. Кроме того, обычай erulik включает в себя помощь в заселении новичков, когда соседи предоставить им дрова, питьевую воду и т.д., в данное время.
Игрушка дастархан - это особая форма праздника, организованного для отдыха или во время него. Спортивные соревнования, музыка, пение конкурсы (айтыс) и соревнования по верховой езды организуются в дополнение к сходов во время игрушек дастархан. Очень часто, блюда казахской национальной кухни подаются во время таких случаев.

2. Традиции и обычаи, связанные с подарков
Гости очень часто приходится получать или дарить подарки; Кроме того, часто бывают времена, когда подарки должны быть приведены в некоторых особых случаях в соответствии с традициями. Некоторые примеры приведены ниже:
Suyіnshі - это обычай, согласно которому путешественник или любой другой человек, который принес домой хорошее сообщение (новости) получает ценный подарок от владельцев в знак благодарности. Иногда, прежде чем говорить хорошие новости человек говорит "Suyunshi" или "что бы вы мне дадите за Suyinshi?», Тем самым давая понять, что он или она имеет что-то большое, чтобы сказать.
"В mingizip шапан zhabu" является высокая честь Согласно традиции, уважаемый посетитель, который может быть поэтом (родственный), герой, воин (Батыр) или другой очень уважаемый человек получает подарок от местных жителей:. Лошадь и великолепный шапан (риза из верблюжьего волоса с хлопчатобумажной подкладкой) в знак признания их заслуг.
Baygazy - традиция дает подарок к человеку, который приобрел новую ценную вещь.

3. Традиции и обычаи, связанные с взаимной помощи
Помогая друг другу всегда была высоко оценена казахами и очень важно в казахской общины. Таким образом, существует целый ряд традиций, которые связаны с взаимной помощи. Некоторые из них перечислены ниже:
Асар - семейство, которое должно выполнить срочное и иногда тяжелую работу, имеет право просить родственников, друзей и соседей за помощь. В конце работы, богатый стол накрыт как благодарность за тех, кто помог.
Жылу - традиция, связанная с предоставлением материальной, моральной и финансовой помощи людям, пострадавшим в результате стихийных бедствий (пожар, наводнение и т.д.). Все болельщики, а не только родственники, имеют право на помощь пострадавшим. Многие вещи могут быть предоставлены в качестве пожертвований - домашний скот, строительные материалы, одежда, деньги и т.д.
Belkoterer - традиция для лечения пожилых людей. Вкусные и самое главное - мягкие продукты, такие как казы, Жента, творога готовят для пожилых людей. Как правило, эта ответственность ложится на детей или близких родственников, тем меньше вероятность соседей. Belkoterer традиции является примером ухода за пожилыми людьми.

Начало формы

 4. Традиции и обычаи, связанные с рождением и воспитанием ребенка
Традиции, связанные с рождением детей и их воспитанием, по-видимому, играют очень важную роль во многих культурах. Просто краткое описание таких ритуалов и традиций, с последующим казахских семей, приводится ниже. Во всех этих ритуалов, как правило, следуют торжества.
Shіldehana - это праздник, который связан с рождением ребенка.
Besіkke салу, бесика игрушка - праздник, организованный, когда новорожденный помещается в колыбели - Бесик. Как правило, оно организовано на 3-5-ый день после выпадения пуповины малыша.
Kyrkynan shygaru - ритуал проводится на сороковой день после рождения, который включает в себя купание ребенка в 40 столовых ложек воды, а первая стрижка и гвоздь вырезать и другие ритуалы.
Tusau Kesu - в день, когда ребенок сделал свои первые шаги самые старые и наиболее уважаемых людей предлагается выполнить обряд Tusau Keser. Затем он или она должна вырезать специальные веревки, ноги подстерегают ребенка, для того, чтобы гарантировать, что в будущем ребенок мог ходить красиво и быстро бегать.
Sundetke otyrgyzu является обряд обрезания. Церемония проводится, когда мальчик 5-7 лет. Большой праздник, к которому все родственники и друзья приглашены организовано после этого. По случаю Sundetke otyrgyzu гостей обычно делают щедрые подарки виновника торжества и его родителей.

5. Традиции и обычаи, связанные с браком
Одним из уникальных казахских традиций, связанных с браками является то, что брак между родственниками до седьмого поколения запрещается. Такое табу помогает предотвратить смешивание крови и, следовательно, пользу для здоровья будущего потомства.
Традиционно, последовательность церемоний и ритуалов, связанных с браком, заключается в следующем.
Любая свадебная церемония в казахстанском обществе предваряется kudalyk (сватовства). До свадьбы, сваты приходят в дом невесты. Их задача состоит в том, чтобы договориться с ближайшими родственниками девушки на ее брак. Во время ухаживания, отец невесты получает подарки от гостей, которые служат в качестве залога.
Если переговоры будут успешными, отец, в свою очередь, представляет собой пальто к главному свата. Этот обычай называется "Шеге Сапа". Приготовление "kuyruk бауыр" - это вкусное блюдо из печени и широким хвостом жира также свидетельствует об успешном завершении ухаживания.
Следующим этапом церемонии является проводы невесты Кыз uzatu. Вечером перед Кыз uzatu сваты приходят в дом невесты снова. Количество посетителей не должно быть даже (5-7). Рано утром, невеста с сватов отправляется в дом жениха.
Торжественная церемония встречи невесты в доме жениха называется kelіn tusіru. Основным элементом kelіn tүsіru является традиционным исполнение песни указаний и пожеланий - Betashar.
В древние времена, когда казахи практикуется кочевой образ жизни, жилища (юрты) молодожены находился за домом родителей жениха. По традиции, первый порог юрты должен был быть пересечен невестой, и обязательно делать это с правой ноги. Также во время свадебной церемонии, пара должна пить вместе чашу с водой с растворенным сахаром и солью. Этот ритуал рассматривается как гарант счастливой семейной жизни.
 6. Самые древние традиции казахского народа
Ashamayga mingizu это ритуал, посредством которого 6-7-летний мальчик должен был быть дан лошади и кнут. Такой ритуал является своего рода "инициации", провозгласив, что ребенок является джигит. В этот день старейшины благословил молодого наездника и родители организовали небольшой праздник в честь своего сына.
Bastangy является древним аналогом современных молодежных партий. Традиционно эти торжества проводятся сразу же после ухода взрослых. Во время Bastangy гости выражают только одно желание, что путешествие из взрослых будет сопровождаться везения.

-What customs in KZ do you know?

Wedding ceremony


Hobbles cutting


Kyz kuu

Let’s speak about Kazakh tradition is Hobbles cutting.

When a baby begins to walk, he undergoes another ancient rite- the hobbles cutting. A hobble of rope round a child’s legs is tied.

It looks like a figure- of- eight.

The child to make a few steps and the hobbles are cut with a knife by the most respected guest, one whose life is a worthy example.

By cutting the hobbles he blesses the baby to go through his own life more successfully.

Every country and every nation has its own superstitions. Let’s speak about superstitions in Kazakhstan.

A large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life. The majority of them came from ancient times, even naturally become a part of today’s life, or, at least, can add a lot to our knowledge of Kazakh culture.

Usually, horse mains and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse’s owner enjoy good health.

When a horse owner dies, people will trim the mane and the tail of his horse to make it look mournful. Therefore, the Kazakh associate the trimmed mane and tails of their horses with mourning and death.

If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not try to force it back.

The dog is devoted to its owner, and if it wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip.

A pregnant woman cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is having.

If you have a visitor during your breakfast, he or she must have some of your food. There is a saying: “One cannot ignore the morning meal” and “If you don’t have breakfast, the community will refuse you”. Therefore , a morning guest can leave your home after he or she has tried some of your food. “Food is men’s support ”.

