Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Разное  /  6 класс  /  Страноведческая викторина по английскому языку «Do you know Britain?»

Страноведческая викторина по английскому языку «Do you know Britain?»

Викторина позволит повторить материал о Великобритании.

Описание разработки


раскрыть творческие способности учащихся с разным уровнем подготовки.


1. Систематизация полученных знаний, активизация их в речи.

2. Создание мотивации к общению на английском языке.

В работе принимают участие 2 команды. Каждой команде предлагается по 10 вопросов. Учитывается как количество правильных ответов, так и затраченное время.

Вопросы для первой команды:

1. How many parts of the country are situated on the island of Great Britain? (3)

2. What river is the capital situated on? (on the Thames)

3. Who is officially the head of the country? (Queen Elizabeth II)

4. What is the seat of the British government? (The Houses of Parliament)

5. Who is the National Hero of Britain, the defender of the poor people? (Robin Hood)

6. What are the oldest English universities? (Oxford and Cambridge Universities)

7. What is the London Home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace).

8. Where is London Zoo situated? (In Regent’s Park).

9. Where is the Speaker’s Corner? (In Hyde Park).

10. Where does the ceremony of the Keys take place? (In the Tower of London).

Вопросы для второй команды:

1. How many parts are there in the United Kingdom? (4)

2. Who was the Leader of the Norman Conquest? (William the Conqueror).

3. What is the full name of the country? (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

4. What was the first most terrible prison in Great Britain? (the Tower).

5. Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? (Sir Christopher Wren)

6. What is Covent Garden? (a tourist shopping centre).

7. What is a double-decker? (a bus).

8. What is Big Ben? (one of the most famous clocks of the world).

9. Where did the Beatles come from? (Liverpool).

10. Which street in London is called “newspaper street? (Fleet Street).

Содержимое разработки

Страноведческая викторина для 6 класса


Цель: раскрыть творческие способности учащихся с разным уровнем подготовки.

Задачи: 1. Систематизация полученных знаний, активизация их в речи.

2. Создание мотивации к общению на английском языке.

В работе принимают участие 2 команды. Каждой команде предлагается по
10 вопросов. Учитывается как количество правильных ответов, так и затраченное время.

Вопросы для первой команды:

  1. How many parts of the country are situated on the island of Great Britain? (3)

  2. What river is the capital situated on? (on the Thames)

  3. Who is officially the head of the country? (Queen Elizabeth II)

  4. What is the seat of the British government? (The Houses of Parliament)

  5. Who is the National Hero of Britain, the defender of the poor people? (Robin Hood)

  6. What are the oldest English universities? (Oxford and Cambridge Universities)/

  7. What is the London Home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace).

  8. Where is London Zoo situated? (In Regent’s Park).

  9. Where is the Speaker’s Corner? (In Hyde Park).

  10. Where does the ceremony of the Keys take place? (In the Tower of London).

Вопросы для второй команды:

  1. How many parts are there in the United Kingdom? (4)

  2. Who was the Leader of the Norman Conquest? (William the Conqueror).

  3. What is the full name of the country? (the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland).

  1. What was the first most terrible prison in Great Britain? (the Tower).

  2. Who is the architect of the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral? (Sir Christopher Wren)

  3. What is Covent Garden? (a tourist shopping centre).

  4. What is a double-decker? (a bus).

  5. What is Big Ben? (one of the most famous clocks of the world).

  6. Where did the Beatles come from? (Liverpool).

  7. Which street in London is called “newspaper street? (Fleet Street).

Курсы повышения квалификации

Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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