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Сценарий внеучебного мероприятия по английскому языку "12 months"

Данное мероприятие представляет собой интерпретацию известной сказки "12 месяцев" с адаптацией на английский язык для проведения внеучебных мероприятий по английскому языку.

Содержимое разработки

12 months

Сцена 1

(Сказочный лес. Появляется гном-сказочник.)

Storyteller: Do you know how many months there are in a year? There are twelve. And what are their names? January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Only one month is over, immediately begins another. And it has never happened yet, so that February came before January, and May overtook April. Months go one after another and never meet. But people say that there was a girl who saw all the twelve months together. How did it happen? I’ll show you.

Сцена 2

(Занавес. Королевский замок. На сцене принцесса с ее учителем.)

Teacher: Write, your Majesty, please. The grass is greening, the sun is shining, the swallow is flying with spring...

Princess: T-h-e g-r-a-s-s i-s g-r-e-e-n-i-n-g. Enough! I’m tired. Tell me something interesting.

Teacher: What should I tell you about?

Princess: I don’t know, something New Year.

Teacher: Well! A year, Your Majesty, consists of 12 months. December, January, February are winter months. March, April, May are spring months. June, July, August are summer and September, October, November are autumn months. Every month brings his gifts, and fun! December, January and February bring skating and a Christmas tree. In March snow begins to melt, in April there appear first snowdrops.

Princess: Wow! Snowdrops! I want snowdrops right here, right now.

Teacher: But it’s impossible! February never comes before January and September before August.

Princess: What date is it today?

Teacher: The 31st of December, Your Majesty. It is New Year's Eve.

Princess: New Year won’t come until somebody brings me snowdrops.

Teacher: But nobody will do this until April.

Princess: Then, tomorrow will be the 32nd of December, then the 33rd and so on.

Teacher: You are mistaken.

Princess: Sit down and write my law! New Year will come when a basket of snowdrops appears in my castle! Ready?

Teacher: Yes, Your Majesty.

Princess: You may go.

(Занавес. На сцене появляются два пажа со свитками.)

Footboys: Everybody, listen! The grass is greening, the sun is shining. New Year will come when a basket of snowdrops appears in the castle. Those who bring spring flowers to the castle will get a basket of gold.

Сцена 3

(Занавес. На сцене мачеха, ее дочь и падчерица.)

Stepmother: Have you heard that?

Daughter: Yeah, a basket of gold…

Stepmother: I know who will go to the forest and bring us snowdrops.

Daughter: And I’ll go and bring the biggest basket.

Stepmother (обращается к падчерице): Come here, there is one more thing for you to do. Now you’ll go to the forest for snowdrops.

Stepdaughter: Snowdrops?

Stepmother: Exactly.

Stepdaughter: But it’s winter, it’s snowing hard. Snowdrops won’t appear earlier than April.

Daughter: But they are snowdrops, they are sleeping in winter somewhere under snow. Go and find them.

(Падчерица уходит, вздыхая.)

Сцена 4

(Воет вьюга. Падчерица идет по ночному зимнему лесу. Появляется гном-сказочник.)

Storyteller: There she wandered and wandered almost frozen! All the paths in the forest were covered with snow! How will she get back? Suddenly she saw a fire, and twelve people around it. They all were of different ages, from teenagers to old men with beards. The girl went to the fire… it may be allowed to warm up? ...

(На сцене падчерица и 12 месяцев.)

Stepdaughter: Good evening.

January: Good evening.

Stepdaughter: Let me get warm by your fire.

February: Nobody has ever been by our fire except us.

April: That’s true. But if she has come, let’s allow her.

Stepdaughter: Thanks a lot (подходит ближе к костру, греет руки).

January: What are you doing alone in the dark forest? And what is there in your hands? Is it a basket? Have you come for cones in such blizzard on the very New Year's Eve?

Stepdaughter: It’s not my will and I’ve come not for the cones.

August (smiling): Probably for mushrooms?

Stepdaughter: Not for mushrooms, but for flowers. My stepmother has sent for snow drops.

March (pushing April): It’s your guest has come. Meet her.

(All months are laughing.)

Stepdaughter: I would laugh myself, but there’s no reason. Stepmother told me not to come back without snowdrops!

February: Why does she need snowdrops in winter?

Stepdaughter: She doesn’t need snowdrops, she needs gold. Our princess promised to give a basket of gold for those who bring snowdrops for her. So, I was sent to the forest.

January: It’s not time for snowdrops. You should wait for April.