Breakfast is the beginning of a day. Kazakh believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humoured atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.

Kazakhs are always careful with salt. Food would be tasteless without salt. Kazakh’s believe that “the essence of food is in its salt”. Lives of those who have been careless with salt will become salty and bitter until the salt spilt by them dries out.

A cauldron/kazan can not be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping , your very well-being is lost, food becomes scanty.

VI. Find the words connected with HOLIDAYS:

































































VII. Match the names of the holidays and dates.

1)24 September a) Independence Day

2)22 March b) The first president day

    1. July c) Constitution Day

    1. May d) Day of Capital

    1. December e) Nauryz

    1. December f)Kurban Ait

7)30 August g)Day of defender of Motherland

VIII. Grammar practice.

IX.Conclusion of the lesson. Jumbled words.
T: Dear, students let's conclude our lesson with the task''Jumbled words''. Your task is to find correct words concerning traditions.
X. Relaxing

1. Did you like our lesson?2. Did you like your working at our lesson?

X.T: Today you were very active. Thank you everybody. Giving marks with comments.
T: Your home task is Learning the new words and retelling the text p337-338 by Meiramova

- So, our lesson is over, I think we have reached our goals, you will remember this lesson. You are free. Good - bye students!

Kazakhstan Holidays

Kazakhstan is a large multinational country which is rich with its both old traditions and new ones acquired for the period of Independence. The Republic of Kazakhstan observes international holidays such as New Year, 8 March but it also has holidays specific only for this country such as Unity Day, Capital Day etc.

All the holidays of Kazakhstan may be divided into national, state and professional ones. The national holidays are held in honor of the events having a special historical importance for the development of independent Kazakhstan. Celebration of the national holidays is accompanied with holding of official events. Such holiday is considered Independence Day of Kazakhstan.

The state holidays are devoted to the events having social and political importance, they also include traditional Kazakh holidays. This category of the holidays includes New Year, 8 March, Nauryz, Unity Day, Capital  Day, Constitution Day etc.In addition to these holidays Kazakhstan has another type of holidays – professional ones celebrated by some categories of citizens:

• Fatherland Defender’s Day – 7 May 
• Political Repression Victims Memory Day -31 May 
• The Republic of Kazakhstan National Symbols’ Day – 4 June 
• Police Day – 23 June 
• Health Professionals’ Day (third Sunday of June) 
• Press, Television and Radio Day (last Sunday of June) 
• Diplomatic Service Day - 2 July 
• Tax Service Day – 6 July 
• Metal-Maker’s Day (third Sunday of July) 
• Transport and Communication Workers’ Day (first Sunday of August) 
• Builders’ Day – (second Sunday of August) 
• Sports Day (third Sunday of August) 
• Miner’ Day (last Sunday of August) 
• Knowledge Day – 1 September

The holidays of national and state nature are days off for the whole Kazakhstan population. These days Kazakhstan holds open-air merrymaking and official events. Various festive events and festive concerts with participation of both Kazakhstan and foreign stars are arranged for the country’s population.

-What customs in KZ do you know?

Wedding ceremony; Betashar; Hobbles cutting; Kokpar; Kyz kuu

Let’s speak about Kazakh tradition is Hobbles cutting.

When a baby begins to walk, he undergoes another ancient rite- the hobbles cutting. A hobble of rope round a child’s legs is tied.It looks like a figure- of- eight.The child to make a few steps and the hobbles are cut with a knife by the most respected guest, one whose life is a worthy example.By cutting the hobbles he blesses the baby to go through his own life more successfully.

Every country and every nation has its own superstitions. Let’s speak about superstitions in Kazakhstan.

A large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life. The majority of them came from ancient times, even naturally become a part of today’s life, or, at least, can add a lot to our knowledge of Kazakh culture.

Usually, horse mains and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse’s owner enjoy good health.

When a horse owner dies, people will trim the mane and the tail of his horse to make it look mournful. Therefore, the Kazakh associate the trimmed mane and tails of their horses with mourning and death.

If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not try to force it back.

The dog is devoted to its owner, and if it wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip.

A pregnant woman cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is having.

If you have a visitor during your breakfast, he or she must have some of your food. There is a saying: “One cannot ignore the morning meal” and “If you don’t have breakfast, the community will refuse you”. Therefore , a morning guest can leave your home after he or she has tried some of your food. “Food is men’s support ”.

Breakfast is the beginning of a day. Kazakh believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humoured atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.

Kazakhs are always careful with salt. Food would be tasteless without salt. Kazakh’s believe that “the essence of food is in its salt”. Lives of those who have been careless with salt will become salty and bitter until the salt spilt by them dries out.

A cauldron/kazan can not be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping , your very well-being is lost, food becomes scanty.

Казахстан Праздники

Казахстан является крупным многонациональной страной, которая богата своими традициями как старых, так и новых, приобретенных за период независимости. Республика Казахстан соблюдает международные праздники, такие как Новый год, 8 марта, но он также имеет праздники специфические только для этой страны, такие как День единства, День столицы и т.д.

Все праздники Казахстана могут быть разделены на национальные, государственные и профессиональные. Национальные праздники проводятся в честь событий, имеющих особое историческое значение для развития независимого Казахстана. Празднование национальных праздников сопровождается проведением официальных мероприятий. Такой праздник считается День независимости Казахстана.

Государственные праздники посвящены событиям, имеющим общественно-политическое значение, они также включают в себя традиционные казахские праздники. Эта категория включает в себя праздники Новый год, 8 марта, Наурыз, День единства, День столицы, День Конституции и т.д.В дополнение к этим праздникам Казахстан имеет другой тип праздников - профессиональные, праздновался некоторых категорий граждан:

• День защитника Отечества - 7 мая

• День жертв политических репрессий памяти -31 мая

• День Республики Казахстан национальных символов »- 4 июня

• День полиции - 23 июня

• День медицинского работника (третье воскресенье июня)

• Нажмите, Телевидение и День радио (последнее воскресенье июня)

• День дипломатического служба - 2 июля

• налоговая служба день - 6 июля

• День металлурга (третье воскресенье июля)

• Транспорт и День работников связи »(первое воскресенье августа)

• День строителей - (второе воскресенье августа)

• День спорта (третье воскресенье августа)

• День шахтера "(последнее воскресенье августа)

• День знаний - 1 сентября

Праздники национального и государственного характера являются выходные дни для всего населения Казахстана. В эти дни Казахстан проводит гуляния и официальные мероприятия. Различные праздничные мероприятия и праздничные концерты с участием Казахстана и зарубежных звезд приспособлены для населения страны.

-Какие обычаи в KZ вы знаете? Свадебная церемония/Betashar/ ковыляет резки/Кокпар/Кыз куу

Давайте говорить о казахской традиции ковыляет резки.

Когда ребенок начинает ходить, он проходит еще один древний rite- вырубку ковыляет. Хромать веревки круглые ноги ребенка привязано. Это похоже на восемь.Ребенок, чтобы сделать несколько шагов и путы срезают ножом самым уважаемым гостем, тот, чья жизнь является достойным примером.

Сокращая путы он благословляет ребенка, чтобы пройти через свою собственную жизнь более успешно.

7. Каждая страна и каждый народ имеет свои суеверия. Давайте говорить о суевериях в ГБ.

Большое количество казахских верований и суеверий вряд ли может быть применена к современной жизни. Большинство из них пришли с древних времен, даже естественно, становятся частью современной жизни, или, по крайней мере, может добавить много к нашим знаниям о казахской культуре.

