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Test "Modern means of communication"

Самостоятельная работа по теме Modern means of communication 9 класс

Содержимое разработки

1.Write 6 means of communication.

1.____________ 4.__________

2.____________ 5.__________

3.____________ 6.__________

2. Match the words:

  1. wire a) средства связи

  2. to deliver b)беспроводной

  3. interact c)переносной

  4. remote d)доставлять

  5. means of communication e)заменить

  6. portable f)провод

  7. replace g)отдаленный

  8. wireless h)взаимодействовать

3. Use un-, in- or im- to change the meaning of the adjective into negative.

1.able 5.possible

2.countable 6.accurate

3.polite 7.reliable

4.real 8.practical

4.Make up sentences matching the beginnings and the endings. Use the correct relative pronouns.

Model: Apple is a multinational technology company which/that is considered to be one of the Big Four of technology along with Amazon, Google and Facebook.

1. Apple is a multinational technology company

2. Steve Jobs was a pioneer in the microcomputer revolution

3. Mark Zuckerberg is the person

4. Nickolai and Pavel Durov were the people

5. Twitter is an online news and social networking service

6. Larry Page and Sergei Brin are the people

7. Facebook messenger is a messaging app and platform





a)founded Google— the world’s largest Internet company.

b)was originally developed as Facebook Chat in 2008.

c)hit the world in the 1970s.

d)is considered to be one of the BigFour of technology along with Amazon, Google and Facebook.

e)uses post messages known as ‘tweets’.

f)idea was to launch Telegram— an instant messaging service.

g)founded Facebook.

  1. _______________________________________________________________________

  2. _______________________________________________________________________

  3. _______________________________________________________________________

  4. _______________________________________________________________________

  5. _______________________________________________________________________

  6. _______________________________________________________________________

  7. _______________________________________________________________________

5.Complete the sentences with the new words.

Communication, device, communication, wire, network, means

1. Somebody had cut the telephone ____and the telephone wasn’t working.

2. After earthquakes they use special____to find people buried under ruins.

3. Belarus has a well-developed railway _____.

4. There is very little______between mother and daughter.

5. We get hundreds of messages by radio, television, cellular phoneand every other____of communication.

6. The Internet is an increasingly important means of _________.

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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