Stepdaughter: I know that, but what can I do? Thank you for your hospitability, for warmth. If I have bothered, don’t be angry (берет свою корзинку и хочет идти).

April: Wait, please, don’t hurry. Brother January, give me your post for an hour.

January: I would, but April can’t come before March.

March: I don’t mind. But what will brother February say?

February: Ok, I’ll let either.

January: Ok, young girl, will help you. But you should promise that you won’t tell anybody what has happened to you and what you’ve heard and seen.

Stepdaughter: Of course, I promise.

January: Then, brother December, pass me the stick.

December: You are welcome (передает посох январю).

January: I’m the winter top. I’m the month of bright stars, frosty nights and white paths. I’m the coldest month, the heart of winter. I’m the oldest months. People say that with my coming winter finally begins. Frosts, start bursting! Snowflakes, come for dancing (ударяет посохом о землю).

Песня «Кружатся снежинки» + танец снежинок.

Dancing through the snowing,

Dancing through the snowing

Snowflakes fly.

Time is striking midnight,

Time is striking midnight,

Silence fight.

And the winter drawing,

And the winter drawing sky tonight

In white colours.

Smb is knocking,

Smd is knocking through the glass,

Christmas tree is flashing,

Christmas tree is flashing calling us.

Everything is changing,

Everything is changing all around,

Winter magic.

And appears from the forest.

And Snow maiden walking towards.

As a winter princess flowing

Through the snow.

And a team of horses riding.

And a group of children running.

It will happen once and only

In New Year!

January: Now, it’s your turn, brother February (передает посох февралю).

February: I’m the eve of spring. It seems that spring is coming, but, wait, I’m the icy time of snowstorms and high snowdrifts. Snowstorms, blizzards come and sing your drifty song!

Песня «Опять метель» + танец.

За тобой, не закрывая дверь -

Я живу уже который год.

И с тех пор, отсчёт моих нечаянных потерь,

Остановленный кого-то ждёт.


Опять метель: и мается Былое в темноте...

Опять метель: две Вечности сошлись в один короткий день...

Короткий день...

Ты, меня не ведая - прости.

На пороге долго не томись.

Ведь теперь у нашей, повторившейся любви -

Станет сроком давности - вся жизнь.


Опять метель: и мается Былое в темноте...

Опять метель: две Вечности сошлись в один короткий день...

Опять метель: и мается Былое в темноте...

Опять метель: две Вечности сошлись в один короткий день...

February: Brother March, take the stick, it’s your time coming (передает посох марту).

March: The bright sun becomes warmer. Dawns come earlier, dusks come later. There’s plenty of light and bird songs. Even the air is different, it becomes particularly fresh. And people say, that's the smell of spring. Even Pushkin said once:

Spring, spring, time to love,

How hard I thy phenomenon

What languid excitement

In my heart, in my blood ...

How alien heart of pleasure ...

All that rejoices and shines

Bores and vexation.

Give me a snowstorm and blizzard

And the long darkness of winter nights.

Oh, spring it’s time of rondeau…..

Танец “Rondeau”.

March: So, young girl, get ready. I’m going to pass the stick to my brother April. You have come to him, haven’t you?

Stepdaughter: I have.

March: Brother April, tell your story! (передает посох апрелю)

April: April, April! The drops are ringing in the yard! The streams are running in the fields. Soon ants will appear after a long winter. Bears sneak through the forest deadwood. The birds start singing their songs and snowdrops start their blooming. Look! Your fairytale is beginning…

Песня “Fairytale” + танец.

Stepdaughter (собирает подснежники): Wow! What a magic! Can’t believe my eyes. Thank you, brother April, thank you, brother-months, for your help. Now I have a full basket of snowdrops. It was nice to meet you and to listen to your stories. I would probably go not to bother you anymore.

April: Wait for a while, the year hasn’t made its circle. You may leave only when December gets the stick in his hand. And, by the way, I have one more present for you.

Stepdaughter: Oh, really? What can it be?

April: It’s a ring. It’s a magical ring. If one day you need our help, put it on and we’ll come to you together.

Stepdaughter: Oh, thank you so much. And I’ll stay with you to listen to all stories with a pleasure.

April: Brother May, come and take the stick it’s summer coming.

May: I’m ready to start summer.

June: Stop! But it’s me who starts summer, I’m the first summer month (начинает забирать посох). Give me the stick!

May: No! It’s my turn to follow April!

January: Stop quarrelling, boys! You are both very important. Some people say that May really opens summer, but June is the first summer month. You are warm months, then, dance us a summer dance and we’ll see who is better.

May and June: Easy.

Танец «Арам зам зам».

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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