Как правило, конные сети и хвосты не вырезаются, чтобы владелец уверен, что лошади наслаждаться хорошим здоровьем.

Когда владелец лошади умирает, люди будут урезать гриву и хвост своей лошади, чтобы она выглядела жалобный. Таким образом, казахстанский ассоциировать обрезанного гриву и хвосты своих лошадей с трауром и смертью.

Если собака следует за всадником оставив свою деревню, люди не будут пытаться заставить его обратно.

Собака посвящена его владельцу, а если он хочет пойти с ним это означает, что он будет иметь счастливую поездку.

Беременная женщина не может иметь стрижку, так как это может повредить ее материнство, и счастье ребенка, которого она имеет.

Если у вас есть посетитель во время завтрака, он или она должен иметь некоторые из пищи. Существует поговорка: "Нельзя игнорировать утреннего приема пищи" и "Если вы не завтракаю, сообщество будет вам отказать". Поэтому утром гость может оставить свой дом после того, как он или она попробовал некоторые из пищи. "Пища мужская поддержка".

Завтрак начало дня. Казахская считают, что хороший и хорошо приготовленный завтрак едят в хорошей потакал атмосфере может быть хорошим началом для успешного и плодотворного дня.

Казахи всегда осторожны с солью. Еда будет невкусной без соли. Казахская считают, что "сущность пищи в ее соли". Жизнь тех, кто был небрежен с солью станет соленым и горьким, пока соль пролитой ими не высыхает.

Казане / казань нельзя оставить лицом к входной двери. Это плохая примета, если котел скользит и падает. Это означает, что ваша судьба побега, ваш очень благополучия теряется, пища становится мизерным.



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Lesson №12

The theme of the lesson:Holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan. Personal, reflexive, interrogative pronouns.

The aims of the lesson:

Educational:to advance students’ knowledge about Kazakh traditions and customs, to activate the students' speaking abilities about customs and traditions of our country, to teach students to search and learn necessary materials themselves.

Developing:to develop pupils' monologue speech, oral speech, logical thinking, critical thinking, to develop pupils’ speaking, reading, writing, listening comprehension abilities, memory; to develop the students’ interest in the subject of English.

Upbringing:to bring up students to love, respect and keep traditions and customs of Kazakhstan.

To bring up patriots of our Motherland

The type of the lesson:combined lesson

Methods of the lesson: showing, explaining, group work, individual work, question-answer.

The visual aids: lecture, pictures, a computer, an interactive board, slides, video film, music.

Connection with othersubjects: Kazakh, Geography, History,Kazakh literature.


  1. Обучение устной разговорной речи.

  2. Умение делать сообщения и уметь вести беседу в пределах пройденного лексического минимума на основоречевой тематики по прочитанному, услышанному.

  3. Развитие у студентов навыков и умений поиска информации при чтении различных видов иноязычного текстаб а также владение стратегиями чтения.


  1. Понимать информацию о праздниках (Наурыз, День независимости, Международный женский день).

  2. Уметь коротко рассказывать о праздновании Наурыз, писать поздравления на Наурыз.

  3. Уметь раскрывать основное содержание газетной статьи. Быстро находить в незнакомом тексте необходимую информацию.

Основные вопросы: Поздравительные открытки. Телефонный разговор. Газетные статьи из Праздничная еда. Наурыз коже. Стихи и песня о Наурыз. Национальныеигры «Алтыбакан, Кокпар». Ключевыеслова : Nauruz, New-Year, Independence day, Women,s day, holidays, ingredients, articles, cards, congratulations, wishes.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.
Good morning students! I am glad to see you. Sit down please.








II.Brainstorming. Let’s play a game “Guess the word”. The first task is trying to guess “What are we going to speak about at our lesson?”



















T: You are right, the theme of our lesson is:holidays, traditions and customs in Kazakhstan.

Let’s start! Today we are going to speak about Kazakh traditions and customs and we'll have phonetic drill, get some information about traditions on video film and listen to the presentation of the teacher have our grammar practice and conclude our lesson with solving jumbled words.

Kazakhstan has always been a country of rich history, traditions and a country of free people.

III.Speech Drill

Now, children answer the questions:

IV. Checking up homework . Text p340-343 by Meiramova

V. Demonstration of the new language:

Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions.

So, comrades the first task is answer the following questions:

-Do you like holidays?

-What is your favourite holiday?

- What is the most interesting holiday in your country?

- How do people celebrate it?

-What Kazakh holidays do you know?

Nauryz, Independent Day, The First President’s Day, Beskunak, Kurban ait, Constitution’s Day, Victory Day, New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day.

The most popular holidays in KZ are Nauryz and Independent Day, Let’s speak about them in details.

Kazakhstan Holidays

Kazakhstan is a large multinational country which is rich with its both old traditions and new ones acquired for the period of Independence.There are many national holidays in Kazakhstan when people all over the country do not Work and have special celebrations. The Republic of Kazakhstan observes international holidays such as New Year, Women’s Day but it also has holidays specific only for this country such as Unity Day, Capital Day etc.

All the holidays of Kazakhstan may be divided into national, state and professional ones. The national holidays are held in honor of the events having a special historical importance for the development of independent Kazakhstan. Celebration of the national holidays is accompanied with holding of official events. Such holiday is considered Independence Day of Kazakhstan.

The state holidays are devoted to the events having social and political importance, they also include traditional Kazakh holidays. This category of the holidays includes New Year, Women’s Day, Nauryz, Unity Day, Victory Day ,Capital  Day, Constitution Day etc.

In addition to these holidays Kazakhstan has another type of holidays – professional ones celebrated by some categories of citizens:

• Fatherland Defender’s Day – 7 May 
• Political Repression Victims Memory Day -31 May 
• The Republic of Kazakhstan National Symbols’ Day – 4 June 
• Police Day – 23 June 
• Health Professionals’ Day (third Sunday of June) 
• Press, Television and Radio Day (last Sunday of June) 
• Diplomatic Service Day - 2 July 
• Tax Service Day – 6 July 
• Metal-Maker’s Day (third Sunday of July) 
• Transport and Communication Workers’ Day (first Sunday of August) 
• Builders’ Day – (second Sunday of August) 
• Sports Day (third Sunday of August) 
• Miner’ Day (last Sunday of August) 
• Knowledge Day – 1 September

The holidays of national and state nature are days off for the whole Kazakhstan population. These days Kazakhstan holds open-air merrymaking and official events. Various festive events and festive concerts with participation of both Kazakhstan and foreign stars are arranged for the country’s population.

Text 1.

The major holidays are New Year’s Day, Women’sDay, Nauryz Meiramy, May Day, Victory Day and Independence Day.

The first holiday of the year is New Years Day. People see the New Year in at midnight on the 31 of December. They greet the New Year with champagne and watch T.V. or listen to the radio,beating 12 o’clock.

On the eight of March, we celebrate Women’s Day when men are supposed to do everything about the house and cook all the meals. Nauruz Meiramy is an old holiday, of March. It is the greatest holiday for Kazakhs. The greatest holiday in our country is Victory Day.On the 9th May 1945, the Soviet Army and its allies completely deficated the German fascists and the second World War and the Great Patriotic War ended. On the 16 th of December we celebrate Independence Day . On the 8th of May we also celebrate Day of the Defender of Motherland .


  1. What public holidays are celebrated in Kazakhstan?

  2. What is your favourite holiday?

  3. What is the greatest national holiday in our country?

  4. Say about holidays in Kazakhstan?

Kazakh traditions

Kazakhs have always revered and highly valued their national customs and traditions. It is almost impossible to describe all the traditions followed by Kazakh people in one article, thus a brief introduction to Kazakh beliefs and customs is given below.

