Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Тесты  /  7 класс  /  Тест к уроку английского языка на тему "Can people do without you?"

Тест к уроку английского языка на тему "Can people do without you?"

Методическая разработка, выполненная на основе УМК под редакцией В.П.Кузовлева "English 7", поможет учителю выявить объективную картину эффективности усвоения обучащимися лексических единиц по данной теме.

Описание разработки

Тестовый контроль – это оперативная проверка качества усвоения, немедленное исправление ошибок, высокая степень объективности получаемых результатов, восполнение пробелов. Таким образом, это дает возможность учителю быстро провести проверку знаний учащихся и без лишних затрат времени и сил обработать полученную информацию. Еще одним преимуществом тестов по сравнению с другими формами контроля является то, что все учащиеся находятся в равных условиях, позволяющих объективно сравнивать их достижения; исключается субъективность учителя; результаты тестирования поддаются статистической обработке. Использование тестовых заданий позволяет учителю определить, как ученики овладевают знаниями, умениями и навыками, а также проанализировать свою педагогическую деятельность. Учащиеся смогут узнать о своих достижениях или пробелах в учении, сравнивать свои результаты с эталоном, тем самым у школьников развивается самоконтроль.

A lot of famous people make their contribution to charity.

Read the information about the greatest charity pop concert in the

world in 5—7 minutes and write the answers to the questions.

1. Where did the concert take place?

2. How many people were at the concert?

3.    What charity organised the concert?

4. What did the charity raise money for?

5. How much money did the charity collect?

It was Saturday, July 13th 1985. The sun was shining and I was on my way to Wembley* Stadium to the greatest pop concert of all Live Aid*, the concert for Africa. Wembley Stadium was full — there were seventy - two thousand people there. The atmo­sphere inside the stadium was fantastic — everyone was happy, everyone was excited because of all the music they were going to hear and everyone wanted to do some­thing for Africa. At 12 o'clock the biggest pop concert in the world began. Everybody was dancing to the music. Everybody shouted and waved. Wembley Stadium is a big place and not everyone could get close to the stages - There were big TV screens on each side of the stage so that you could see the singers' faces close - up. As the concert continued people started to give money to Live Aid. All the time during the concert they told us how much money were donating to Live Aid.

Give the synonyms to the following words:

  • To help smb.
  • To raise smth.
  • To donate smth.
  • To provide smth.

Fill in the gaps with the following words: hospitals, to organize, cruel, books, nursing, parties, a member, animals, old, clothes, friends.

  1. I am. . . of the RSPCA.
  2. We help the РТА. . . meetings and. . . .
  3. My. . . and I sell old pictures and used. . . .
  4. We also visit. . . people in. . . and. . . homes.
  5. We stop people from being. . . to. . . .

Give the definition to the following words

  • a charity
  • a volunteer
  • voluntary

charityThe whole Live Aid concert finally finished at about 4. 30 in the morning. What a concert! They collected fifty million pounds for helping the needy people in Ethiopia. It made me feel good to be involved

Содержимое разработки

Test. The 7-th form. «Can people do without you? »


A lot of famous people make their contribution to charity.

Read the information about the greatest charity pop concert in the

world in 5—7 minutes and write the answers to the questions.

1. Where did the concert take place?

2. How many people were at the concert?

3. What charity organised the concert?

4. What did the charity raise money for?

It was Saturday, July 13th 1985. The sun was shining and I was on my way to Wembley* Stadium to the greatest pop concert of all Live Aid*, the concert for Africa. Wembley Stadium was full — there were seventy-two thousand people there. The atmo­sphere inside the stadium was fantastic — everyone was happy, everyone was excited because of all the music they were going to hear and everyone wanted to do some­thing for Africa. At 12 o'clock the biggest pop concert in the world began. Everybody was dancing to the music. Everybody shouted and waved. Wembley Stadium is a big place and not everyone could get close to the stages-There were big TV screens on each side of the stage so that you could see the singers' faces close-up. As the concert continued people started to give money to Live Aid. All the time during the concert they told us how much money were donating to Live Aid.

The whole Live Aid concert finally finished at about 4.30 in the morning. What a concert! They collected fifty million pounds for helping the needy people in Ethiopia. It made me feel good to be involved

5. How much money did the charity collect?


Give the synonyms to the following words:

  • To help smb.

  • To raise smth.

  • To donate smth.

  • To provide smth.


Fill in the gaps with the following words: hospitals, to organize, cruel, books, nursing, parties, a member, animals, old, clothes, friends.

  1. I am ... of the RSPCA.

  2. We help the РТА ... meetings and ....

  3. My ... and I sell old pictures and used....

  4. We also visit... people in ... and ... homes.

  5. We stop people from being ... to ....


Give the definition to the following words

  • a charity

  • a volunteer

  • voluntary

  • charity

Курсы повышения квалификации

Проектная деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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Тест к уроку английского языка на тему "Can people do without you?" (17.16 КB)

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мария, 24.11.2015 21:00