The main tradition of Kazakhs, which eventually transformed into a feature of national character, is hospitality. In the Kazakh society, there is an unofficial law voiced in ancient times, which says “Meet a guest as the God's messenger”.
Hospitality is considered a sacred duty in the Kazakh society. At all times, the steppe inhabitants did their best to please their guest. Therefore, each traveller knew that he or she would be welcomed anywhere in the Kazakh land.

Respect for the elderly is another positive feature of Kazakhs. Traditionally, a child from early childhood is taught to be moderate and honest when dealing with older, wiser and life experienced people.
However, the above mentioned national identities that served as a basis for the occurrence of generalized rules and principles of public relations (tradition), fortunately, are confined not only to representatives of the Kazakh people. Therefore, we offer to your attention a list of basic and authentic customs, which are widespread in the Kazakh society.

1. Traditions and customs associated with the guest reception

Travellers in Kazakhstan are most likely to be encountered with the traditions, associated with guest reception. Here are some examples of them:

Konakasy - a custom associated with treating of a guest. As mentioned above, Kazakh people since ancient times have been famous for their hospitality. Kazakhs always reserve the tastiest food for guests. Guests are divided into three types: "arnayy konak" is a specially invited guest, "kudayy konak" - a random stranger (uninvited), "kydyrma konak" - an unexpected guest. All these guests, despite of their type are offered a rich table – Konakasy.

Konakkade - a tradition under which a host has a right to ask a guest to sing a song or play a musical instrument (of course, as long as a guest is known for his or her talent), thus ensuring some fun and joy during the feast.

Erulik - if new settlers came to a village erulik was arranged in their honour, i.e. a small celebration that allowed newcomers to quickly adapt to the new location. Also, the custom erulik includes assistance in settling of the newcomers, when neighbours provide them with firewood, drinking water, etc. for the time being.

Toy dastarkhan - a special form of celebration, organized for holiday or during it. Sports competitions, music, singing competitions (aitys) and horse riding competitions are organised in addition to the gatherings during Toy dastarkhan. Very often, dishes of Kazakh national cuisine are served during such occasions.

2. Traditions and customs associated with gift giving

Guests are very often have to receive or give presents; in addition, there are often times, when gifts should be given in some special occasions according to the traditions. Some examples are given below:

Suyіnshі - a custom according to which a traveller or any other person who brought home a good message (news) receives a valuable gift from the owners in gratitude. Sometimes before telling good news a person says ‘Suyunshi’ or ‘what would you give me for a Suyinshi?’, thus implying that he or she has something great to tell.

At mingizip shapan zhabu" is a high honour. According to the tradition, a respected visitor, who may be a poet (akin), a hero, warrior (batir) or other very respected man receives a gift from local residents: a horse and a splendid shapan (robe of camel's hair with a cotton lining) in recognition of their merit.

Baygazy - a tradition of giving a gift to a person, who acquired a new valuable thing.

3. Traditions and customs associated with mutual aid

Helping each other has always been highly valued by Kazakhs and is very important in a Kazakh community. Therefore, there are a number of traditions, which are associated with mutual aid. Some of them are listed below:

Asar - a family, which has to perform an urgent and sometimes a hard work, has a right to ask relatives, friends and neighbours for assistance. At the end of the work, a rich table is laid as a gratitude for those, who helped.

Zhylu - a tradition associated with the provision of material, moral and financial assistance to people affected by natural disasters (fire, flood, etc.). All supporters, not only relatives are entitled to help the victims. Many things can be given as donations - livestock, building materials, clothing, money, etc.

Belkoterer - a tradition to treat the elderly. Delicious and most importantly - soft foods such as kazy, zhent, cottage cheese are cooked for the elderly. Typically, this responsibility rests on children or close relatives, the less likely neighbours. Belkoterer tradition is an example of caring for the elderly.

 4. Traditions and customs associated with birth and upbringing of the child

Traditions, connected with the birth of children and their upbringing, apparently play a very important role in many cultures. Just a brief description of such rituals and traditions followed by Kazakh families, is given below. All of these rituals are usually followed by celebrations.

Shіldehana - a celebration that is associated with childbirth.

Besіkke salu, besik toy - a holiday, hosted when the newborn is put to a cradle - besik. As a rule, it is organized on the 3rd-5th day after dropout of umbilical cord of the kid.

Kyrkynan shygaru – a ritual performed on the fortieth day after birth that includes bathing baby in 40 tablespoons of water, and the first haircut and nail cut and other rituals. 

Tusau kesu - a day when the baby took his first steps the oldest and most respected people is invited to perform a ceremony of Tusau keser. Then he or she should cut the special ropes, beset baby's legs, in order to ensure that in future the kid could walk nicely and run fast.

Sundetke otyrgyzu is a rite of circumcision. The ceremony is held when a boy is 5-7 years old. A big festival to which all the relatives and friends are invited is organized after this. On the occasion of Sundetke otyrgyzu guests usually make generous gifts to the hero of the occasion and his parents.

5. Traditions and customs related to marriage

One of unique Kazakh traditions related to marriages is that the marriage between relatives up to the seventh generation is prohibited. Such taboo helps to prevent blood mixing and, consequently, benefit to the health of future offspring.
Traditionally, sequence of the ceremonies and rituals related to a marriage is the following.
Any wedding ceremony in the Kazakh society is anticipated by kudalyk (matchmaking). Before the wedding, matchmakers come to bride's house. Their task is to agree with the closest relatives of a girl on her marriage. During courtship, father of the bride receives gifts from the guests that serve as a deposit.
If negotiations are successful, the father, in turn, presents a coat to the main matchmaker. This custom is called “Shege Sapa”. Preparation of "kuyruk bauyr" - a delicious dish from the liver and broad tail fat also testifies to the successful completion of courtship.
The next stage of the ceremony is sendoff of the bride Kyz uzatu. In the evening before the Kyz uzatu matchmakers come to the bride's house again. Number of visitors should not be even (5-7). Early in the morning, the bride with matchmakers is sent to the groom's house. 
Solemn ceremony of meeting the bride in the groom’s house is called kelіn tusіru. The main element of kelіn tүsіru is a traditional performance of a song of instructions and wishes - Betashar
In ancient times when the Kazakhs practiced a nomadic lifestyle, dwelling (yurt) of newlyweds was located behind the house of groom’s parents. According to the tradition, the first threshold of the yurt was to be crossed by the bride, and be sure to do it with the right foot. Also during the wedding ceremony, the couple must drink together a bowl of water with dissolved sugar and salt. This ritual is considered as a guarantor of a happy family life.

6. The most ancient traditions of Kazakh people

Ashamayga mingizu is a ritual whereby a 6-7-years-old boy was supposed to be given a horse and whip. Such a ritual is a kind of "initiation", having proclaimed that the child is a jigit. On this day, elders blessed the young rider and parents organized a small celebration in honour of their son.

Bastangy is an ancient analog of contemporary youth parties. Traditionally, these celebrations are conducted immediately after departure of adults. During Bastangy, guests express only one wish that the travel of the adults would be accompanied by luck.

-What customs in KZ do you know?

Wedding ceremony


Hobbles cutting


Kyz kuu

Let’s speak about Kazakh tradition is Hobbles cutting.

When a baby begins to walk, he undergoes another ancient rite- the hobbles cutting. A hobble of rope round a child’s legs is tied.

It looks like a figure- of- eight.

The child to make a few steps and the hobbles are cut with a knife by the most respected guest, one whose life is a worthy example.

By cutting the hobbles he blesses the baby to go through his own life more successfully.

Every country and every nation has its own superstitions. Let’s speak about superstitions in Kazakhstan.

A large number of Kazakh beliefs and superstitions can hardly be applied to modern life. The majority of them came from ancient times, even naturally become a part of today’s life, or, at least, can add a lot to our knowledge of Kazakh culture.

Usually, horse mains and tails are not trimmed, to make sure the horse’s owner enjoy good health.

When a horse owner dies, people will trim the mane and the tail of his horse to make it look mournful. Therefore, the Kazakh associate the trimmed mane and tails of their horses with mourning and death.

If a dog follows a horseman leaving his village, people would not try to force it back.

The dog is devoted to its owner, and if it wants to go with him it means he will have a happy trip.

A pregnant woman cannot have a haircut because it may hurt her motherhood, and the happiness of the child she is having.

If you have a visitor during your breakfast, he or she must have some of your food. There is a saying: “One cannot ignore the morning meal” and “If you don’t have breakfast, the community will refuse you”. Therefore , a morning guest can leave your home after he or she has tried some of your food. “Food is men’s support ”.

Breakfast is the beginning of a day. Kazakh believe that a good and well prepared breakfast eaten in a good humoured atmosphere can be a good beginning for a successful and fruitful day.

Kazakhs are always careful with salt. Food would be tasteless without salt. Kazakh’s believe that “the essence of food is in its salt”. Lives of those who have been careless with salt will become salty and bitter until the salt spilt by them dries out.

A cauldron/kazan can not be left facing the entrance door. It is bad luck if a cauldron slips and falls. It means your destiny is escaping , your very well-being is lost, food becomes scanty.

VI. Find the words connected with HOLIDAYS:

































































VII. Match the names of the holidays and dates.

1) 24 September a) Independence Day

2)22 March b) The first president day

    1. July c) Constitution Day

    1. May d) Day of Capital

    1. December e) Nauryz

    1. December f)Kurban Ait

7)30 August g)Day of defender of Motherland

VIII. Grammar practice.

IX. Conclusion of the lesson. Jumbled words.
T: Dear, students let's conclude our lesson with the task''Jumbled words''. Your task is to find correct words concerning traditions.
X. Relaxing

1. Did you like our lesson? 2. Did you like your working at our lesson?

X.T: Today you were very active. Thank you everybody. Giving marks with comments.
T: Your home task is Learning the new words and retelling the text p337-338 by Meiramova

- So, our lesson is over, I think we have reached our goals, you will remember this lesson. You are free. Good - bye students!

What kinds of holidays do we have in our country?

When do we have Nauruz ?

What do people prepare for Nauruz?

How does Nauruz kozhe prepare?

How do people congratulate each other ?

What do peopledo in Nauruz?

What aits do you know?When do we have Oraza aiet?

What do peopledo in Oraza?

When do we have Kurban aiet? What do people do in Kurban aiet?

Text 2.

Nauryz Meiramy – a great holiday.

Nauryz Meiramy is an old holiday celebrated by all Moslems since ancient times. But it is not a religious holiday. The name originated from Persian words “nau” new and ‘’urus”day. It means a new day, a New year.The Kazakh Nauryz Meiramy has a certain relation to the month Nauruz. For example, in olden days the Persians celebrated the day of equinox in autumn and named the day ‘’meiram’’. Different nations had their own holidays traditions, customs created along the way of historical development. During Nauryz Meiramy Kazakhs wore fine, good dresses, cleaned their houses, invited each other to be respectable guests, entertained then and congratulated them on the New Year.

The main traditional, festive meal of the holiday is Nauruz Kozhe (soup) , made of seven components: water, fat, salt, airan, wheat, rice. Nauryz Kozhe is boiled by family, a group of families or the people of the whole aul, village.All grown-ups, children were to eat the soup or at least to taste it.That is the tradition of welcoming the New Year.In fact, this kind of soup is a wish , a hope for the New Year to be a success, a hope for a rich crop viced and prosperity.


  1. What kind of holiday is Nauryz Meiramy?

  2. Explain the word “nauryz’’?

  3. What is the equinox?

  4. What do people do during Nauryz Meiramy?

  5. What is the main traditional, festive meal of the holiday?

  6. How many ingredients does Nauryz Kozhe have?

  7. Why do Kazakh people cook Nauryz Kozhe?

PrepositionsandConjunctions. Предлоги и союзы английского языка.

Предлоги - служебные слова, которые указывают на связь существительных (или местоимений) с другими словами в предложении. Ввиду того, что в английском языке почти полностью отсутствуют падежные окончания, порядок слов и предлоги играют особенно важную роль.

По своей структуре предлоги могут быть отдельными словами (in, for, under), сложными словами (inside, throughout), словосочетаниями (thanks to, because of, on account of, in accordance with). Предлоги выражают разнообразные отношения (пространственные, временные, причинные и др.), которые в русском языке передаются падежными окончаниями. Так, предлог of часто соответствует русскому родительному падежу, to - дательному, by и with - творительному (by обозначает действующее лицо, а with обозначает предмет, с помощью которого производится действие). Например:

It's a good map of the town. - Этохорошаякартагорода.

The book is written by my friend. - Книганаписанамоимдругом.

I cut my finger with a knife. - Япорезалсвойпалецножом.

Многие предлоги имеют не одно, а несколько значений. Часто употребление предлога в предложении зависит от предшествующего слова - глагола, прилагательного или существительного. Так, например, глагол to depend требует после себя предлога on, to laugh - предлога at и т.д.

My decision depends on you. - Моёрешениезависитоттебя.

The book belongs to me. - Книгапринадлежитмне.

Особенностью английского языка является сохранение предлога в конце предложения после глагола или после дополнения.

What are you looking at? - Начтотысмотришь?

The doctor was sent for. - Задокторомпослали.

This is the house he lives in. - Этодом, вкоторомонживёт.

Союзы - служебные слова, которые устанавливают связь между словами, словосочетаниями и частями речи.

По своей структуре союзы могут быть отдельными словами (and, but, after, as, while, if и др.), словосочетаниями (in case, as soon as, as if и др.), а также соотносительными парами (both... and, either... or, not only... but also и др.).

У союзов есть своё лексическое значение, согласно которому они подразделяются на соединительные и подчинительные.

соединительные подчинительные

and -и (объединение)

but -но (противопоставление)

or -или (выбор)

either... or -или ... или

neither...nor -ни ... ни

both ... and -как ... так и

as well as -также как

not only ...but -не только ... но и

when -когда

while -пока

after -после того как

that -что, чтобы

as -в то время как

before -прежде чем

since -с тех пор как

if -если

Соединительные союзы связывают слова, словосочетания и части предложения, которые не зависят друг от друга, например:

Herhairwasdarkandlong. - Волосы у неё были тёмные и длинные.

It'sfinebutcold. - Ясно, но холодно.

Tea or coffee? - Чай или кофе?

Подчинительные союзы связывают придаточные предложения с главным, уточняя подчинительный характер отношений между ними, например:

When she read the letter, she locked it in her desk.

Когда она прочла письмо, она заперла его в своём столе.

He knew that I should go with him if he asked me to.

Он знал, что я пойду с ним, если он меня пригласит.



Зам.директор по УР



Lesson №24

The theme of the lesson:Art in Kazakhstan.

Museums and art galleries in Kazakhstan.
The aims of the lesson:

Educational: to enrich pupil’s knowledge about the Museums of Kazakhstan.
Developing:to develop communicative competence: speaking, reading and listening comprehension, translating and to check their understanding; To maintain skills of critical thinking.

Training aim: To bring up patriots of our Motherland.

Type of lesson: traditional
Visual aids: the interactive board, slides, pictures, cards, Museums and art galleries in Kazakhstan,diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters

Methods of the lesson: group work, pair work, individual work, question-answer.

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh, Geography, History.

Procedure of the Lesson

I. Organization moment: Good morning? Glad to see you! How are you? What date is it? Who is absent today? What problem has he (she)? Are you ready for the lesson?

II.Warming -up

In order to know the theme of the lesson you should do the next task. I’ll tell the words in Russian you should translate them into English in your mind and write down only the first letters of all these words. You will know the theme of the lesson. (карточка “Museums”)

M – Masterpiece (шедевр)

U – Unique (уникальный)

S – State (государственный)

E – Exhibition (выставка, показ)

U – Unforgettable (незабываемый)

M – Musical (музыкальный)

S – Surroundings (окрестности, среда)
III.Checking up homework .The make a report by internet about Economy of Kazakhstan.


What is the theme of the lesson? (Museums)

Today our lesson is devoted to the Museums of KZ.

Answer my questions, please.

1)Do you like to go to the museums?

2)Have you ever been in any museum?

3)What museums in Kazakhstan do you know?

4)Where are they?

5)What are they famous for?

Presentation of Museums Kazakhstan.
1. The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2. The A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts
3. The State Museum of National Musical Instruments
4. The State Book Museum
5. Almaty regional museum of historic - regional studies named after M. Tynyshpaev
6. The Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

V. Demonstration of the new language:

There are a lot of interesting museums in the world. We can find them also in Kazakhstan.

The Kazakhstan State Museum ofArtswas founded in 1935 on the basis of the jubilee exhibition

devoted to the 15-th anniversary of the republic. In 1936 Moscow and Leningrad museums had

passed about two hundred works to it. In 1937 the museum was opened for wide access. Collective

activity of the museumbecame particularly active in the 50`s. Kazakhstan artists` best works of

painting, graphics, sculpture found their place in the museum, works of old masters and leading Soviet

artists were being bought. The exhibitions of ancient and medieval Kazakhstan art and traditional

popular applied art have begun functioning Since 1976.

The Kazakhstan State Museum ofArtsis called Abilhan Kasteev`s National Gallery of Art.

Аbylkhan Kasteev  (1904-1973)The People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan,the laureate of the Ch. Valikhanov State Premium

of the Kazakh SSR. One of the first of kazakh artists, Abylkhan Kasteev, by his talent and creative selflessness embodies the bright

phenomenon in the history of fine art of Kazakhstan. Abylkhan Kasteev was born on January 1, 1904 in the village of Chizhin, 

Dzharkent region of Taldy-Kurgan oblast into the  family of a poor shepherd. In 1929, destiny brought him to Alma-Ata, where

within two years he was studying  at the art studio of N. Khludov.In 1930, Abylkhan Kasteev made his first trip to Moscow. In 1934,

he participated in an amateur painting contest in Alma-Ata and in the Republican contest for the creation of the Abai portrait and illustrations of his works. For the first time, he participated in the exhibition of Kazakhstan artists at the State Museum of Arts of the Peoples of the East in Moscow. From then on, Abylkhan Kasteev is a regular participant of the all-union, republican and city exhibitions.

 Through the 1934-1936 period Abylkhan Kasteev lived in Moscow and attended the N. Krupskaya art studio of folk creative art. In 1937, he joined the Union of Artists of the USSR. In the 1930s and 1940s, he worked over the “Old and New Life” series of watercolors, which reflected the artist’s thoughts  about the "leaving" past. In 1942, the artist’s first personal exhibition was held in Alma-Ata dedicated to the 15th anniversary of his creative art. The same year, A. Kasteev was awarded the title of the Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR. In 1944, he received the title of the People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR.

Exposition of the opens with the hall of the ancient art of Kazakhstan where one can find engraving petroglyths, applied art, samples of monumental and small plastic art-the monuments of the Paleolithic age, Bronze age and the Early Iron age, Scythian-Sarmat civilization, the Saki culture, the Turkic kaganat. The exposition of the hall familiarizes one with the ancient national architecture. On display were are fragments of the décor on monuments of medieval architecture.

Appendix 1

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan was built in 1986 in Almaty. It hosts four large exhibition halls, covering hundreds of unique Kazakh exhibits including spiritual and cultural material describing the thousand-year history of the country.(3) The A. Kasteyev State Museum of ArtsThe State Arts Museum named after A. Kasteyev, the first Kazakh professional artist. It includes over 20 thousand exhibits in its collection (painting, graphics, sculpture, theatre, and decorative art). It is a member of ICOM, the International Confederation of Museums. There are fourteen permanent, temporary and traveling exhibitions. The Museum's collection traces the art history of the East and West from ancient to present times.(4) The State Book Museum.The Museum was founded in 1977. Its exhibitions show the history of Kazakh writing and printing as well as modern publications in Kazakhstan. The collection covers over 20 thousand exhibits, including rare original manuscripts, current periodical editions, ancient drawings, booklets, emblems and charts. (5) The Geology Museum of the Academy of Science.Its main exhibition includes collections of the natural mineral resources and stones of Kazakhstan. Visitors of all ages will enjoy the interactive computer show, demonstrating different geological processes. The Museum also includes a shop selling jewelry, fragments of ancient rocks and precious stones. This is a good place to buy gills, jewels from ancient Kazakh culture and modern art. The Museum also organizes a five-day geological tour throughout the Zhailiy Alatau region.

VI. Practice. Read texts (Appendix 1) and fill a table. Work in groups. Let’s check your tables (Appendix 2)

What museum would you like to visit? Why?

Appendix 2


The date of establishment

Specific features

Type of exhibits

1.The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2. The A.Kasteev State Museum of Arts

3.The State Museum of National Musical Instruments

4.The State Book Museum

5.The Geology Museum of the Academy of Science

VII. Work in pairs and do the crossword.

You’ll find out the name of a museum doing the crossword.























































































































































































VIII. Grammar practice.

IX. Conclusion of the lesson. Jumbled words.
T: So we have just visited the Museums of Kazakhstan. I hope the topic was interesting for you. You were very active, attentive and bright. X. Relaxing1. Did you like our lesson? 2. Did you like your working at our lesson? What have you learned at the lesson? What do you like and don’t like?

X.T: Today you were very active. Thank you everybody. You’ll have the following marks …
T: Your home task is Learning the new words and retelling make a report by internetabout Art in Kazakhstan. Make up a presentation about museums in Kazakhstan

- So, our lesson is over, I think we have reached our goals, you will remember this lesson. You are free. Good - bye students!

The Kazakhstan State Museum ofArtswas founded in 1935 on the basis of the jubilee exhibitiondevoted to the 15-th anniversary of the republic. In 1936 Moscow and Leningrad museums had passed about two hundred works to it. In 1937 the museum was opened for wide access. Collective activity of the museumbecame particularly active in the 50`s. Kazakhstan artists` best works ofpainting, graphics, sculpture found their place in the museum, works of old masters and leading Soviet artists were being bought. The exhibitions of ancient and medieval Kazakhstan art and traditional popular applied art have begun functioning Since 1976.

Государственный музей искусств Казахстана был создан в 1935 году на основе юбилейнойВыставки посвященный 15-летию Республики. В 1936 году Московские и ЛенинградскиеМузеи были прошло около двух сотен произведений его. В 1937 году музей был открыт дляширокого доступа. Коллектив деятельность museumbecame особенно активно в 50-х годах.Лучшие работы казахстанских художников живописи, графики, скульптуры нашли свое место вмузее, произведения старых мастеров и ведущих советских художники были куплены.Выставки древнего и средневекового Казахстана искусства и традиционной популярныеприкладного искусства начал функционировать с 1976 года.

The Kazakhstan State Museum ofArtsis called Abilhan Kasteev`s National Gallery of Art.

Аbylkhan Kasteev  (1904-1973)The People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan,the laureate of the Ch. Valikhanov State Premium of the Kazakh SSR

One of the first of kazakh artists, Abylkhan Kasteev, by his talent and creative selflessness embodies the bright phenomenon in the history of fine art of Kazakhstan. Abylkhan Kasteev was born on January 1, 1904 in the village of Chizhin,  Dzharkent region of Taldy-Kurgan oblast into the  family of a poor shepherd. In 1929, destiny brought him to Alma-Ata, where within two years he was studying  at the art studio of N. Khludov.

        Государственный музей искусств Казахстана называется Национальная Галерея Абильхан Кастеев искусства.
Абылхан Кастеев (1904-1973)народный художник Республики Казахстан,лауреат
Ч. Валиханов Государственной премии Казахской ССР
Один из первых казахских художников, Абылхан Кастеев своим талантом и творческой самоотверженностью воплощает яркое явление в истории изобразительного искусства Казахстана. Абылхан Кастеев родился 1 января 1904 года в поселке Chizhin, области Жаркента в Талды-Курганской области в семье бедного пастуха. В 1929 году судьба привела его в Алма-Ату, где в течение двух лет он занимался в художественной студии Н. г. Хлудова.

In 1930, Abylkhan Kasteev made his first trip to Moscow. In 1934, he participated in an amateur painting contest in Alma-Ata and in the Republican contest for the creation of the Abai portrait and illustrations of his works. For the first time, he participated in the exhibition of Kazakhstan artists at the State Museum of Arts of the Peoples of the East in Moscow. From then on, Abylkhan Kasteev is a regular participant of the all-union, republican and city exhibitions.

В 1930 году Абылхан Кастеев совершил свою первую поездку в Москву. В 1934 году он принял участие в любительском конкурсе живописи в Алма-Ате и в республиканского конкурса на создание Абая портрет и иллюстрации к его произведениям. Впервые участвовал в выставке казахстанских художников в Государственном музее искусств народов Востока в Москве. С тех пор, Абылхан Кастеев постоянный участник всесоюзных, республиканских и городских выставках.

 Through the 1934-1936 period Abylkhan Kasteev lived in Moscow and attended the N. Krupskaya art studio of folk creative art. In 1937, he joined the Union of Artists of the USSR. In the 1930s and 1940s, he worked over the “Old and New Life” series of watercolors, which reflected the artist’s thoughts  about the "leaving" past. In 1942, the artist’s first personal exhibition was held in Alma-Ata dedicated to the 15th anniversary of his creative art. The same year, A. Kasteev was awarded the title of the Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR. In 1944, he received the title of the People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR.

В период 1934-1936 Абылхан Кастеев жил в Москве и учился в Н. Крупской художественной студии народного творчества. В 1937 году он вступил в Союз художников СССР. В 1930-х и 1940-х годов, он работал над “старая " и " новая жизнь” серию акварелей, в которых отражены Думы художника о "оставив" прошлое. В 1942 году, первая персональная выставка художника состоялась в Алма-Ате, посвященная 15-летию творческой деятельности. В том же году А. Кастеев было присвоено звание заслуженного деятеля искусств Казахской ССР. В 1944 году он получил звание народного артиста Казахской ССР

Көне дәуір өнері-Древнее искусство- AncientArt

Exposition of the opens with the hall of the ancient art of Kazakhstan where one can find engraving petroglyths, applied art, samples of monumental and small plastic art-the monuments of the Paleolithic age, Bronze age and the Early Iron age, Scythian-Sarmat civilization, the Saki culture, the Turkic kaganat. The exposition of the hall familiarizes one with the ancient national architecture. On display were are fragments of the décor on monuments of medieval architecture.

Экспозицию открывает зал древнего искусства Казахстана где можно найти петроглифы гравюра, декоративно-прикладного искусства, образцы монументальной и мелкой пластики-памятники палеолита, бронзы и раннего железного века, Скифо-Сарматской цивилизации, Саки культура тюркский каганат. Экспозиция зала знакомит с древней национальной архитектуры. На выставке были представлены фрагменты декора на памятниках архитектуры.

Appendix 1

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan was built in 1986 in Almaty. It hosts four large exhibition halls, covering hundreds of unique Kazakh exhibits including spiritual and cultural material describing the thousand-year history of the country.

(3) The A. Kasteyev State Museum of ArtsThe State Arts Museum named after A. Kasteyev, the first Kazakh professional artist. It includes over 20 thousand exhibits in its collection (painting, graphics, sculpture, theatre, and decorative art). It is a member of ICOM, the International Confederation of Museums. There are fourteen permanent, temporary and traveling exhibitions. The Museum's collection traces the art history of the East and West from ancient to present times.

(4) The State Book Museum.The Museum was founded in 1977. Its exhibitions show the history of Kazakh writing and printing as well as modern publications in Kazakhstan. The collection covers over 20 thousand exhibits, including rare original manuscripts, current periodical editions, ancient drawings, booklets, emblems and charts.

(5) The Geology Museum of the Academy of Science.Its main exhibition includes collections of the natural mineral resources and stones of Kazakhstan. Visitors of all ages will enjoy the interactive computer show, demonstrating different geological processes. The Museum also includes a shop selling jewelry, fragments of ancient rocks and precious stones. This is a good place to buy gills, jewels from ancient Kazakh culture and modern art. The Museum also organizes a five-day geological tour throughout the Zhailiy Alatau region.

Appendix 2


The date of establishment

Specific features

Type of exhibits

1.The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2. The A.Kasteev State Museum of Arts

3.The State Museum of National Musical Instruments

4.The State Book Museum

5.The Geology Museum of the Academy of Science

Appendix 1

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan was built in 1986 in Almaty. It hosts four large exhibition halls, covering hundreds of unique Kazakh exhibits including spiritual and cultural material describing the thousand-year history of the country.

(3) The A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts

The State Arts Museum named after A. Kasteyev, the first Kazakh professional artist. It includes over 20 thousand exhibits in its collection (painting, graphics, sculpture, theatre, and decorative art). It is a member of ICOM, the International Confederation of Museums. There are fourteen permanent, temporary and traveling exhibitions. The Museum's collection traces the art history of the East and West from ancient to present times.

(4)The State Book Museum

The Museum was founded in 1977. Its exhibitions show the history of Kazakh writing and printing as well as modern publications in Kazakhstan. The collection covers over 20 thousand exhibits, including rare original manuscripts, current periodical editions, ancient drawings, booklets, emblems and charts.

(5) The Geology Museum of the Academy of Science

Its main exhibition includes collections of the natural mineral resources and stones of Kazakhstan. Visitors of all ages will enjoy the interactive computer show, demonstrating different geological processes. The Museum also includes a shop selling jewelry, fragments of ancient rocks and precious stones. This is a good place to buy gills, jewels from ancient Kazakh culture and modern art. The Museum also organizes a five-day geological tour throughout the Zhailiy Alatau region.



The date of establishment

Specific features

Type of exhibits

1.The Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Early 1930s in Almaty

4 large halls

Spiritual and cultural material

2. The A.Kasteev State Museum of Arts


20 thousand exhibits;

14 exhibitions

Painting, graphics, sculpture, theatre ,decorative art

3.The State Museum of National Musical Instruments


Includes personal dombras of poets, composers

Kazakh Musical Instruments

4.The State Book Museum


Over 20thousand exhibits (original manuscripts)

Kazakh writing and printing; ancient drawings, emblems

5.The Geology Museum of the Academy of Science


Interactive computer show; a 5-day tour throughout the Zhailiy Alatau region

Natural mineral resources and stones of Kazakhstan

Центральный Государственный музей Республики Казахстан
Центральный Государственный музей Республики Казахстан был построен в 1986 году в Алматы. Здесь проводятся четыре крупных выставочных залов, охватывающих сотни уникальных экспонатов казахского в том числе духовные и культурные материалы, рассказывающие о тысячелетней истории страны.
(3) А. Кастеева Государственный музей искусств
Государственный музей искусств имени А. Кастеева,...

(3) А. Кастеева Государственный музей искусств
Государственный музей искусств имени А. Кастеева, первым казахским профессиональным художником. Она включает в себя более 20 тыс. экспонатов в своей коллекции (живопись, графика, скульптура, театр и декоративно-прикладного искусства). Он является членом международного Совета музеев, Международной Конфедерации музеев. Существует четырнадцать постоянных, временных и передвижных выставок. Коллекция музея прослеживает историю искусств Востока и Запада с древнейших времен до современности.
(4) Государственный Музей Книги
Музей был основан в 1977 году. Его экспозиция посвящена истории казахской письменности и печати, а также современных публикаций в Казахстане. В коллекции представлены более 20 тысяч экспонатов, включая редкие оригинальные статьи, текущие периодические издания, древние рисунки, буклеты, эмблемы и графики.
(5) В геологический музей Академии наук
Его основная экспозиция включает в себя коллекции из природных минеральных ресурсов и камней Казахстана. Посетители всех возрастов будут наслаждаться интерактивные компьютерные показа различных геологических процессов. В Музее также включает в себя магазин ювелирных изделий, осколков древних пород и драгоценных камней. Это хорошее место, чтобы купить жабры камни из древней казахской культуры и современного искусства. Музей также организует пятидневный геологический тур по Zhailiy Алатауском районе.

The theme of the lesson: The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan.

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: to give more information about our countriesthe flora and fauna, to enrich pupil’s knowledge about the flora and fauna of Kazakhstan.

Developing:to help the developing of the psychological processes( memory, mind, imagination, attention, critical thinking, logical thinking,) to stimulate the developing of the listening, speaking, reading, writing skills, to develop pupils’ abilities in monological and dialogical speech; to develop the students’ interest in the subject of English.

Bringing up:upbringing of the respectful attitude towards the nature;forming of the positive motivation toward the studying of English;forming of the intellectual working skills.

The type of the lesson:Demonstrative lesson

Methods of the lesson: showing, explaining, group work, individual work, question-answer.

The visual aids: lecture, the map of Kazakhstan, postcards, pictures,interactive board.

Connection of the subjects: Kazakh, Geography, History.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment: Good morning? Glad to see you! How are you? What date is it? Who is absent today? What problem has he (she)? Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s start!


Dear students, I know you love birds and animals. You take care of them I am sure. You will be glad to speak about the flora and fauna of Kazakhstan.

animals: name them

plants: name them

Our new theme is “The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan”

I will introduce you with the new words

I’ll give you papers with the texts

Read the text and make a list of species.

People Nature Land


The world

around us



Plants Sun Rivers



III. Phonetic Drill.

The Earth is a garden

It’s a beautiful place

For all living creatures

For all the human races

Helping Mother Earth

We can peacefully roam

We all diverse a place

We can call our home.

III.Checking the home task:

1.To speak about the ecological problems of Kazakhstan

To make Code of Ecological Rules.

Now children let’s make Code of Ecological Rules.


Now is time to make a Green Tree. I want you to use the tree leaf and write a promise. Collect all your tree leaves and make a Green Tree.

IV. Demonstration of the new language:

Write and Read your promises.

Species – түріMammal– сүтқоректі

Amphibian – қосмекендіReptile– бауырымен жорғалаушы

Moufflon-wildsheepGlacier– шың, мұздық

Falcon– қыранExtinction– жойылу, өшу

Saiga– ақбөкенGazelle– қарақұйрық

Polecat–күзенElk – бұлан

Marten– сусарDeer- елік

Wild boar- қабанBadger– борсық

Marmot – суырGopher- саршұнақ

Steppes-түз дала Mountain-таулы

Well, let’s work with the text. The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan.

Over six thousand kinds of plants are growing in Kazakhstan, on its open spaces it is possible to meet about 500 kinds of birds, 178 kinds of animals, 49 kinds of reptiles, 12 kinds of amphibians, and in the rivers and lakes – 107 kinds of fishes.

A variety of invertebrate animals here is even more: not only there are more then thousand kinds of insects. Mollusks, worms, spiders, crustaceous and others living in Kazakhstan are not less than 30 thousand kinds.

Northern Kazakhstan is fertile humus forest – steppe: to the south – steppe, behind them semi-deserts and sandy deserts with haloxylon thickets. On slopes of mountains are located the coniferous woods.

Only in Kazakhstan live such rare animals as Transcaspian urial, long-needle hedgehog and some wild cats: caracal and desert cat. In the Altai mountains of Kazakhstan, covered with taiga woods you will meet a giant moose, beautiful deer, our smallest deer – musk deer, famous sable, chipmunk.

On high-mountainous lake Markakol in Southern Altai of Kazakhstan was founded a national park for protection of flora and fauna, especially of fishes. On lakes there are a lot of waterfowl birds. And in the woods on its coast were kept nesting-places of such rare birds as fish hawk and black stork; at tops are living very rare here snow cock.

The steppes of Kazakhstan are magnificent. The special charm to them is given by fresh and salty lakes, on which are thousands of waterfowls and coastal birds submitted tens kinds of ducks, geese, gull, sea swallow, herons.

V.Making a scheme

How many species of animals does Kazakhstan have?

How many species of birds Kazakhstan have?

How many species of reptiles does Kazakhstan have?

How many species of amphibians does Kazakhstan have?

How many species of fishes does Kazakhstan have?

How many species of insects does Kazakhstan have?

Where wild animals live?

VI. Make up some sentences with words in the text.

Make true sentences.

1. The eagle in the mountains lives.

2. Wolves eat meat.

3. Camels lives in the deserts.

4. I have two rabbits.

5. I like fox and cats.

6. Over six thousand kinds of plants are growing in Kazakhstan.

7. The steppes of Kazakhstan are magnificent.




3. Cats

4. Reptiles


Where do they grow? Look at the pictures of flowers and put.Them into the climatic zones:


2. Mountains

In this book there are many animals. There are many fish, birds and animals. They are in danger. We must defend these animals because they are very rare or extinct. We have in our land 9 reserves.

They a: Aksu-Zhabagaly, Almaty, Markhakol, the West Altay, Khorgalzhyn, Nauryzym, Barsakelmes, Usturt, Karatau, Alakol. In these reserves there are many animals and people work with animals all day.

VIII. Grammar practice.

IX. Conclusion of the lesson. Do the task true or false.




A camel can live without water.


The cleverest animal is a horse


Tigers and lions are the cleverest animals in the world.


A camel lives in the desert. It needs little water.


A tiger is a small cat and it is weak.

Read about the animals match the pictures with the descriptions

1.This animal sleeps all winter

2. It lives in the desert. It needs very little water.

3. It has got long ears. It eats carrots

4. It is a big cat. It lives in the jungle.

5. This animals looks like a dog but it is wild

6.It lives in Africa and India. It eats grass, leaves.

X.So boys and girls, our lesson is coming to the end. You have learned a lot. Thank you very much. Open your diaries and write down your homework: to learn by heart the new words, to retell the text

As a conclusion, I want to read a small poem for you. Remember it, please!

РефлексияIf the lesson was interesting for you, put this card  into the box on my table. If the lesson was boring, put this card  into the box.  Your marks are…The lesson is over. Good bye

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